France 24's Joseph Bamat takes a look at "the oddball candidates trying to spice up the race"
Saturday, June 02, 2012
Check Out the Election Posters of France's Oddball Candidates, Including a Porn Star, a Creepy Ecologist, and a Hoodie-Wearing Rapper
France 24's Joseph Bamat takes a look at "the oddball candidates trying to spice up the race"
“Management Frowns upon Penis-Whipping”
as a tiff over a woman and “escalated into a brawl involving three fighting wolfpacks,” wherein “tables were overturned or moved to the room’s periphery to crate a lion’s pit for the battle,” a “fat pudgy kid came out of nowhere, laid out a larger man with a blow to the head and was tackled by a crowd,” approximately two noses were broken, and the police made three arrests.
It’s a freaky world, my friends.
Friday, June 01, 2012
Black Helicopters and Doomsday Behaviour
We should first be clear what level of threat is used. In the event of a threat to public order "Neighboring countries" can secure themselves immediately for the first 30 days by sealing their borders and introduce document and physical checks again. This can be extended for another month, and then the EU Council of Ministers would probably decide on how to proceed.And the stakeholders would probably ignore that the probably deciders probably decide.
So it’s „ Auswies, bitte ! ” and « tes papiers! » all over again, and as if it doesn’t say enough about the much touted accepting and forgiving nature of Europe, humanity’s ray of hope in an ugly paranoid world, it’s raised no hackles even among the terminally loony.
Unlike the much-debated exit from the eurozone [...], closing the borders with Greece wouldn’t be a problem for its partners.Travelers should make sure they bring their own rubber gloves to offer the Grenztruppen to use on them.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Opposition to (Or the Very Belief in) Eurabia Will Make You a Neo-Con & Turn You Into Anders Breivik

Follows a lionization of Øyvind Strømmen's La toile brune, followed in turn by broadsides against Richard L. Rubenstein's Jihad and Genocide and David Pryce-Jones's Betrayal (France, the Arabs, and the Jews) — which Camus uses to angrily denounce the Eurabia concept as "anti-French" — along with a litany of expressions, from "problematic", "polemical terms", and "abusive equivalence", to "fear", "plottism", "ethno-differentialism", and "Islamophobic Westernism", through "Western Europe's radical xenophobic right parties", their "obsession", and "their idol, Geert Wilders".
Griping about the terms Islamo-Fascism and Nazislamism, Camus is outraged that no distinction is made between differing totalitarianisms, such as Nazism and Communism — although he is quick to add "even though they might all be morally condemnable" (not "are morally condemnable", "might be").
The best part of the article is when Camus concludes that "this idea demeans the concept of European civilization as a skin-thick backlash at the Other, without proposing a coherent cultural project likely to define the values that Muslims in Europe would be required to integrate." The values that Muslims in Europe would be required to integrate are, simply, to follow the local laws and not try to impose the laws of their societies on us. How complicated is that to understand? How reprehensible, how racist, is that supposed to be?
L'idéologie qui a conduit Anders Behring Breivik à s'attaquer à l'Etat norvégien, puis à des militants du Parti social-démocrate, en juillet 2011, n'est pas que le délire d'un homme seul : c'est une construction intellectuelle qu'il explique dans son manifeste "2083" - une déclaration d'indépendance européenne, qui s'avère être surtout une compilation des écrits d'auteurs anglo-saxons appartenant à la frange la plus radicale du mouvement néoconservateur.L'enquête du journaliste norvégien Oyvind Strommen, La Toile brune (Actes Sud, 206 p., 21 euros), montre bien l'obsession qui s'est emparée depuis le début des années 2000 d'une partie significative des droites radicales xénophobes en Europe occidentale. Il s'agit de la peur d'Eurabia, néologisme forgé en 2006 par l'essayiste
Bat Ye'Or, désignant un continent et une culture européens soumis de leur plein gré à l'islam et à son corpus de lois normatives, la charia, ayant renié leurs racines "judéo-chrétiennes" et de surcroît en voie d'être démographiquement submergés par les musulmans, au point que les Européens "de souche" deviendraient bientôt minoritaires.
