Related: What If Winston Smith and Robinson Crusoe
Had Communicated by Smartphone Text Messages?
Good-bye, friend — Pelé (1940-2022)
Le Brésilien Edson Arantes do Nascimento, dit Pelé, est mort à São Paulo le jeudi 29 décembre 2022 des suites d'un cancer. Triple vainqueur d'une Coupe du monde, il était considéré comme l'un plus des grands (si ce n'est le plus grand) joueur de ce sport, le plus populaire de la planète.
Imagine happening upon this pickup truck in your neighborhood.
On Christmas Day, a car with a particularly large, uh, "bumper sticker" was spotted somewhere in the middle of Tennessee.
This decal is so well made — l'm not sure whether to call the vehicle a pickup truck or a "simple" regular car camouflaged to resemble a pickup truck — that when our small email group received the email from the photographer, more than one member did a double take:
when I first beheld this image I thought I was seeing a vehicle laden with perhaps luggage and items to head off to the beach. To escape the bitter cold and go somewhere warm and fun! As I peered myopically a la Mr. Magoo I thought to myself, wait I don’t think that’s a beach ball.
So I enlarged and zoomed in and saw that it was not a beach ball but Biden‘s head.Same difference.
The beach ball, a "brainless circular object", is probably why no one bothered gagging Joe Biden's face in the (presumably doctored) photo. Linda, the photographer, gives more details about the couple's reaction when they pulled up behind this, uh, pick-up truck:
We were dumbstruck and could not believe our eyes.I struggled to pull my phone out of my back pocket and I snapped at least half a dozen photos.You’ll notice I blocked out the trucks’ license tags.… I always block out the license plate to protect the innocent.
Good thing, or some leftist would probably call the FBI… The photographer ends her email with the note:
A girl can dream!Update: thanks to Ed Driscoll for the Instapundit hyperlink…
As a special Christmas present to you, we present Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre, Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary, George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984), Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment, and Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe…