If it is true that one person's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter, then: Churchill = Hitler.
I forget where I read that, many years ago (Instapundit?), but that is what it all boils down to.
In that perspective, this post — divided into seven parts — will seek to examine dispassionately to what degree Gazans can legitimately be called freedom fighters (if at all) and to what degree the Israelis are allegedly equal to the Palestinians (if at all), with a comparison between Palestinians/Gazans and North America's Indian tribes added for good measure. (Obrigado for the Instalink, Sarah…)
1) Detailing the "Crimes" of WWII's Freedom Fighters
Let us take the most famous freedom fighters, the real freedom
fighters who were the Resistance all over occupied Europe in the 1940s.
(That Résistance which the Left's Democrats laughingly tried to embody during Donald Trump's first presidency.)
These freedom fighters did not machine gun civilians, German or fellow citizens (with the exception of individuals who were part of, and for being part of, the occupying machinery) and they did not massacre the German soldiers' wives or kidnap their grand-parents or behead their babies (although, yes, they did, later, shame the fellow (female) citizens who had given themselves to the foreign soldiers by shaving their heads), and they did not shout "(the Christian) God is great!" as they perpetrated the violence that they did carry out.
La Résistance gunned down soldiers and occupation figures but nobody remembers anybody taking extreme glee in doing so.
Western nations, occupied or belligerent, celebrated when the Allies won a battle or the war itself, but did not erupt in glee at seeing dead and/or defiled German and Japanese bodies.
Again: No shouts of "(the Christian) God is great!"
Surely must have been one or two who celebrated with glee, sure there were psychopaths (although that could be understood in the context of the times), but what is astounding about the Palestinians (or the Gazans) is how none of them seems not to be a psychopath.
2) The Left's Double Standards
is a single Palestinian voice, male or female, that voices condemnation
or even just mentions a measure of regret — possibly, "on condition of
anonymity" — for the attack that killed 1200 souls, many or most of
them unarmed non-warriors.
is astounding is that those, Arab or their sympathizers in the West,
who equivocate never do so in the opposite direction. When faced with a
Palestinian atrocity, it's always, "Well, aren't the Jews just as bad?"
(for this and that reason) — actually, it's always "the Jews are (far) worse" — but it's never, when faced with an Israeli
attack, "Aren't the Palis just as bad?"
There does not seem to be
a single member who is willing to acknowledge — even if only for the
optics or diplomatic reasons — how problematic the violence is. If you
want to equivocate, in the process of sheltering an honest mind, shouldn't
you be just as open to criticizing the Palestinian side?
Whether you
are in an army (in the army of the Lord?) or a non- combatant, you do
not machine gun people who are disarmed and you
do not not machine gun people (military or civilians) who are ready to
surrender (and unarmed people are obviously ready to — they have no
other choice but to — surrender).
You refrain from killing, but also torturing both troops and TikTok influencers such as
the German tattoo artist who is obviously dead — Shani Louk's bloodied
face seems to have been bashed in — all of whose limbs seem to have been
torn from their sockets (was the naked German mass raped before or
after the horrific torture?). Incidentally, it is not one Gazan who is
seen spitting on her body, it is two, and the spitting obviously
occurred over and over as the gleeful shout ALLAH AKBAR rose again and
3) The Savagery that Hamas Unleashed at the Rave Was Against the Type of Peaceniks Who Are Now Defending Their Actions
Actually, not only do the Palestinians seem evil and cruel, they
also turn out to be exceedingly stupid. Who did they machine gun? The
crowd dancing at the rave for "peace" and "love and unity" were obviously most of them
pro-peace and pro-tolerance (and probably anti-Netanyahu, for that matter) and therefore pro-Palestinian "peaceniks",
the type of person who would speak of karma besides giving lip service
to the question, "Why doesn't Israel just leave the occupied
territories?" (You wonder how many of them were even Jewish — not that
their being Jewish or IDF soldiers, obviously, would in any way form a
cogent reason for the terrorists to have acted so barbarically…)
Among the numerous dead were all five members of the Kutz family.
