Sunday, November 06, 2005

Now that it's Sunday, do you think rioters will respect the Sabbath day?

The night's activity: 1295 vehicles torched, 312 arrests, and Paris hit for the first time since the riots started. In Evreux, rampaging youths armed with baseball bats directly confronted riot police.

Violent confrontations between riot police and hooded youths took place in Evreux where the shopping center 'du quartier de La Madeleine' was hit by extensive damage. There were injuries on both sides but police authorities were unable to supply any numbers (or unwilling to).

See this post for details on activity earlier in the night (ie. incidents not repeated in this post).

A McDonalds in Corbeil-Essonnes was demolished. 2 people suffered smoke inhalation when hundreds were evacuated from a building in Athis-Mons. In the Mureaux, 30 rioters on a roof, under the spotlights of a helicopter, threw objects at riot police.

Gunfire and cars torched in the City of Light; Chiraq silent

4 cars were torched in the rue Dupuis, near Place de la République, in a neighborhood were street lighting has been out of order for several days. Towards 9PM the rue Béranger (near the rue Dupuis) was closed off after residents reported gunfire from the rooftops. Once police left the area youths were seen torching vehicles causing an explosion which spread fire to the stairway of a building. Sunday morning, the police have issued a warning to neighborhood merchants to be careful (ie. you are on your own, people!).

Still no word from President of Ripoublika Franska, Jack Chiraq.

Françaises, Français, vous êtes dans la merde jusqu'au cou, Françaises, Français, démerdez-vous!

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