Le débat dont faisait partie Philippe Karsenty portait sur les menaces de fermeture de C8, chaîne de télévision accusée souvent — avec moult expressions d'outrage et de cris au scandale — d'être d'extrême-droite.
It is very strange to me how leftists are always heard to say, I will not go on this radio show or that TV show, because they are too far right (ce sont des fachos!). Or, let us ban, or at least censor, such-n-such a show or such-n-such a channel. Or, when approached by a right-leaning interviewer during a demonstration, "Don't talk to that guy!" Shouldn't they want to join the debate and have the opportunity to "turn" if not the pundits on the show, at least some of his or her followers? This is why people on the right are usually willing to open any debate, with anybody, anywhere. By contrast, when said rightists start making strong arguments, that is when they are usually interrupted by said leftists.
At a café, once, I talked to a woman who started to rant about American racism. I said, "I'm afraid nobody can deny what you are saying, for instance, did you know that Americans have never elected a black man to the White —" Here, I did a (fake) double take, interrupting myself. "Wait a minute, I think they have elected a black man to the White House." She burst out laughing.