Autre néologisme, la "dhimmitude" (le fait d'être soumis au statut de sujet protégé, donc de seconde zone, qu'impose l'islam aux non-musulmans) serait l'inéluctable horizon - et le choix conscient - des peuples de notre continent, si elle n'est déjà notre réalité quotidienne.… Il a été assez peu souligné qu'il s'agit aussi d'un concept antifrançais, comme le
démontre le livre-réquisitoire du journaliste et historien David Pryce-Jones, Un siècle de trahison : la diplomatie française et les juifs, 1894-2007 (Denoël, 2008). Intitulé qui revient à faire porter au Quai d'Orsay et à trois Républiques successives le sceau d'infamie de l'antisémitisme ainsi qu'à présenter la France comme un allié non fiable, voire un adversaire, des Etats-Unis, de la Grande-Bretagne et de l'OTAN.
Dans les milieux qui tiennent Eurabia pour une réalité, c'est la France qui est désignée comme le principal instigateur de la politique de "capitulation" face à
… La question est de savoir si, comme la théorie d'Eurabia le suggère, on peut y arriver de manière crédible en utilisant un concept marqué par le complotisme, en niant la réalité de l'existence du peuple palestinien et en promouvant une politique de confrontation globale.l'islam qui aurait débuté après le choc pétrolier de 1973. Ce qui lui est nié est rien moins que le droit d'avoir la politique de sa géographie et de son histoire avec le Maghreb, le Machrek et l'Afrique occidentale, ainsi que de préférer un monde multipolaire à un remake de la guerre froide dans lequel le "monde libre" devrait endiguer les assauts de l'islam.
Dans le langage des théoriciens d'Eurabia, le concept d'Occident remplace celui d'Europe.
Preuve que, pour eux, notre continent ne doit se définir que par le lien transatlantique et non comme une Europe- puissance. L'idée d'Eurabia sert à justifier moralement le leadership mondial incontesté de l'Amérique, à la condition, bien sûr, que la politique étrangère des Etats-Unis ne soit pas celle du président Barack Obama mais de ses adversaires. Notamment de ceux qui accusent le chef de l'Etat américain de brader les intérêts d'Israël et qui veulent, depuis avant même le renforcement des sanctions internationales, en finir avec le régime de Téhéran par une intervention militaire.
Les mêmes polémistes accusent l'Europe d'abandonner ses juifs au nouvel antisémitisme des populations musulmanes issues de l'immigration, d'être hostile à l'existence d'Israël et de promettre les peuples israélien et juif à un nouveau génocide. Cette dernière hypothèse a été esquissée en 2010, dans son ouvrage Jihad and Genocide (Rowman & Littlefield), par le théologien de la Shoah Richard L. Rubenstein pour qui le "potentiel génocidaire" de l'idéologie djihadiste menace l'ensemble des non-musulmans.
Dans le monde manichéen d'Eurabia, le communisme a été remplacé par l'islam comme ennemi civilisationnel. Comme le communisme, il est un adversaire absolu d'autant plus redoutable qu'il est à la fois un ennemi extérieur (la menace Al-Qaida notamment) et un ennemi de l'intérieur. C'est sans doute ce dernier point qui a les conséquences politiques les plus graves pour la cohésion des sociétés européennes.
En effet, les partisans de la théorie d'Eurabia ont bien pour fixation l'islam et non l'islamisme. Ils considèrent que le premier est à la fois une culture et un projet
politique, celui du califat mondial, et que le second n'est ni réformable ni susceptible d'être modéré. Cela revient à assigner à résidence les individus originaires du monde arabo-musulman dans une identité dont ils ne peuvent même pas se défaire par l'assimilation.
… On peut en tout cas remarquer que le Parti de la liberté néerlandais, comme naguère Pim Fortuyn et les populismes xénophobes scandinaves, a retourné contre l'islam les idées de la gauche émancipatrice des années 1970 : droits des femmes, des homosexuels, des minorités (les juifs notamment) menacés par la répression de la "déviance" que les islamistes au pouvoir mettent en oeuvre.
