• UN soldier: Bashar! If you keep being naughty, we'll bring in Bernard Henri-Lévy!
• Assad: Oh no!! Not that!!
En moyenne, au sein de l'UE, les 20 % les plus riches ont des revenus cinq fois plus élevés que les 20 % les plus pauvres, mais les niveaux d'inégalité peuvent différer du simple au double entre pays.Depuis 2007 et le déclenchement de la crise, les plus fortes hausses ont été enregistrées en Espagne et en Lituanie. La moyenne européenne est, elle, restée stable.
Les inégalités se sont également creusées en France (+ 0,6) depuis 2007. Après une baisse dans les années 1990, l'écart est reparti à la hausse au cours de la dernière décennie, notait un rapport de l'OCDE en décembre 2011. Selon l'organisation, le système de redistribution (à travers les prestations sociales et les impôts), qui permet de réduire les inégalités de 30 % en moyenne, est devenu moins efficace.
Indeed today we are experiencing a Renaissance in the use of fossil energies instead: The rising price of oil and gas has not only led to a Renaissance in coal, but is also making the tapping of unconventional oil and gas reserves lucrative. The international Energy Agency (IEA) is already celebrating the ‘Golden Age of gas supply’.”As you can see, this is bad in their view, a calamity, except when they’ pause to make the specious “peak oil” argument (itself pulled out of somebody’s ass.) In that case, we are told to obediently follow their instructions to deindustrialize to head off the horror of energy running out.
A l'occasion du scrutin présidentiel, le Centre de formation des journalistes de Paris organise un vote parmi les étudiants de première année. François Hollande et Jean-Luc Mélenchon arrivent en tête du premier tour ; Nicolas Sarkozy n'obtient pas une voix. Le candidat socialiste rassemble 100 % des suffrages au deuxième tour. Un score à la nord-coréenne !Alain Frachon part alors aux États-Unis pour évoquerGrognards et grognons de l'UMP y voient la confirmation de ce qu'ils disent : la presse est partisane.
une grosse étude intitulée L'Elite médiatique. C'est du costaud, argumenté, documenté. Le livre [de trois politologues américains, Robert Lichter, Stanley Rothman, Linda Lichter] démontre que la plupart des journalistes aux Etats-Unis sont des électeurs du Parti démocrate. Il établit un parti pris systématiquement antirépublicain dans la couverture des grands quotidiens et des grandes chaînes de télévision. Il dénonce ce qu'il appelle "un biais journalistique presque inconscient" en faveur de la gauche, mélange de suffisance élitiste et de complexe de supériorité morale, qui, dit-il, ne reflète aucunement l'état de l'opinion.Retour en France, où Le Monde revient sur vote au Centre de formation des journalistes de Paris :
" Les journalistes sont tous de gauche ", assure une femme.Voir aussi : Le Monde a-t-il contribué à la chute de Nicolas Sarkozy ?Elle en veut pour preuve le sondage réalisé dans une école de journalistes : 100 % des étudiants ont voté pour l'autre bord. " Dès le départ, ils sont hostiles ", dit-elle. On parle ensuite d'Audrey Pulvar et Arnaud Montebourg, d'Anne Sinclair et Dominique Strauss-Kahn, de François Hollande et Valérie Trierweiler, pour montrer jusqu'où vont ces affinités électives.
This Is Not EuropeDeclares The Scratching Post, expressing reasons for optimism in America. Seeing how it behaves in the face of the problems connected with a childish world view:
In Europe, they vote for socialists. In America, we vote to put an end to the destructive, omnivorous greed of the public employee union parasites.
Greece’s Public Gas Corporation has asked power regulator RAE to take measures to protect the country’s electricity network, suggesting it may cut supplies to private electricity producers, which owe it €300m, Greek daily Ekathimerini reports. At least €100m must be paid to Turkey’s Botas and Russia’s Gazprom before 22 June.
Greek leftist vows to cancel bail-out, renationalise economyIt looks it’s playtime in the Comintern revival sandbox, kids.
Greek leftist leader Alexis Tsipras on Friday (1 June) unveiled his economic programme if he is elected later this month, pledging to cancel the EU-sponsored bail-out and renationalise banks and companies.Surreal repetition aside,
economists say his plans are unfeasible and mere electoral posturing.In which case new economists will be found. Or rather, you can call them “economists”.
To the extent possible, all goods and services should be provided free of charge to all. Goods available in abundance should be available without limit; those in short supply should be rationed.and there will always be the same amount of them too, I bet... To pile more onto the heap of things that I can objectively tell you were untrue in any collectivized economy, he continues:
Economists' arguments in favor of property actually "only prove that man really produces most when he works in freedom..."All of which is untrue. All they had to motivate workers was coercion, otherwise finding a way to turn your work into a way into a black market trade would be the only other reason to show up, sober or not.
Kropotkin argued that, far from shirking work when they do not receive a wage, when people work cooperatively for the good of all they achieve feats of productivity never realizable through economic or state coercion.
Yet despite the appeal a young politician vowing to take on "rotten, corrupt and discredited elites" may have with the electorate, his economic plans raised eyebrows among experts, as a cancellation of the bail-out would de facto leave Greece with no money and force it to exit the euro.This despite his saying that “there is no way back to the Drachma.” He’s right on that one.
Capital flight has made Switzerland rich, but now it threatens the real economy.Even the shrewdest parasites such as the Swiss can’t live off of a dead host for very long.
In August, the SNB had instituted a floor of CHF 1.20 to the EUR and had sworn up and down to defend it by printing unlimited amounts of francs to acquire unlimited amounts of euros, a potential fiasco if the euro were to collapse. Jordan swore once again that the SNB would maintain the minimum exchange rate and that interest rates would “remain at zero for the time being.”Panic now, while there’s still time, but don’t forget your coocoo clock.
“But there’s a housing bubble,” he said. And and a dangerous conundrum: "In considering the threats facing Switzerland, we concluded that the focus must remain on the minimum exchange rate. As a consequence, interest rates are at zero, and so we have enormously expansionary conditions."