Aviv Kutz, 54, his wife, Livnat, 49, and their children, Rotem, 19, Yonatan 17, and Yiftach 15, were murdered by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7 in their home on the Kfar Aza kibbutz, the Times of Israel reported.
The family was initially counted among the missing until neighbors discovered them together in bed with Aviv holding his family in a protective embrace, according to the newspaper.
… "On the day they were murdered, we were supposed to visit them," [their aunt, Adi Levy Salama, said]. "Aviv organized an annual kite festival along the fence with Gaza to show them that we just want to live in peace."
An annual kite festival?! For peace?! When one Dina Diab rejoices that Jews "were murdered, raped, beheaded, and kidnapped by the Hamas terror group on Saturday October 7th", tweeting "Zionist settlers getting a taste of their own medicine", the Lenox Hill ER physician is obviously deluded. Or a victim of Arab propaganda, you takes your pick.
That Dina Diab's tweet is reprehensible is one thing. More to the point, who cares when its content and message are obviously false, belied by the facts?
take an obviously simplistic example: it's like screaming with delight for
your football team victory when all the points won or all the goals made were done so with the umpires or referees not
seeing the cheating (deliberate or other). How can, and why would, any measure of pride enter here?!
The IDF dropped thousands of leaflets over Gaza warning inhabitants to leave, and that a full 24 hours before heading into the Gaza Strip. Meanwhile, "Zionist settlers" organized… an annual kite festival. By contrast, the "from the river to the sea" Gazans have shown no symbolic gesture they want to live in peace with their neighbors, while Hamas gave no advance warning, not to mention pity to the unarmed dancers they trapped in the Negev desert. Furthermore, have doctors Dina Diab and Abeer AbouYabis ever heard of roof-knocking? Nothing of that sort from the Arab side…
to see all the videos of people delighted with Arab fighters showing
not even the tiniest pinch of honor or the minutest tittle of courage —
whether it's machine gunning cars driving from a rave party or flying
an airliner into a building filled with unarmed non-combatants. Update: Notice this Young Westernized Middle Eastern Girl in France Who Mocks the Murder of an Israeli Baby in an Oven
incidentally, may help explain why the left and Islam are so ready to
cozy up with one another. As Matt Walsh states about Western Leftists,
For the Arabs — as for the Left itself — their martyrs/saints who can do no wrong, who can only be celebrated, are obviously the Palestinians. One (conservative) friend asked if I wasn't being disrespectful when I remarked that the Karma-babbling "peaceniks" at the Negev rave finally learned the true meaning of Karma — and I acknowledge that in my anger that I may have been mentioning it too soon — but it is the truth all the same.the left remains committed to their false narratives to the end. They never let go of their false narratives, they will stay committed to them forever, never let it go. This is the kind of consistency that they have. It's a bad consistency, because they are consistently liars, and they stick to a lie, but they are relentless.
… So that's one thing we learn. For the other thing, Leftism … is essentially a religion. And it's a religion of self-worship, which is another way of saying that it's satanism, y'know, it's kind of a secular satanism. And a cult may be a better word for it.
And any cult has its foundational myths. And leftism is the same way, it has its foundational myths. And the problem with a foundational myth is you can never really admit that that it's a myth, because it lays at the foundation of everything else that you're saying and doing.
If you admit it's a myth, it destabilizes the whole structure. And on the left, all of their foundational myths are based on victimhood. … They don't have many heroes, they don't have anyone that they admire, really, for being triumphant and victorious. All of their myths are about victimhood. All of their heroes are victims.
And very often, these are the martyrs that they invent — it's not even that these are people who died fighting for a cause, it's not like these were people who lived impressive lives and then were martyred. No, these are people who did nothing constructive with their lives, in fact in many cases were burdens on society, drug dealers, drug addicts, and then were killed, and it's the manner of their death that the left finds useful. Or, rather, I should say, it's what the left can say, it is the lie that the left can make up about the manner of their death that they find useful.
I mean, think about it: for the race hustlers on the left — you have the race hustlers and the gender hustlers — [for] the race hustlers, right now their number 1 saint, the highest, y'know, in the hierarchy, in the saintly hierarchy is George Floyd.
