The day after the 2020 election, I was banned from Facebook — for
the very first time, if I am not mistaken (and for God knows how long) — for sharing a handful of Instapundit permalinks in… private messages (PMs)!
That's right, it wasn't anything that I posted for the public on my wall, it was a personal conversation on Messenger between myself and one other person in which I shared two or three permalinks linking to posts around the internet (casting a modicum of doubt about the supposed neutrality of fact-checkers).
[Update: Thanks to Glenn Reynolds for linking this story; If anybody knows a way to contact FaceBook and ask them to speed up my recovery, that would be highly appreciated…]
On Wednesday, a lefty friend contacts me after seeing me during the night being interviewed on several French TV news shows for the Republican viewpoint during election night (France is five or six hours ahead, so my interviewing started at… 3 in the morning). An anti-Trumper, he made a bunch of snide remarks, asking, why would Donald Trump mention the Supreme Court instead of simply trusting the process and counting every single vote?
I reply by sending him Ed Driscoll's permalink of the video in which Joe Biden says that "we have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics" (italics mine).
He replied by sending me a Snopes webpage where Dan MacGuill had (yes) fact-checked the news report, calling it, invariably, "False" — but that's an entirely different story.
At that point, I thought he should know a little about fact checkers, so I did a search for "fact check" on Instapundit, and PM'd him the permalink about a fact-checker denying that Biden ever eulogized a KKK Grand Wizard' (since the person he was eulogizing turned out to be a KKK 'Exalted Cyclops').
I was about to PM a second instalink (regarding fact-checkers being nowhere to be found when whoppers are made by Democrats like Kamala Harris) when suddenly I started getting all these messages that my account had been shut down.
Strangely, for someone who has been trying to gather all the articles telling the truth about the bogus 1619 Project (see the list in the second half of this post), I was shut down at 4:19pm, or, in military parlance, at 1619 hours.
What happened? Was it the Joe Biden video? Was it the KKK post? Who did it? The computer? Or a FaceBook fact-checker a Facebook Drama Queen? And when will my account be restored?
Your guess is as good as mine…
Related: Evidence of Fraud in 2020 Election? A Surprising Number of Parallels with JFK's 1960 Campaign …
• A coup? On election night,
we watched states call for Biden before votes were counted, while states that Trump has a solid lead in, stopped counting
• Donald Trump Is One Tough Dragon to Slay