From ¡No Pasaràn!: Who needs cops anyway? That fatwa will surely kick in real soon now. we linked the following from TF1:
“Le "ras-le-bol" des policiers”
The "dissatisfaction" of police officersEnd of item.
Alliance, the main police union called putting 5 officers under investigation for aggravating a young man in Courneuve "disproportionate and unjust." The same young man was arrested Saturday, suspected of having struck firemen.
On Saturday morning, the young man who had been struck by police officers on Monday in Courneuve was arraigned in his home town of Le Bourget. He is suspected of having thrown stones at firemen on Friday evening. According to Michel Gaudin, the general manager of the national police force, the man, 19 years old, was identified among a group of young people throwing stones at firemen trying to extinguish a car fire in Le Bourget. The day before, five police officers who were put under investigation in Bobigny were filmed by France 2 who broadcast the beating. One of the two officers presumed to have struck the 19 year old was placed in provisional detention. This drew the indignation of the national police force trade union. The four other officers to one degree or another, were placed under legal control.
Alliance, the main Police union stated Saturday that police officers are getting"dissatisfied" that the officers were put under examination, and called for "calm and professionalism" within the force. "There is a very perceptible state of tension in police stations, including ourselves", said Assistant Secretary General of the union, Jean-Claude Delage. "We call on all our colleagues to maintain their calm, dignity, and professionalism that they have shown since the riots began", he added. "It is necessary to continue to ensure the safety of our fellow-citizens and also that of all our fellow officers and gendarmes who are engaged in the fight against these riots.”
For its part, the Aliance police union local 93 announced Saturday that the police officers of Seine-Saint-Denis could only provide "minimum coverage" with his call due to continuous operations dealing with rioters.
Marked Sarkozy "has sacrificed" [ED.: sold out] officers
Alliance also repeated that the court decision concerning the police officers of Courneuve was "disproportionate and unjust," especially that concerning the police officer placed in custody. Jean-Claude Delage asks that the incarcerated officer be placed under legal control, which could "raise morale" of the police nationwide.
Me Gilbert Collard, defender of the police officers implied in the court in Courneuve, has for its part marked Saturday Nicolas Sarkozy "to have sacrificed" these police officers whereas it "leads to the crime" in the suburbs. "On one hand, we finally have an Interior Minister who is really against crime, and on the other hand suspend police officers in a cheap political display", said the lawyer on Europe 1. "It is nevertheless scandalous, when one ties the hands of police officers in a context of a riot, reminding ourselves that we can’t blame an Interior Minister who calls these suburban residents 'riff-raff', and persists to".
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