And then for the gender hustlers, in the sexuality wing of leftism, they have Matthew Shepard. And in one case you have a violent criminal drug addict, in the other case, you have a meth dealer junkie; and these are the two most blessed, most revered saints.
The following should be the only argument that people should make whenever confronting anybody at a pro-Palestinian demonstration, whether in the West, in Arab countries, or in Israel itself:
"The people that Hamas trapped at the rave party, hunted down for hours, and systematically slaughtered are/were you!"(It's not unlike telling a Western communist party member that the "traitors" that his heroes, Lenin and Stalin and Mao, sent off to the gulag were/are you!)
Obviously, a number of "woke" leftists would wake up — really wake up — even if the killing had been "only" against conservatives and right-wingers and soldiers, but the fact that they went after anti-war pacifists at a "peace" concert and searched around them for hours to gun them down point blank ought to wake the "useful idiots" even more up. Alas…
4) Gaza's "Innocent Civilians" Hand Out Sweets and Celebrate in Other Ways
But Jeff Goldstein (thanks to Instapundit) isn't as tender:
Understand this: Hamas and its supporters aren’t engaged in a land dispute, or protesting “imperialism” or “colonialism.” Hamas is transparent in its aims: to wipe every last Jew off the face of the earth.*.
Secular leftwing Jews who back every leftist cause, from BLM to “trans affirmation” to “Palestinian rights” — the cream of the self-haters and the sickeningly needy pleasers — will be killed with the same alacrity as Israeli soldiers, if Hamas and its supporters can manage it. They’ll slaughter babies and desecrate their tiny bodies; they’ll “dirty” women — raping them repeatedly — before torturing and killing them; they’ll execute any and all Jews whenever possible — and they’ll film and exhibit their barbarism while “innocent civilians” in Gaza celebrate, hand out sweets, attend mosques where the message is always the same: annihilate and exterminate every last Jew.
This is who and what they are — and the leftists and university activists and waffling media outlets and “world leaders” who sympathize with this animal behavior are complicit in it, providing it cover thru the twin Cultural Marxists poisons of “power imbalance” and the Otherness trope of Edward Said’s Orientalism, which elevates the supposedly marginalized to positions of undeserved power by using “victimhood” as an excuse for every special dispensation and every vile act they lay claim to.
There are no purely “intellectual” allies to the “Palestinian cause.” There are only evil people who are able to use sophistry and intersectional leftism to justify their deep-seeded hatred of Jews.
Hamas wants me dead. They want my sons dead. They have the bravado and deranged self righteousness to say so.
What I’ve learned, though, is that a lot of westerners share in that desire — and they cheer on those who act because they themselves don’t have the courage of their convictions. Instead, they live vicariously thru butchers and camouflage their ugly souls in the faux self-righteousness of phony “protests” over “apartheid” or “stolen land.”
For most of history the vast majority of people on earth have lived in a Hobbesian state. Putting suits and polished shoes on these tribal animals doesn’t civilize them nor magically grant them nobility.˙…
By the way, why so much blurring of bodies
(Shani Louk's contorted body, the face of the bloodied girl
taken out of the SUV's boot to the back seat) for no obvious reason?
The beheaded children I would understand, or a person half of whose
head has been blown off, but it is done far too often for reasons not
convincing. Such as a barely visible body 50 feet or more from the
camera. (Good thing that Shani Louk's naked corpse went unblurred on
a couple of websites, or her family might never have recognized her.)
I'll be honest: I may be wrong, but I don't think it is as much to
protect their privacy (?!) as to assuage the Palestinians' deeds.
Incidentally, where are all the "We are all Israeli" declarations?
Where are all the "We are all Jews?" Where are the "This is not who we are"? Where are the Facebook profile pictures
replaced by Star of David flags? Non-existent, like the absence of American
flags after the mass killing in Las Vegas — nowhere to be found.
Again: You do not open fire or otherwise use any kind of weapons on a group without giving them a chance to surrender (which anybody obviously will do if they have no weapons at all). This is why it is erroneous to equivocate the bombing of cities, whether Israel's or the allies' armies during World War II (even Hiroshima, prior to which leaflets were dropped over 33 Japanese cities urging civilians to evacuate), since it is clear that surrender is, and has been, an option.
