Saturday, May 27, 2006
Friday, May 26, 2006
Why bother?
Why raid for their documents under anti-trust when you just have to read the paper? They’re still virtual state monopolies!
EU antitrust officials have raided around 20 of the biggest European energy firms in six member states, under suspicion of abusing their market position.Further in the scam and PR exercise parading as a nation state, the EU has been paying journalists per diems to follow the (now bebunked due to the blatent crassness of the French exception) legislative traveling circus to Strasbourg:
France's Gaz de France, Germany's RWE and E.ON, Austria's OMV and Belgium's Fluxys were among those involved in the "surprise inspections" reported by the European Commission on Wednesday (17 May), along with gas companies in Italy and electricity firms in Hungary.
Brussels regulators were trying to find out whether the firms were guilty of "restrictive business practices and/or abuse of a dominant market position," particularly concerning access to pipelines and storage facilities, commission spokesman Jonathan Todd informed.
The program is being criticized by some members of Parliament who have themselves recently come under pressure to give up generous perks.
The funding for journalists can include payment of a first-class round- trip train ticket or an economy-class plane ticket to Strasbourg from any of the 25 EU countries and a daily stipend of €100 to cover hotel, food and entertainment over two days.
About 60 journalists from across the bloc are invited to Strasbourg each month under the program, which is administered by parliamentary offices in EU member states. Media organs that have benefited from the subsidies in the past include RTBF of Belgium, RTE of Ireland, ERT of Greece and ORF of Austria, among dozens of others, EU sources said.
Attempts to contact these organizations for comment Tuesday were unsuccessful
In other words, training scriblers to explain “how I learned to stop worrying, and learned to love the tax”.
Under the deal, member states gave €2 billion of "new money" on top of the €862.4 billion agreed in December, while another €2 billion was shuffled around within the accounts system to raise funds for MEP-favoured policies.
Dusty old paintings, empty opera houses, and other useless trinkets
Get over it, bitch. Shit happens.
My Graphic Novel Is Out
Update: la signature ci-dessous est remise à une date ultérieure.
Lire le résumé et voir un extrait de l'album…
Urban Legends About Saddam and Other Iraqi Falsehoods
French President Jacques Chirac, February 2003: "There is a problem -- the probable possession of weapons of mass destruction by an uncontrollable country, Iraq. The international community is right . . . in having decided Iraq should be disarmed."While Larry Elder reminisces about various VIPs' beliefs (and certitudes) regarding Iraq's WMD, Peter Wehner reminds us of
the urban legends we must counter, else falsehoods become conventional wisdom. And what a strange world it is: For many antiwar critics, the president is faulted for the war, and he, not the former dictator of Iraq, inspires rage. The liberator rather than the oppressor provokes hatred. It is as if we have stepped through the political looking glass, into a world turned upside down and inside out.
They just aren’t any good at it
Lefties try hoaxes and stunts in politics all the time, but much like the ginning up a fake United States Army Ranger or a mock US pro-Bush campaign group, they just don’t know how. It’s always betrayed in the vocabulary if not the terminology itself, as found with a fake political rap act ginned up by some lefties in France:
« En 1998, le groupe propose un morceau pour l'hymne de la coupe monde de football : "Marre des racailles et des nègres" qui sera finalement refusé par la FIFA. Le groupe se retire alors en corrèze pour composer le maxi : "Croix de lorraine" qui sortira en 2000 sur le label "Catholic records", un maxi totalement dédié au général de Gaulle et à l'église catholique, comme en témoignent les morceaux "Coq gaullois" ou "Un Christ court dans la nuit". »Not knowing much about civil society outside of their bubble, they mix up concepts to tar one with the sin of the other – mixing faith (positive to all but them) with racism (negative to all), patriotism (positive to some of them) with religion (positive to some of them.) That sort of satire gives away their position, because it shows what they wish Conservatives would actually be like. They're hoping for a geek-meme or something like it will send people their way.
In 1998, the group proposed a theme song for the World Cup: “Enough of the rabble and negros” which FIFA finally refused. The group then replied with something to raise the stakes in 2000 with “The Cross of Lorraine” which will be published by “Catholic Records”, and completely dedicated to General de Gaulle and to the Catholic church, with the tracks “Rooster of Gaulle” and “Christ runs the night”.
The only problem is that in their lack of sophistication and lack of capacity for empathy they direct this attention at nothing.
Remember – you aren’t cool enough, so drink the kool-aid and be a leftist...
When you look at “The People’s Cube,” for example, there is satire which actually tells you what they disagree with. The images above and below by “The Yes men” from what is meant to be funny, and a "guide" to dealing with Conservatives which says nothing intelligible other than that there is something relevant in having a distaste for grooming and shows a desire to promote effected speech that suburbanite kids think is genuinely “urban” - among do-gooders without any life experience, this is code for non-white people.
Meaningful politics, indeed. Especially for a politcal movement that draws Stepin Fetchit caricatures of Condoleeza Rice.
