Summit value? Not about results.
But the larger picture looks more alarming. Nobody has yet claimed responsibility for the attack, but it would not be far-fetched to assume that it is linked to the publication of the special issue published by Charia Hebdo on the day the attack took place. The incident therefore constitutes a radical resurgence of the religious curtailment of free speech - in the midst of one of the very cradles of freedom of expression. It was in Paris that free speech was first established as a fundamental legal fact in the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man - after a protracted and bitter decade-long struggle between the radical Enlightenment on the one hand and the Catholic Church and French Absolutism on the other - a history rife with burning books, which prefigured the burning piles of Charlie Hebdo copies on Tuesday night.Give them more undeserved attention, and some pregnant silence, and it would become George Bush’s fault or something... anything but the left’s example and educational involvement in the interest of mindless revolutionary violence worldwide... anything.
On the international scene, the internet versions of many leading European newspapers feature the photograph of Charlie's editor holding up the front page of the magazine with the drawing of the prophet saying "100 lashes, if you do not die from laughter!" before the sooty ruins of its premises. But not a single English or American news media ran the image, as far as a quick net survey shows. At the same time, new threats against Libération are trying to force the daily to stop protecting Charlie. Slowly and steadily, the poison of the extreme religious right is spreading in democratic societies, shrinking the space of free speech and criticism day by day. The strange and unsavoury cocktail of death threats, bombings and arson with whining and whimpering - topped off by defeatist intellectuals talking about "sensibilities" - is slowly eating away at the heart of open societies.Got that? There are things about this sad, indicative, but minor event that the were supposed to say, and in some specific fashion too.
But it is contentious, at very least, to assume that the supposedly Islamist attack is fuelled by the "offense of Muslim sensibilities". A much more obvious reason for fundamentalists to exert religious pressure against the satirical characterisation of their faith is that such joking may, in fact, be detrimental to them by helping to delegitimise their extreme political aims. Satire famously played an important role in the long process through which European societies emancipated themselves from religious dominance over centuries and finally forced Christianity to give in to enlightened principles and libertiesIn other words, the bedwetting leftist intelligentia is once again exploiting terror. Much like the leftist Hitler, who saw religion as a barrier to dictatorial power much as the leftist tyrannies of the Soviet sphere did, all is now explained away as “far right extremism”
US debt showdown: who's to blame for the deadlock?
Its Thanksgiving in the United States but millions of Americans will be hard pushed to find much to be grateful for this year: 9 percent of the population isout of work. In Washington its deadlock as usual. The so-called Supercommitte of 3 democrats and 3 republicans has proven its anything but missed a deadline on an agreement to reduce a record national debt. That means across the board spending cuts will take effect.
A reporter from the television channel France 3 said thatshe had been severely beaten and sexually assaulted on Thursday November 24 in Cairo, where she was reporting from. Caroline Sinz and his cameraman, Salah Agrab, began to be aggressed in a street leading from Tahrir Square to the Interior Ministry, where the most violent clashes between demonstrators and security forces have taken place in recent days.
"We were filming in the Mohammed Mahmoud Street when we were attacked by teens 14 or 15 years old," she said, referring to "fondling". The journalist and her cameraman were then forced by a group of men to Tahrir Squarewhere they found themselves separated.
"We were then attacked by a crowd of men. I was beaten by a pack of young people and adults who ripped off my clothes" and engaged in the type of fondling responding "to the definition of rape," she said. "Some people tried to help me, to no avail. I was lynched. It took about three quarters of an hour, until I was pulled out of the crowd. I thought I would die," she said, adding that the cameraman had also been" beaten up."
Finally rescued, she was able to reach her hotel, where she was assisted by the Embassy of France in Cairo before consulting a doctor.
she was sexually assaulted by police during hours under detention after taking part in protests on the sprawling square that has become a landmark of the Arab Spring."Besides beating me, the dogs of (central security forces) subjected me to the worst sexual assault ever," Eltahawy said on her Twitter account.
