From ¡No Pasaràn!: With Love, from America we linked the following in Ring Magazine:
“Moi m'excuser beaucoup”
It would seem that for ten days a series of minor incivilities are taking place in the outlying "districts" of Paris’ metropolitan area.Maurice G Dantec,
Frankly, I don’t see any reason to worry. To the contrary, I believe this is the right time to give my sincere apologies to all of those I had a run-in with in first half of 2004 when I sent people I didn’t really understand a polemical statement by e-mail. At the time I didn’t quite have the words to express it. Yes, parden me, really and truly, especially to Arnaud Viviant and Jules Joffrin, to have dared to bend the truth about this country country which is, in all honesty, truly the Light of the world.
When I read in the press about the murder of an inspector in front of his wife and daughter, because stepped on the turf of three "young people of the cities" – the end of a road - I am say that before this cure of medical-ideological therapy which I underwent since January 2004, I would have probably yielded to uncontrollable anger and launched into an abusive tirade like a "wild beasts".
Very frankly, to show callousness to the three poor guys who were unemployed by BMW, because they had felt insulted by having a camera pointed at them from a lamp-post - it can’t be tolerated, especially not by me. In any case, having since read the work of Pierre Marcelle and Aude Lancelin, along with the listening over and over to Dieudonné sketches and the cassettes of the Koranic teachings of Tariq Ramadan, I think differently.
Thus, very humbly, I say it and I repeat: I apologize to all of the young artists who transform Clichy-sous-Bois and the adjacent cities into a vast performance of pyrotechnical Landscape-Art. I wonders why it wasn’t sponsored by Jack Lang, or Delanoë? It is beautiful, indeed, a city which shines at night. There are "thrilling nights" that are painted orange with the bursting of combusting gasoline. It would be absurd to deny the beauty of it.
And yet I hear voices filled with anxiety all over.
Would Islamic integration really work in the West? Could the rap culture, sorry for the rape of white girls and the murder of the French, and with twice as much will to destroy that horrible Western civilization, was integrated perfectly into the new "rebellious" morals? Would it turn the place over to a totalitarian ideology propagated by radical imams who are all from the Middle East?
Oh come on...
That’s just the specter of islamophobia realing it’s ugly head again. It’s a demon which comes to replace that awful old fear of communism from second half of the 20th century, and the more violent nazi-phobic psychosis of the Thirties and Forties.
Psychoanalyst-anthropologists like Malek Chebel are specialists in this area of cult psychology. He could prove during an Ardisson broadcast how learning about this makes use of force seem moderate while going into a rage when in passing I said that Jihad was doomed.
According to this highly skilled professor, because I’m unable (ontologically speaking) to understand the Koran, I took to reading of the collection of Pifou-Poche, in case I ever get to discuss it with Laurent Baffie who, with the basic dedication of Saint Thomas Aquinas concentrated quietly on his coloring book.
Once again, excuse me, everyone. I’m burdened by my prejudice, which in my opinion made "gang rape" a crime against Humanity like a renegade Serb soldiers.
An exaggeration all the same. Do you think that’s bordering on racism?
Once you disagree with the notions of that humanitarian majority, does that mean that you believe in your own racial superiority?
Of course it’s still necessary to lay down clear rules. Racism must be punished with extreme prejudice. But only if it’s racism by white towards others.
I don’t know how it dawned on me that I lost sight of this essential paradigm, but a black racist, or anti-Asian racist, an anti-semitic Arab racist, or anti-Indian are not actually racists.
Pardon me for being so forgetful. The psycho-geography neo-situationalists actions that these groups of youths dispense every night need to be included/understood to be the spontaneous and festive response to the daily capitalist grind. I thinking of writing a short essay on the topic, with Michel Onfray.
Bad omens which I could have been a part of, if I had that democratic spirit, will speak shamelessly of "civil war". I’m told that it’s even the term the foreign media used to characterize the situation.
I very clearly see the cause. Thank you, Thierry Meyssan and M.E Nabe – it’s obviously an American-zionist Machiavellian plot and christian-fascists who want to convince us that the Republic is on the edge of political-ethnic-religious explosion.
It has to be an odious twisting of reality, a secret plan by Villepin and Sarkozy, to talk of a future of the radiant days to come when the mosque crier sings, and thus prove that everything’s under control, and that these are just sporadic, meaningless aberrations where civil peace and national order prevail.
This is why, pardon me again, for being shocked that the imams of the burning suburbs require apologies from the government for a teargas grenade having landed accidentally on the steps of a mosque.
I’m shocked that the accidental death of two teenagers getting fried by a high-voltage transformer is an error the media said was a consequence of a police error, or that gangs of underprivileged-excluded young people weren’t the ONLY ones who caused this blaze of violence, but that the families of the electrocuted young people who had refused to read a warning sign were received by the highest institutions of the Republic.
All the same, to be moved by the fate after the fact of none other that the French working man!
Oh yes, pardon me, pardom me indeed. This kind of consideration would have drawn a harmful blow by xenophobic-racist-islamophobic-fascism to the pro-Zionist tendency. How perfectly condemptable. It is not because some young people, sensitized by the unsustainable position of the Palestinian people, who just came back from a vacation in Iraq or Chechnya, train live fire on French firemen and police officers on whom one must draw hasty conclusions; the fact that the cry war of these pitiable young people is the ever popular "Allah hu Akbar" of Jihad can only impress brains already influenced insidiously by pro-Jewish, pro-American fascism.
How dare one mention civil war!
Still, what a deliberated perversion, what a badly done twisting of facts!
This is why I apologize not just to the rebellious youth of the Paris area, but also now of Toulouse, Rouen, Lille, Strasbourg, Nancy and very soon of whole of France. I apologize to the defenders of the warm thought, the true thought, the right thought, the one that keeps the social fabric intact and supports the ceaseless progress of integration, that which goes into the streets to peacefully face urban violence.
My apologies to the media operating in the service of the State, my deepest apologies to their zealous servants.
Pardon me too in advance if ever someday I find myself making a litigious comment about the death of France.
November 5, in the year of our lord 2005
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