Le dernier problème théorique posé par la notion d'Eurabia est l'usage des termes
Cette mise en équivalence abusive, tout comme d'ailleurs celle qui assimile communisme et fascisme, interdit de penser le totalitarisme selon des catégories différentes en nature, quand bien même elles seraient toutes moralement condamnables."islamo-fascisme" voire "nazislamisme", le premier ayant été utilisé par George W. Bush lui-même. Il s'agit de termes polémiques, dénués de pertinence scientifique : le fascisme comme le nazisme sont des idéologies de l'homme nouveau et non du retour à un âge d'or ; ils positivent la modernité (les néofascistes italiens de CasaPound se réclament du turbofascisme) et non le fixisme ; ils ont le culte de l'Etat total, là où l'islamisme s'accommode très bien du libéralisme économique et de l'Etat faible voire, dans sa variante radicale, évacue totalement l'impératif de l'Etat.
… L'occidentalisme islamophobe des tenants d'Eurabia est une impasse. C'est en premier lieu un mythe incapacitant : si l'islamisation de l'Europe est déjà advenue, si les peuples européens sont minoritaires sur leur continent, s'ils n'ont plus de conscience historique et politique, à quoi sert de lutter pour une civilisation déjà morte ? Penser Eurabia est une posture décliniste et démobilisatrice.
Ensuite, cette idée rabaisse le concept de civilisation européenne au niveau d'une réaction de rejet épidermique de l'Autre, sans proposer de projet culturel cohérent susceptible de définir les valeurs auxquelles les musulmans d'Europe seraient tenus de s'intégrer.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
The Causes of Fools
The weird mix of ignorance, detachment, and not being a real stakeholder in the actual issue of the protest, despite being pathetic, causes some strange behavior:
Corrupting Shakespeare into anti-Israel slogans was bad enough, but one speaker, in an outrageous display of anti-Semitism, wore a grotesque “Jewish nose” mask which he refused to remove when challenged.Bear in mind that they come and disrupt ANYTHING that elicits their conditioned-response behavior. What makes it especially pathetic are their protests against collaborative “peace-building” efforts:
The anti-Israel protestors attempted to disrupt the performance within the theatre as well, using tactics that had worked at the Albert Hall against the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra (when the BBC was forced to stop a live broadcast).
Shakespeare’s Globe theatre in London invited Habima to perform here in London as part of their “Globe to Globe” festival; 37 plays in 37 languages, including the Palestinian Ashtar company playing Richard II and Habima playing The Merchant of Venice (apposite, we suppose)!Once again, it’s loony non-stakeholders acting out their strange, self-important attention seeking behavior unworthy of a heartbroken teenager:
Again, you would think the balance of both companies performing would be good enough, but, again, no.
The Globe had the courage to resist boycott calls by David Calder, Trevor Griffiths, Jonathan Miller, Emma Thompson and other British thespians in March this year and Habima has just played to a sell-out house.Maybe these great acTORs can hold their little Gautag somewhere where people care – say, in Homs where the regime is so kindly and accepting to minority opinions, outsiders, and contrarians.
Calder was born in Portsmouth, Hampshire, England.
Trevor Griffiths was born in Manchester, and raised as a Catholic.
Miller grew up in St John's Wood, London, England, in a well-connected Jewish family.
Emma Thompson was born in Paddington, London, England.
Each of them needs to get a dog to channel some of their emotions, and get used to dealing with living things on real terms instead of playing out this pandering Panto.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Mitt Hitler and Double Standards: Godwin's Law Applies to Thee, But Not to Me
This is as good an opportunity as any to bring up Godwin's Law: I cannot be sure of Mike Godwin's original intentions, but certainly, in the way that Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies is invoked and used, it is a terrible thing that makes no sense and that in no way serves intelligent discourse — why in the course of a (reasonably intelligent) conversation should one not be "allowed" to mention Adolf Hitler — or Stalin — or Che Guevara — or Abraham Lincoln — or Dan Quayle — or Mickey Mouse?! (It makes no sense, that is, except to shut up the other person and make oneself look superior.)