"5 or 6 surrounded me, groped and prodded my breasts, grabbed my genital area and I lost count how many hands tried to get into my trousers," she said.
États-Unis : la dette, la campagne... Les politiques perdent leur crédit
La Grèce, l'Italie, la crise de la zone euro...Et maintenant les Etats Unis. Obama et lesRépublicains s'affrontent sur les impôts et les économies budgetaires. Après l'échec de la concertation entre democrates et republicains, une chose est sûre: La croissance américaine sera en berne... Quels enjeux pour l'économie américaine ? Pour la campagne présidentielle ?
U.S. money market funds, which are key providers of liquidity to banks and have been pulling back from the euro zone since May, cut their exposure to European banks by a further 9 percent in October, according to ratings agency Fitch.But here is the interesting part on their counterparties’ fate. The ECB is curtailing bond sales to European banks. This is the precise opposite of what one does to bolster the banks, and seems somewhat fishy. Do they want banks to increase their appetite for Member-State bonds that the ECB are being coy about backing up through repurchases?
The ECB's weekly, limit-free handout of funding underscored the widespread problems, with 178 banks requesting 247 billion euros, the highest amount since mid-2009.Despite that, they say that the ECB ‘floodgates are open’.
"The reality is it's hard to see investors get any confidence (before the end of the year), as the sovereign crisis is out of control. Confidence has disappeared from the banks as they are a conduit for the sovereigns," a senior debt market banker said.
Interrogé sur la connaissance qu'avait l'établissement du passé judiciaire de l'élève, source de polémiques, le magistrat a souligné que "la loi ne permet pas aux juges ou aux éducateurs de communiquer officiellement les éléments surMoreover, Hélène Bekmezian sets up the history of the Sarkozy government's history of sexual delinquent laws passed every time another scandalous crime rises.les mises en examen en raison de la présomption d'innocence".
…l'établissement du Chambon-sur-Lignon avait admis qu'il savait que l'élève avait fait quatre mois de prison avant d'intégrer le lycée, mais sans en connaître le motif. Auparavant, son directeur, Philip Bauwens, avait créé la polémique en déclarant : "Nous avions des éléments de sa scolarité, mais pas connaissance de son passé judiciaire. On savait qu'il avait eu des ennuis avec la justice, mais on n'en connaissait pas la nature. Et nous n'avions aucun contact avec les services de justice."
A chaque drame, le discours des faux-savants et des chevaliers de l'après-coup – qui laissent entendre qu'ils auraient tiré la sonnette d'alarme si on leur avait confié l'expertise – donne l'illusion qu'on peut disposer d'une traçabilité du mal. Il prétend qu'on doit déceler le plus précocement possible les sujets susceptibles de commettre des infractions sexuelles. Mais ce modèle simpliste est plus incantatoire qu'efficient.
So long as Europeans do not feel a sufficient sense of belonging, the French and Germans will be able to go on negotiating coordinated taxes or changes to the Lisbon Treaty. In the long run, though, this kind of united Europe is doomed to disappear all the same.Since many of them regard any form of national pride as jingoism, and they’re willing to let each other drown economically, “the enemy without” appears to be their source, (and possibly their sole source,) of unity and pride in the circle jerk of stars.
In a global economy, one has to lay aside old national and ideological categories. A stronger European identity, which could be the basis for restoring the prosperity of the peoples of the old continent, could be created by tighter restrictions on a quite different class of people: politicians who are unable or unwilling to look beyond the horizon of a term in office, who speak a language remote from the everyday lives of ordinary Europeans, who are unwilling to resign even while dragging their countries towards the brink of bankruptcy...not to mention that it also make a tidy argument for suspending elections, very much after the fashion of Canadian fake-crisis promoter Naomi Klein, who James Delingpole calls out to be the tyranny promoter that she is.
National identity has all too often been shaped by a variety of traumas, as societies were brought together by a sense of shared fate. European identity, Professor Řezník believes, needs a deep, thorough-going crisis, in order to test its own viability.So the instead of people making valiant sacrifices for the good of society, people have to be made a sacrifice for the good of society. Got it.