In reality it’s condescending to any urban dweller such as this blogger and most of humanity. It says nothing which is politically substantial, and depends on the fact that you just know what the associations are. The reason for the tacit communications is because it’s all unmentionable and extremely vulgar. It's largely made up of slander or is as mendacious as bellowing out “Bush planned the 9/11 attacks” or “it’s the OIL MEN who make gas cost more.”
It is spaghetti thrown at the wall in the hope that some will stick. It's an effort to train frustrated young minds that their presumed political opposites are something of another species.
They are quite literally Aping, just as a racist would disengage the real person from the imaginary demon they want you to see. It’s a way of making social and economic concepts just not matter. It's a discussion killer that replaces reason with emotion which is far easier to manipulate in people with little life experience using non-politics to do your politics for you.
And it sucks.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
EU's idea of a free market
Who says France's influence is waning?
Zapatero pyromane pompier
"Europe has to wake up and stop staring at its belly button". Miguel Becerra, a policy advisor of the Spanish government, speaking of the arrival of refugees from Africa. The skank is not staring at her belly button. The skank is staring at the infected, infested, puss filled, suppurating piercing in her belly button.
Zacarias and Osama
What Courage! What a Sense of Initiative!
How do today's youth mark their openness, show solidarity for the poor and oppressed, and fight against injustice? As Véronique Cauhapé explains, they do it in (hair) style…Porter des "dreads", c'est cool. Cette coiffure affiche une ouverture aux autres — particulièrement à ceux qui sont aujourd'hui victimes de propos et de comportements nauséabonds — et permet de se poser en citoyen du monde.
… Les nattes, apparentées à la crinière léonine, marquent donc une forme d'africanité et de naturalité ostentatoires. Pour certains, les dreadlocks manifestent un rejet des canons esthétiques occidentaux.
Meanwhile, the French have more lessons to give us…
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Hatred of America – over anything, and 24/7
Have fun trying to hector citizens about ‘human rights’ in China, Spanky.
Remember, it's just a movie
Never mind the bollocks your Western roots, it's the Sex Pistols new boss man
His master's voice.
Plus ça change ...
An Axis of Evil
Joining the anti-civilizational branch of the left, American bigot and traitor David Duke
Jew hunting in Paris
The report starts off talking about Jewish groups' deceptive methods and details the Tribu Ka's expedition into some gyms located in the rue Trévise in Paris -- all this to locate and identify Jewish Defense League members in retribution for some imagined slights supposedly taking place during the recent march in memory of Ilan Halimi, that Jewish cellphone salesman.
The report ends with a
It should be noted that 'Tribu Ka' is associated with French comic Dieudonné and are part of the growing anti-Semite axis (including Holocaust negationists) which gravitates around the Théâtre de la Main d'Or, theatre owned and operated by Dieudonné's production company.
Merci à Eric B.
Orbital pork
When you’re talking Euro-business, you’re talking bloated (selected) ‘champion’ industries engaging in long term projects that hang around the taxpayer’s neck. The usual ritual involves delays, cost over-runs, and the requisite overturned indictment of an executive a few years later.Far from stimulus, they weigh down the healthy parts of the economy. A “make work” project is still, after all, a “make work” project. In this case done up with a dozen flags, an alphabet soup of state managed entities in contracting kumbaya with the suffering taxpayer’s last “€”.
Then again, there’s always a breath-taking example of still not getting it. Such as has been found with the €3.4 billion Galileo GPS project. The reason all of the services they plan to offer sound so familiar, is because they already exist.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Market value of hostages up
It’s taken six months to break the taboo of discussing the matter in the European press, but the notion has finally caught on.
Michael Moore, a Liberal Democrat foreign affairs spokesman, said: “These governments have created a kidnappers’ charter. Everyone from outside Iraq working in the country becomes more vulnerable as a result.”Le Figaro and The Times (UK) report on what emerged as an obvious embarrassment on the part of the French, German, and Italian governments: the paying of hostage ransom – even to the point where the hostages are in some cases deliberately playing into the thin political motives and gains of the hostage takers.
“In theory we stand together in not rewarding kidnappers, but in practice it seems some administrations have parted with cash and so it puts other foreign nationals at risk from gangs who are confident that some governments do pay,” one senior envoy in the Iraqi capital said.Ray and David of David’s Medienkritik, as well as Clarsonimus, the mysterious writer behind “Observing Hermann” has been on this one for a while:
“After all, it was no coincidence that the two Leipzig-based engineers were kidnapped immediately after the German hostage Susanne Osthoff was freed in Iraq and while speculations were circulating in the media about whether or not ransom money had been paid.”In other words, the taking of hostages that companies and governments has become all that more appealing. The fuse is lit!
Wow, how true. There really does seem to be some kind of a connection here. I mean, in the interest of all of those tens of thousands of Germans down there in that awful hornet’s nest of Iraq we do need to maybe step back and take a moment and realize that we are only endangering them by speculating about the ransom money the German government so obviously and eagerly pays anybody willing to ask for it.
The failed model
All the European Social Model has accomplished is to create household chores.