You're having an interesting argument, a good back'n'forth, and you are hearing all the arguments in favor of peace, of non-intervention; at one point you segue into the dangers of a peace candidate becoming, willingly or otherwise, another Chamberlain at Munich, and getting ready to cite arguments brought up at the time (1938), some of them extremely similar as those being brought up now, and the (sneering) leftist you are talking with lets out a shout: Time Out! Ha Ha! Godwin's rule! Conversation over! You nixed it!
(Is this not, rather, immature?)
Why should references to Nazis not be used?
Worse: it means that, instead of giving free rein to the conversation, and searching for new ideas and novel solutions (on both sides), at least one of the conversationalists is constantly monitoring the conversation, both the other person's (the other persons') and his own, for examples of Godwin's law (in addition to monitoring it for politically incorrect items like racism, sexism, phobias, gay jokes, and "hatred", generally, along with other things "beyond which we have moved" and that are "no longer acceptable").
Indeed, what you get is one party who is — eagerly — looking for traces (conscious or otherwise) of racism, sexism, Godwin's Law, and what have you in the other party's words, while the other party is — anxiously — worrying about traces of the same in his own words. In either case, a discussion that is hardly focused and hardly free and hardly honest.
You can just feel the first party's eagerness when suddenly you are interrupted and the pressure within the leftist is let out: "Hah! GOTCHA! You brought up the Nazis! You made a joke about women! You made a comment that proves you're a racist! Conversation over!"
Wonder why there is no more conversation in the Western world anymore? Really?! Godwin's Law is one additional part, small or large, in the manner in which free speech is being dismantled in the West.
There is a perfectly logical reason that Munich is brought up so often; it is simply the best known example, and by far, of avowed peace-lovers not getting the result they expected. (Au contraire!) Instead, if you wish, we could mention, say, the example of… well, no — there you go — off the top of my head, I cannot think of another example, certainly not one that is so good or so clear-cut or so famous to all.
In any case, Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies only applies to the right!
As is quite clear, leftists are giving free rein in evoking the Third Reich and the Führer, and that,
However benevolent its original intention may have been, Godwin's Law as it is used turns out to be nothing but an umpteenth example of leftists' double standards…
Update: Danke schön to Instapundit for the Instalanche.
By the way, we would like to point out that No Pasarán contributed a Brett Kimberlin day post that Michelle Malkin does not seem to have noticed; if anyone can bring our entry to her attention, that would be much appreciated… And please notice that the post in question quotes Jonah Goldberg as saying: "That is how the liberal Gleichschaltung works; contrary voices are [among many other things] mocked"; with that in mind, please turn to update 2…
Update 2: Mike Godwin reacts — saying that "The notion that Godwin's Law,

@Polliwogette @nopasa The notion that Godwin's Law, as poorly comprehended by bloggers, inhibits their free speech is laughable.
— Mike Godwin (@sfmnemonic) May 28, 2012
Second, there are few arguments in his tweet (as if you hadn't noticed) and it seems like Godwin thinks it is beneath him to provide any. (Quick question: who does that remind you of?) I don't know if Mike Godwin is a leftist (or a leftist-leaning libertarian), but among people and ideas and other things, we are told, that are, or that have been, "laughable" in recent times (and that therefore deserve mockery), so many turn out to be conservative. Among them are:• the "nutty" candidates for the Republican primary
• Sarah Palin
• George W Bush
• Ronald Reagan
• Lowering taxes
• Spending less money
• Resisting Obama's statist agenda
• Overthrowing Saddam Hussein, the Middle East's Adolf Hit— oops, sorry!
• the notion that you can bring up Munich and the Nazi era in a reasonably intelligent conversation
• (you get the idea…)
And so, it turns out, "Laughable" is equivalent to "sexist", to "racist", to "ridiculous" (such as bringing up the Nazis), to "outrageous". So beyond the pale that no further debate is necessary. And no need to present, and to defend (how convenient), well-constructed arguments.