A BBC news story reports on how the suicide of a Buddhist nun by fire is symbolic of how the increasingly frustrated Tibetans choose immolation in order to protest the presence of the Chinese occupiers.The monks have been protesting about the erosion of Tibetan culture and their treatment by the Chinese authorities.
Ce livre n'aurait pas pu être écrit il y a dix ans. Les personnages qui s'y expriment auraient tenu des propos plus évasifs, et les journalistes auraient dû s'en contenter. Pourtant, de Charles de Gaulle cherchant à éliminer Georges Pompidou, en 1968 et 1969,In a separate article, Daniel Psenny reveals how the tongue-in-cheek 1981 presidential campaign of a humorist was taken very seriously by the powers-that-be (the state "panicked") and how the humorist — Coluche got up to 16% in the polls — was put under surveillance and was hassled, receiving death threats so credible that he finally caved and withdrew from the race.jusqu'à Jacques Chirac tentant de se débarrasser de Nicolas Sarkozy en 2004, en passant par la rivalité Mitterrand-Rocard des années 1980, l'attraction de ce pouvoir suscite des comportements peu édifiants et fabrique une vie politique décevante. La défiance qu'expriment les citoyens envers leurs dirigeants en est la conséquence.
La France "a des institutions qui invitent à la trahison", observe François Bayrou, parce que "tout pouvoir vient du sommet" et qu'on tente de prévoir qui sera le maître demain pour se ranger à temps derrière lui. Ce constat lucide est le revers du dithyrambe chanté par Henri Guaino, pour qui, "en faisant adopter l'élection du président de la République au suffrage universel",le général de Gaulle "a renoué un vieux fil de l'histoire de France", car "l'élection est un sacre". Comment mieux avouer que cette République-là n'est pas tout à fait républicaine ?
En quelques mois, il est crédité de 16 % d'intentions de vote. Un score qui inquiète autant la droite que la gauche. Mais, en avril 1981, au grand dam de ses comités de soutien, il annonce son retrait de la course présidentielle.
Que s'est-il passé ? Dans leur documentaire Coluche : un clown ennemi d'Etat, Jean-Louis Perez et Michel Despratx racontent, à l'aide de nombreux témoignages, comment l'Etat a demandé aux Renseignements généraux (RG) d'utiliser tous les moyens pour obliger le comique à renoncer à sa candidature.
Pour la première fois, les auteurs montrent le dossier des RG n° 817706 au nom de Michel Colucci, où sont consignés son casier judiciaire et toutes ses activités quotidiennes. Une opération supervisée de près parle « groupe de direction » des RG qui n'a pas hésité à sortir des clous de la légalité et à utiliser des moyens très musclés, comme le révèlent plusieurs flics ayant participé à cette déstabilisation. « Il est vrai que le «groupe de direction» des RG était un Etat dans l'Etat policier », reconnaît Yves Bertrand, directeur des RG de l'époque.
A plusieurs reprises, Coluche a reçu des menaces de mort signées « Honneur de la police », un commando qui avait revendiqué l'assassinat de Pierre Goldman quelques mois auparavant. Les auteurs montrent aussi que la surveillance de Coluche ne s'est pas arrêtée après le retrait de sa candidature.
Elle a continué jusqu'au 19 juin 1986, jour de son accident de moto mortel. Le lendemain, la main anonyme d'un fonctionnaire de police a écrit sur le dossier : « DCD ».
7 If you’re really coon smitten and want to go the extra mile for your soon-to-be new best friends, find a fishmonger who will sell or give you a bag of discarded fish stewing in their own putrid juices (the raccoon equivalent of foie gras topped with caviar). Voilà! In a matter of seconds you will be up to your genitals in raccoons.
8 While you’re at it, why not get creative and be fulfilled by encouraging a little coonilingus? If you find one that doesn’t mind the broccoli, consider it a keeper.