Launching surprise attacks against unarmed civilians without warning and shooting without giving them a chance to surrender is the very definition of terrorism. (Are you listening, Associated Press?) However, writes Fox News' Joseph A. Wulfsohn, it turns out that what Hamas did was far worse, far more atrocious, than that:
foreign correspondent Trey Yingst offered a harrowing report about what a detained Hamas terrorist told Israeli interrogators regarding the heinous acts committed against his victims. … the terrorist "agreed" with the comparisons that were made between Hamas and ISIS, telling the Israeli interrogator, "We burned, we slaughtered and beheaded people."
"He said, ‘We became animals, things that humans do not do,’" Yingst said quoting the terrorist.
Beyond Fox News and the New York Post, we get a handful of interrogation videos from Legal Insurrection's , who uses the Hamas testimony to call their action "crimes against humanity." (Wouldn't that fit the definition of terrorism, Associated Press?)
And the Daily Mail reports that in one particular instance among many,
Hamas terrorists killed a husband and gouged his eyes out before going on to cut his wife's breasts off and chop his daughter's leg off, a rescue worker has revealed as yet more horrific details of the terrorists' savage attack continue to emerge.(Should animals like this be called militants, "fighters, attackers or combatants", Associated Press? Instead of "terrorists"? Really?!)

5) By Contrast, What Were the Jewish Reactions to the Cave of the Patriarchs Massacre in 1994?
Three decades ago, a Jew entered a Hebron mosque with an assault rifle and sprayed the congregation (if that is the correct word for an Islamic gathering?) with bullets, killing 29. I don't remember many (not to say any) Jews (or (m)any Christians, for that matter) reacting to 1994's Cave of the Patriarchs massacre with anything but horror and certainly not dancing in the street, handing out sweets, honking their pick-up truck horns, or shouting "Yahweh Is Great!"
If Wikipedia is to be believed, Baruch
Goldstein was immediately "denounced with shocked horror even by the mainstream Orthodox", … widely denounced in Israel and by communities in the Jewish diaspora, with many attributing his act to insanity.
don't recall Palestinians, or any single person at all, to be honest —
even on the condition of anonymity — voicing any denouncement of the
October 7 slaughters or even, for that matter, resorting to calling it
6) "Stolen Lands": Parallels Between Palestine's Gazans and America's Indians
Further back in the past, if Colorado is called the Centennial State, it is because it entered the Union in 1876, a century after the 1776 Declaration of Independence; but more pertinently, the territory's bid to become a state in the 1860s was derailed for more than a decade after it transpired that Colonel Chivington's victory at the battle of Sand Creek had really been a massacre in which Black Kettle had flown the Stars and Stripes along with a white flag in an effort to surrender and parley.
In the whites' defense, they were angered by such attacks as the Hungate family massacre ("The bodies of Ellen and the two girls were found mutilated, bound together, and thrown into a shallow well" reads the Wikipedia entry), and the authorities did not want a recap of Minnesota's Dakota uprising of 1862, which, — far from — incidentally, is used by oday's America-haters to excoriate Abraham Lincoln, although the 16th president's meticulous work allowed for the 303 Indians condemned to hang to be reduced to 38.
Nevertheless, a Congress Joint Committee, reflecting My Lai a century later, issued a report which said that
It is difficult to believe that beings in the form of men, and disgracing the uniform of United States soldiers and officers, could commit or countenance the commission of such acts of cruelty and barbarity as are detailed in the testimony, but which your committee will not specify in their report.
So there is a parallel between the Palestinians/Gazans and the "Native Americans", both of whom are romanticized as gallant and upright freedom fighters against gratuitous conquest. What is much rarely mentioned is the whites' animosity towards the "bloodthirsty" warriors being due to the tribes' psychopathic and gratuitous cruelty both in warfare and after a battle, towards their prisoners.
Among the men who complained about "the cruelty and rage" of Indians was Rangers founder Robert Rogers,
the corpse of whose brother was dug "out of his grave and scalped."