If you will allow me to go a bit further on this topic: I am doing research for a graphic novel biography of Abraham Lincoln with Dan Greenberg. One of the things many people know was that in his early years Honest Abe was part of a debating club. In politics, Lincoln the Whig would debate (among others) Stephen Douglas the Democrat. What fewer people know is that when the debate was over, it turned out that… the debate was… not over; at that point the debate would start again, but with the debaters "switching sides" and this time having to argue for their opponent's policies — i.e., with Lincoln arguing for the Democrats and with Douglas arguing for the Whigs. (No "Ha ha conversation over.")
You have to wonder to what extent something similar could happen in today's day and age, with a leftist trying, just for the heck of it, to defend, rationally, the viewpoints of a Dubya or trying to see a good, objective side in the positions of a Sarah Palin.
Update 3: Notice again the wording of Mike Godwin's tweet:
The notion that Godwin's Law, as poorly comprehended by bloggers, inhibits their free speech is laughableThe wording suggests that the members of one tinny subset of society, (conservative) bloggers, are whining, and that because their speech, and their speech alone, is being inhibited (and aw, ain't that sad). Again, leftists do not deal with realities but twist language around so that their enemies, or adversaries, come out looking foolish (or "laughable"). Should it need to be repeated, it is quite clear that all people's free speech is being inhibited — with the exception of liberals, who always are allowed to enjoy the double standards that their self-serving rules create.
In the two (awful) sequels to The Matrix, a science-fiction hit about humans being used as a fuel source by a world overtaken by machines, Bush is visually compared to Adolf Hitler.Update 5: Zombie Time has a (very) long retrospective of Bush=Hitler photos in the San Francisco Bay area alone.
Update 6 — from Ed Driscoll:
A few months [after the 2008 election], the Post’s E.J. Dionne pretended to be shocked, Claude Rains in Casablanca style, that some were now calling President Obama a socialist who believes in nationalization, or heck, even a National Socialist. “Media Amnesiacs Suddenly Appalled at Hitler Comparisons” Lachlan Markay of NewsBusters wrote in November of 2009, after everyone from to Al Gore to John Glenn spent the last eight years comparing President Bush and the GOP to Hitler and the Nazis:
A liberal Washington Post columnist laments today of the loss of civility in the public discourse. Strange that he is suddenly outraged that Americans would dare call Obama a socialist or a fascist, given that Bush-Hitler comparisons were widespread during the previous administration.
Liberals in the media spent the summer and early fall bemoaning signs at town hall protests and tea party rallies calling Obama a socialistor communist comparing him to Hitler (incidentally, many of these signs were actually created by supporters of uber-leftist Lyndon LaRouche, as reported by Seton Motley here and here). These pundits had no such admonitions for signs at anti-war rallies during the Bush administration comparing him to Hitler and the Devil, and calling the president a fascist.
So the Post’s E.J. Dionne’s complaints about the loss of civility in the debate over federal politics fit right in with the narrative liberal pundits have been pushing since last year: comparing an American president to a murderous dictator is unacceptable…if that president is a Democrat.
Update 8: Newsweek Columnist Likens a Republican Candidate's Wife (!) — the "Insufferable" Ann Romney — to Hitler, Stalin (thanks to Ed Driscoll)
Related: How to Prevent America from Becoming a Totalitarian State (tongue firmly in cheek)
Update 9: Ed Driscoll himself:
… every Republican presidential candidate, from Thomas Dewey (smeared as a Nazi by no less than Harry Truman) to the present will be attacked by the left in this fashion, no matter his temperament, or his small government, libertarian bona fides. … In his 1944 State of the Union address, FDR smeared the laissez–faire Coolidge era of the 1920s as “the spirit of fascism”Update 10: WikiLeaks reveals John Podesta's rule for democrats
(via Joe Biggs): "Compare Your Opponent to Hitler" …

Sunday, May 27, 2012
The Pigs Got Him!
Officials’ greatest fear is that he would turn into Pengzilla out there, and, you know, attack the island or something.
The Guardian reports that video footage has shown the penguin "frolicking," and apparently in good health, in a different part of Tokyo BayDespite your eternal optimism, I’m sorry to hear you were finally nailed, little Dude. I hope you can bust out of the crowbar hotel again really soon.