Five weeks before the 2024 election, our old friend Damian Bennett has this on his mind:
Oh. Wait.
- ABC Admits Its Own Post-Debate Poll Shows No Change Between Trump, Harris September 15, 2024
- How The Debate Didn’t Boost Harris, According To Our Polling Expert (Politico) September 22, 2024
- Democrats Worried About Polls Undercounting Donald Trump’s Support (The Guardian) September 23, 2024
Democrats’ fears is the knowledge that Trump greatly out-performed
predictions in all three states in 2016, when he narrowly won them en
route to his election triumph over Hillary Clinton, and in 2020, when he
was pipped by Joe Biden by far smaller margins than forecast.
- Trump Sees Poll Bump In Sun Belt Battlegrounds As Democrats Worry He’ll Overperform Again (WaEx) September 23, 2024
- ‘Good News For Donald Trump’: CNN’s Harry Enten Says Trump Is Performing ‘Significantly Better’ In Swing States September 23, 2024
- Poll: Donald Trump Leads Kamala Harris Among Teamsters in All States September 23, 2024
Let's begin here. Up or down, favorable or unfavorable, the polls are
rubbish. If not rubbish, they are meaningless in a Potemkin election.
- So Many Don’t Want To Know So Much About Kamala Harris (Byron York) September 23, 2024
Bret Stephens] appeared on HBO’s Real Time With Bill Maher with the
MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle. ... Stephens suggested that “it would be
great” if Harris would sit down with Ruhle or other journalists and
answer questions. One might think Ruhle would want that, too. But she
does not. “Kamala Harris is not running for perfect,”
Ruhle responded. ... After video of the exchange began to circulate,
other journalists agreed with Ruhle. “This is infuriatingly
disingenuous,” wrote the Atlantic’s Tom Nichols about Stephens’s
suggestion. “‘We don’t know her positions’ is a straw man and Stephens
knows it. I’m pretty sure I know what her administration will look like.
… ‘Undecideds’ who say ‘but I want to hear more about her policies’ are
not undecided. They want Harris to walk into an unwinnable policy debate with the media...’ ... “Exactly,” said the Atlantic’s Anne Applebaum. “Real moral clarity from Stephanie Ruhle,” said Vanity Fair’s Molly Jong-Fast. “This is perfect from my friend Stephanie Ruhle,” said MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace. - Harris Repeats Call For Second Debate With Trump: 'There's More To Talk About' September 23, 2024
- Harris' Desperation For Another Debate Says Something About State Of The Race September 23, 2024

I went back and reviewed polling for 2020. People forget election
night 2020 they went to bed with President Trump 45+4 and woke up (
weeks later) with Biden 46.
Let me summarize where I am. The polls are rubbish. An iffy 2020 steal
repeat is in the works. Dark Powers are all stops out -- lawfare,
assassination, propaganda, censorship, fraud, cash payouts -- to prevent Trump 47,
but not confident in their doings.
Little prospect of a legitimate Harris-Waltz win, what is Deep Blue's Plan B? Fabricate 'winning' votes.
Keeping the polls cosmetically close, as if KA-mala is actually competitive, is crucial.
- The Unknown 2024 Election Variable: PLAUSIBILITY September 17, 2024
Blues] need the election outcome to remain close in the psyche of the
American electorate. Only if the election is proclaimed to be “close”,
and only if the larger American electorate will accept that foundation,
can those who are injecting fraudulent ballots continue to operate with
We are seeing a repeat of 2020 where there was NO evidence of broad
Biden supporter enthusiasm, and sometimes no evidence of Biden
...sometimes no evidence of Joe...
...compared to massive high-energy Trump rallies everywhere he went. Everything old is new again.
Now we are told to believe the
most unpopular vice president in American history, who both
brags on and
disowns the Biden-Harris record, whose
boss then
her boss's boss then
her own party then
her party's C(ash)-suite and
DNC 'journalists' schemed to sideline -- we are told to believe suddenly magically she has made this race not merely competitive,
but somehow she is favored to win in a squeaker.
The suddenness and the magic and the competitiveness and the favor are
lies. You are being fed lies because we live in an empire of lies. What
does this mean for November? It means a repeat of the 2020 stall to
fabricate votes +5% north of whatever Trump legitimately wins. Without
benefit of COVID cover the steal will be blatant. It will be flagrant.
And it will be valorized by corrupt institutions and bulletproofed by a
corrupt press. Objections will be treated as near-criminal and certainly
a danger to 'democracy'.
Is there anyone who still believes Joe Biden won 81M votes? Fewer people will own up to
voting for Biden than believe in those 81M votes. At this point
there are no undecided voters. There are only people waiting to vote.
People who poll as undecided are not waiting on Trump because Trump is a
known, and they are no longer waiting KA-mala who will remain
strategically unknowable through November 5. There is no more to know or
not to know. Nobody is undecided. If there are any actual soft voters,
they are statistically insignificant.
How might the Blue Powers cover their perfidy this time? Provoking a
hot war? Another cooked virus? Perhaps mustering their illegal alien
cartel armies to billet among the natives, to occupy and hold hostage
small-town America? One or more of these as a pretext for
declaring martial law?
The Blue Powers have worried themselves into the open, into plain view.
They no longer observe the niceties of pretense. They are ruthless.
They are prepared, I believe, to do what it takes beyond the law to
remain installed
as the law.
Good luck, America.