Richard Rogers had not died in action in 1757 but from the small pox.
we take a passage from
Allan Eckert's Wilderness Empire, we need to address leftists' typical arguments — "it's normal
the way that the 'Red-skins' acted towards Whites; the latter stole their lands from
them!" First of all, land theft, real or alleged, is moot: the methods
of torture were practiced just as well (and far more often) against
fellow natives as against Whites. Second, we're back to double standards
when Whites, past as well as present, are excoriated — such as the scandal at
Baghdad's Abu Dhabi prison, the photos of which may have been humiliating, but
led to no lasting physical damage, or indeed "torture" such as water boarding from which
one recovers to such an extent that special forces use them on their
own men to prepare them for capture.
See if the Seals would use any of the following torture methods below on their own troops.
"The Indians on the field of battle performed cruelties even the recital of which is horrible." (Bougainville, September 19, 1756) … "The cruelty and the insolence of these barbarians is horrible, their souls are as black as pitch. It is an abominable way to make war; the retaliation is frightening and the air one breathes here is contagious of making one accustomed to callousness." (Bougainville, September 20, 1756) … one of the woman captives from Fort Granville [in Pennsylvania] — a not unattractive widow of about 40 named Sarah Lawton — managed to slip away into the woods in a desperate effort to catch up with Armstrong's party and reach safety. She didn't make it.
With methodical brutality, as the Frenchmen and Canadians watched with approval, the Delawares staked her out on her back in spread-eagled fashion and then turned her over to the squaws whose men had been slain in Armstrong's raid. It was then about nine o'clock in the morning, Sarah Lawton's eyes bulged and her mouth worked, but the only sound that issued from her was a weird mewing cry barely audible. For the better part of the first hour, the squaws amused themselves by placing burning splinters of wood on her flesh and laughed as she writhed and struggled to dislodge them.
Next, while shrill screams issued from her, the squaws shoved knives into the soles of her feet until the points projected through the top of the arch, then ripped them out through the flesh in the direction of the toes. They let her rest for a short while after that and her screams dwindled away to an inchoate croaking while the ragged remains of her feet jiggled from the uncontrollable trembling of her legs. There was remarkably little blood as if the squaws had known just exactly were to cut so no major arteries were severed, causing her to bleed to death.
The respite was not long. A heavy squaw — wife of the late Chief Tewea — came back to her now, knelt beside her and, as if anticipating what the Indian woman meant to do, Sarah Lawton's screams once again rent the air. The squaw leaned over and in turn bit off the captive's nipples, spitting them into her hand and then forcing them into the mouth of the struggling white woman until she was forced to swallow them.
Hour after hour the tortures continued and, incredibly, Sarah Lawton never lost consciousness. Sometime after noon her screaming ended and only a strangled groaning still issued from her mouth. When at one point she tried to close her eyes to keep from seeing what was coming next, her eyelids were cut off. Her scalp was removed expertly and one by one her fingers were cut off, followed by ears and nose, and yet she lived.
Toward later afternoon her struggles were becoming decidedly weaker and she hardly writhed at all anymore when burning sticks were placed against her skin or bare skull. At last, just as the sun was beginning to sink, Tewea's squaw took a burning pole from the fire, its end pointed and glowing, touched it to the captive's crotch and then lunged forward, thrusting it far inside her.
For the last time, Sarah Lawton screamed.
Her body jerked convulsively and her wrists and ankles strained against the rawhide sinews which bound them to the stakes. One of the French officers, his face pale and set, now got to his feet, walked to the still-living remains of what had once been a human being, held his musket to her forehead and mercifully blew her brains out.
Again, before you bring up (allegedly righteous) anger for "stolen lands" and "genocide", that was how Indians treated their "red" prisoners as well. As for Muslim vs. Muslim, among the thousands of newspapers and magazines that I have read over the decades that stick out in my mind: I still remember how appalled I was when Le Figaro Magazine printed photos of Iraqi prisoners in the 1980s whose arms were tied between two Iranian trucks which were then instructed by Iran's military to drive 10 feet in opposite directions. (Quite different from the "torture" at Abu Ghraib.)