Another myth is that Americans work more than Europeans. By now, a wealth of studies have found very little difference in work and leisure times between American and European employees, once one takes into the account the hours spent working in household production of trivial home services.It goes back to the creeping growth of government justifying it’s ubiquity by getting into every business it can, and then placing a burden on the population to pay for it. As one of the least efficient spenders of the change they’ve shaked out taxpayer’s pockets, one need not be proponent of small government to see that government at a certain scale is a structural economic problem.
A January 2003 study from IZA-Berlin compared Americans and Germans and found that "...overall working time is very similar on both sides of the Atlantic. Americans spend more time on market work but Germans invest more in household production." According to the authors "...these differences in the allocation of time can be explained by differences in the tax-wedge and wage differentials."The tax-wedge is a measure of tax burden that combines income tax, employment tax and consumption taxes to assess the overall effect of government levies on household income.
Conny Olovson of Stockholm University conducted a comparative analysis of the effects of tax regimes in Sweden and the US on labor market decisions by the households. The study found that while "market work per person is roughly 10% higher in the US than in Sweden, including home production on the side of work hours reduces the difference to approximately 1%". Just as before, higher labor and consumption taxes were responsible for the majority of the observed differences in the household decision to purchase or to supply home services using their own labor.Read the whole thing by Constantin Gurdgiev here.The fuse is lit!
Monday, May 22, 2006
Trader's Call to Arms
Dead Tree Roundup
While minimizing this news item, The Guardian had to stress:
Another survivor, Zurmina Bibi, said around 10 people, including three or four children, had been killed in her home. "There were dead people everywhere," she said.Oddly enough, every other outlet reported 16 civilian and 80 Taliban combatant casualties after citing civilian reports that jived more closely with that of the Afghan government, but hey, that’s not stopping the Graun from not mentioning an inconvenient truth about this shaggy shrub:Atta Mohammad, an elderly man who accompanied a group of wounded civilians to the hospital, told Reuters he believed up to 35 civilians had been killed and more than 40 wounded.
[Captured,] Mollah Dadullah, who is reported to be one of the leaders of the Taliban in Afghanistan, was captured in Kandahar.It seems they also can’t quite identify a cabal when they see one either.The fuse is lit!
Almost 190 Taliban members have been killed in operations lasting since Wednesday [17-May] in Afghanistan.
Regulating civilization (as if that will accomplish something)
The right to work features in the Opinion Journal, while the IHT covers the novelty of actually discussing the lobbying of the French legislature – government has finally met its’ match.
In France, it takes lots of work merely to be allowed to work. Just ask Louis Vuitton.The quickest way to sfuff anything, including ‘culture’, creativity, and invention is to put it under civic management. Like the advent of academic majors in things like jazz improvisation indicates little more than their mummification.
The iconic luxury goods maker recently hired 70-odd new employees so that starting last month it could keep its flagship store on Paris's Champs Elysées open on Sundays. You'd think a country with 10% unemployment, and more than double that in the immigrant projects that went up in flames last fall, would be thrilled to see a private company create new jobs. You'd be wrong.
The problem is that French labor laws put strict restrictions on Sunday operations. Though the churches are mostly empty and France is a "secular" republic, the Sabbath is sacred.
To survive in this market, one needs to be creative. Louis Vuitton found a loophole in the rules, or so it thought. The city of Paris makes exceptions to the no-work-on-Sunday rules for restaurants, tobacco shops, owner-operated stores and -- eureka! -- museums. So Louis Vuitton built a "cultural space"
On the other end of the scale, Internet-savvy activists made their opinions known en masse by e-mail.The question I have, is how do you get to be a ‘cultural official’ and what actual role could they possibly have?The fuse is lit!
"Rarely in parliamentary life have those elected by the nation - deputies and senators - been subjected to so many letters, e-mails, menaces and pressures," Michel Charasse, a senator since 1981, said during the debate, to resounding applause from his colleagues. "I would ask the Senate staff to rigorously clean the corridors of the lobbyists from all sides who jump on us as soon as we leave the hall."
Some legislators criticized the presence of representatives from two music retailers, Fnac and Virgin, who entered the National Assembly during debate on a law that would affect them. The store representatives, who were admitted special entry wearing badges issued by the Ministry of Culture, had been brought in to an area normally off-limits to demonstrate legal downloading, culture officials later told the newspaper Libération.
So That Explains It
"All those black cars and those bodyguards with their earpieces, you start feeling afraid."
A Horrific Waste
"What's going on here and now is not to be compared with the witch trials of that time" [said Molly, Elia Kazan's wife, in "A Life"]. "Those witches did not exist. Communists do. Here and everywhere in the world. It's a false parallel. Witch hunt! The phrase would indicate that there are no Communists in governement, none in the arts, none sending money from Hollywood to 12th Street."
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Self-absorption and the Arts
As if you couldn’t tell. Lou is making sure everyone is having some of that ‘total information awareness.’
The fuse is lit!Bias? What bias?
A typical day at Auntie’s house:
Britain’s goals in Afghanistan are mere fiction, a discussion of political left and right is announced with the forgone conclusion brought to you by a roadsign, and of course weeping mother Gaia to force open your checkbook.
In other words: We are all idiots. We may not think for ourselves. Our betters in the media will do that for us.The fuse is lit!