• Related: What Nobody Tells You About Indians and Other Native Americans
7) Americans and Israelis Are Constantly Compared to Nazis — Guess Who Really Fits the SS Bill
takes a certain amount of chutzpah — not to mention profound ignorance —
to embark on a permanent outrage machine crusade against Americans and
Israelis, when everything points to their being the two
nations/peoples most historically responsible for insisting on
enacting humane rules of war — whether in modern times or 3,000 years ago.
From the "recent"news department:
A mob of Islamist Arabs incited by Jew-hatred entered the town and killed as many Jews as they could find. They went door to door, broke into the homes of their victims, and slaughtered innocent men, women and children. These gangs raped, mutilated and tortured them while screaming “Kill the Jews!”
Over at the Wall Street Journal, Walter E. Block and Alan G. Futerman, co-authors of “The Classical Liberal Case for Israel”, recount a "recent" attack on Jews in the Middle East (toda raba to Glenn Reynolds):
That was 94 years ago, on Saturday, Aug. 24, 1929, in Hebron. The picture is essentially the same, only that then the Arab riots that included this massacre ended with 133 Jews murdered. This time, it is several times as many, and we don’t know the final figure.
Given that the events are virtually the same, the question is: Why? There was no state of Israel in 1929. There were no “occupied” territories, no “settlers.” There was no “blockade.” No security fence, no checkpoints, nothing. If the excuses of today’s murderers did not exist at that time, what did exist? A deep, maniacal, murderous and utterly destructive hatred of Jews—the same essential factor operating today, to which all other excuses are subservient.
… From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” chant the useful idiots at elite institutions and parades in the West. Who are these people? Atheists who support theocratic lunatics, democrats who endorse medieval tyrants, feminists who defend misogynists who parade with the desecrated corpses of women, gays who defend maniacs who would joyfully hang them or toss them off the roof of a tall building. They talk of a secular, democratic and socialist Palestine. As George Orwell observed: “One has to belong to the intelligentsia to believe things like that: no ordinary man could be such a fool.” But the world has now seen what “from the river to the sea” actually means. It is nothing less than a remake of the Nazi Einsatzgruppen.
This image is exactly right, as Cdr Salamander points out (shookhran to Stephen Green). It is taken by Powerline's CBD (danke schön zu Ed Driscoll), who runs with it:
Hamas created the Middle Eastern equivalent of an Einsatzgruppe, which were the Nazi military units tasked with one thing...the destruction of Eastern European Jewry. Should Israel treat them as if they are a standing army fighting under the flag of a sovereign nation, or as a savagely Jew-hating gang of maniacs that have been inculcated with one idea their entire lives
PragerU's Dennis Prager uses the same imagery:
the purpose of Hamas’s attack was to slaughter as many Jews as possible. No army base was attacked — because the attack had no military aim. Hamas Einsatzgruppen (the name of the Nazi mobile killing units) attacked a music festival, where they murdered at least 270 young people and maimed an untold number of others. Their other targets were homes, so as to kill entire families — because their aim was not military victory but the murder of Jews. Babies and grandmothers are not military targets.
In the perspective that German Nazism’s Successor [Is] Islamic Nazism — and with 2023 reports of people on the Paris metro chanting "We Are Nazis, We Are Proud!" — Ed Driscoll links to how Islamist hate has roots in Nazi antisemitism:
… the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt had a membership approaching 500,000 sympathizers and was the world’s leading Islamist organization. The Brotherhood sought to establish a state based on Shariah. It proposed to abolish political parties and parliamentary democracy. It called for nationalization of industry, banks, and land. It proposed an Islamist version of national socialism and anti-communism, and waged cultural war for male supremacy against sexual freedom and equality for women. It led the cry of opposition to the Zionist project in Palestine with language that made no distinction between antisemitism and anti-Zionism. It was recognized at the time by the Egyptian left as a reactionary if not fascist organization. Hence, al-Banna’s praise for the Nazi collaborator Husseini was not at all surprising for his liberal and left-leaning contemporaries.
After four decades of Soviet and PLO propaganda during the Cold War, then another four decades of Islamist propaganda from the government of Iran and organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah, the reactionary and antisemitic core of the Muslim Brotherhood and the ideas of al-Banna and Haj Amin el-Husseini have, for many, been lost from view, were never known in the first place, or are dismissed as musty historical details. Yet al-Banna’s statement that Husseini would “continue the struggle” that Hitler had waged against the Jews and Zionism proved correct.
… The realities of Palestinian nationalist collaboration with the Nazis were a matter of public knowledge and opprobrium around the world in the immediate postwar years
… following the Soviet turn against Israel during the antisemitic “anti-cosmopolitan” purges of 1949-56, the Soviet bloc and then the Palestine Liberation Organization succeeded in convincing much of international leftist opinion that these connections never existed or were insignificant. Hence the PLO, having obscured the Nazi connections of its founding father, was able to reinvent itself as an icon of leftist anti-imperialism.
… In 1965, Joseph Schechtman, who had worked in New York with the American Zionist Emergency Council in the immediate postwar years, published The Mufti and the Führer: The Rise and Fall of Haj Amin el-Husseini, a work that exposed the Nazi collaboration of the leaders of the Palestinian Arabs.
… Klaus Gensicke’s Der Mufti von Jerusalem, Amin el-Husseini, und die Nationalsozialisten … revealed that Husseini told German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop that the Arabs were “natural friends of Germany because both are engaged in the struggle against their three common enemies: the English, the Jews and Bolshevism.”
… In 2003, Ca Ira, a small left-liberal press in Freiburg, published Küntzel’s Djihad und Judenhass: Über die neuen antijüdischen Krieg (Jihad and Jew-Hatred: On the New Anti-Jewish War) [an English edition titled Jihad and Jew-Hatred: Islamism, Nazism, and the Roots of 9/11]. … As the 9/11 murderers denounced Jews, the United States, and Israel, it became obvious that they were repeating conspiracy theories blending the anti-Jewish hatreds that had abounded in the ideology and propaganda of the Nazi regime with the anti-Jewish hatreds expressed by Husseini and the Muslim Brotherhood in the 1930s and 1940s, and by later Islamist offshoots from Hamas to al-Qaida. Djihad und Judenhass brought to the fore, in public as well as scholarly discussion, the link between Nazism and Islamism which had been forgotten, repressed, or never known in West German leftist discourse.
… Al-Qaida’s Nazi lineage through the Muslim Brotherhood showed that the 9/11 attackers were not leftist anti-imperialists. Rather, they were a product, in part, of the continuing aftershock of Nazism in the Middle East. Nazism, which ended as a major political factor in Europe with defeat in 1945, had enjoyed a robust afterlife in the Muslim Brotherhood and its offshoots, such as Hamas and al-Qaida, which had culminated on 9/11 in an attack on the West, motivated in large part by antisemitic conspiracy theories.
… Knowledge of Nazi policy toward the Muslim world took another step forward in 2006 when professors Klaus Michael Mallmann and Martin Cüppers published Halbmond und Hakenkreuz: das Dritte Reich, die Araber und Palästina (Crescent and Swastika: The Third Reich, the Arabs and Palestine). The English edition was published in 2010 as Nazi Palestine: The Plans for the Extermination of the Jews. Mallmann was the director and Cüppers an associate of the University of Stuttgart’s Center for Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Ludwigsburg, Germany. Their research in the archives of the Nazi regime revealed for the first time that Hitler and Himmler had created an SS “action group” (Einsatzgruppe) that was prepared to go to North Africa in 1942 in the event of German military victory there in order to extend the Final Solution to the approximately 1 million Jews living in North Africa and the Middle East.
… David Motadel’s excellent Islam and Nazi Germany’s War … added still more evidence of the enthusiasm of Nazi leaders, especially Hitler and Himmler, for an understanding of Islam as a religion of warriors, favorable to authoritarian government, implacably hostile to the Jews, and thus a natural ally of National Socialism.
Indeed, another piece of evidence that der Führer was in no way beholden to any part of the Judeo-Christian religion (danke zu Stephen Green): Christians Save Western Civilization From Islam — to Hitler's Regret:
… on Oct. 10, 732, one of world history’s most decisive battles saved Europe from becoming Islamic. Interestingly, none other than Adolf Hitler regretted this development
… the führer — who further accused Christianity of promoting “meekness and flabbiness” — believed what many in the West continue to believe, particularly those whose worldview is colored by Hollywood: that, historically, Christianity only bred weak and feeble men, especially when compared to more “robust” peoples, in this case, Muslims.
• Related: "Hitler remained to the end a socialist"; the Führer "was totally irreligious and" wanted to hang the Pope in St Peter's Square
… Despite the fact that [the Hamas Covenant of 1988] has long been publicly available, scholars in the United States who regard themselves as leftists have bizarrely sought to present Hamas as perhaps an extreme element of an otherwise progressive global endeavor.
… From 1949 to 1989, the Soviet Union engaged in a depressingly successful propaganda campaign that suppressed public memory of the brief era of Soviet-bloc support for the Zionist project, the U.N. Partition Plan, and Israel, as well as abundant evidence of the Arab Higher Committee’s Nazi collaborationist era. In place of the actual linkages between leaders of the Palestinian Arabs and the Nazi regime, the Soviet Union and the PLO claimed that the real Nazis and racists in the Middle East were the Jews and the Israelis. This campaign of lies has proven to be among the most successful in world politics.
8) Why are we importing millions of people who despise and resent the West?
The example of the Muslim members of the Squad have been plain: they show no gratitude towards America and no attachment to anything other than the culture in the places that they came from (and which said cultures ruined). More than that: Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are Hamas (i.e., terrorism) sympathizers who have no inclination (in any matter, on any issue) to seeing, or even acknowledging, the other side's viewpoints — in truth, these drama queens are literally incapable of doing so — but demonstrate nothing but rage and hysteria.
Ihan Omar, a refugee from Islamic terror in Somalia, is about as sympathetic to the cause of terrorism and radical Islam as you can be. … what she lacks in martial fidelity, she more than makes up for in hatred of Jews, white people, and anyone who disagrees with her.
You’d think someone drowning might quickly develop an affinity for the lifeboat that saved them from shark infested waters, but that’s not what happened to Omar. Identity politics instilled in her a dedication to people who share her ethnicity and religion over anything else. She only condemns Islamic terrorism when forced, she condemns Jews and America because it’s a day that ends in “Y.” We don’t need more of that, colleges are pumping it out at a fast enough pace to outstrip demand already.
Then we have Rashida Tlaib, Democrat from the district I grew up in back in Michigan. She HATES Jews the way a fat kid hates not having cake. But she was born here. She’s a testament to the power of outrage by proxy.
Tlaib is Palestinian and, therefore, plays the “my people” card and uses that as cover for her hatred of Jews. Has she ever been “wronged” by Jews? Doubtful. It’s other people, maybe family, but the stories she’s heard second-hand from the indoctrination machine. That stuff works on the feeble-minded and people ready to believe.
Omar and Tlaib are products of the identity politics Democrats practice in this country. If you want to see where what is being preached on college campuses leads, look no further than those two.
The prospect of homegrown terrorist sympathizers and hatemongers is bad enough, we sure as hell don’t need to import more.
… As long as Americans and civilians of our allies are held hostage by terrorists, we have to be involved in Israel’s seeking justice. What we do not have to be, what we should never be, is an out for people impossible to vet from an area awash in anti-Semitism, anti-Americanism and terrorist sympathies. We already have enough of that, and too many of them are elected Democrats in Congress. We don’t need any more.
Meanwhile, Ann Coulter has a query:
Question: Why are we importing millions of people from lesser cultures who will inevitably despise and resent the West for its very success?
… This is an endemic problem. Israel can't do much about the neighborhood, but why on Earth is the U.S. importing preposterous foreigners from third-rate cultures? The failure of their ancestors to create anything worthwhile, certainly compared to the stupendous accomplishments of the West, is too glaringly obvious. Inviting millions upon millions of them here, to gawk at our magnificent civilization, is a guarantee of perpetual strife and resentment.It could never work. It was always an insane idea.
Instead of trampling on the free speech rights of people who hate the West, how about avoiding the problem altogether by leaving them where they are? They'll like it! Vastly fewer "white supremacists" to oppress them.
Ron DeSantis is right: we do not need more single-minded fascists and
indoctrinated psychopaths in America — or, for that matter, in any part
of the West (including Israel?).