Alot of noise for a snuffed scumbag terrorist | Beaucoup de battage pour un fumier de terroriste clamsé |
Impotent French call for a State for the Pali Psycho Death Cult©®™ now!
| Les franchouilles impuissants exigent un Etat immédiatement pour le Culte Psychotique de la Mort palestinien©®™!
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Friday, November 12, 2004
The 2004 Election in the Words of Dr Seuss
Driving through Utah's Bryce Canyon (yeah, I needed a vacation after all the blogging I did right up to the election, plus I simply did not want to spend November 2 in France, whoever won), I came upon a copy of the Cedar City Daily News. On the letters page, there was this from a Brent J Lewis:
They won without Hollywood, and its political hags
They won without Dan Rather and CBS's forged packages and bags
They won without Soros, elitists, and France
They won without activist judges wearing robes over their pants
They won without secular humanism's self-righteous ire
They won without the New York Times' liberal bar
They won without Michael Moore's phony "Fahrenheit 9/11"
They won without Jesse Jackson and his prayers to heaven
They won without Bill, Hillary, and Al Gore
They won without pop music, Whoopie Goldberg, and much, much more
So, as these liberal Democrats continue to puzzle and puzzle some more
A bright light is dawning and could heal their sore
With hand in hand and heart to heart
America stood tall and voted its part
It is from the good book out of which America was born
that again shines morals and values and faith ever strong
The Democrats foolishly moored their hopes to a false Moore foundation
And have now been set adrift inside their own nation
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Remember the victims | Ne jamais oublier les victimes |
Arafat gets the pigskin shitsack.
| Arafat s'est fait tailler un costard en carcasse de porc.
Chiraq praises a snuffed terrorist | Chirak fait l'éloge d'un terroriste clamsé |
He should croak twice if possible. No pigskin shitsack for him. Just spread his ashes in a pigsty.
| Il devrait clamser deux fois plutôt qu'une. Pas de sac à merde en carcasse de porc pour lui. Il suffira d'éparpiller ses cendres dans une porcherie.
He'll always have Paris | Par où t'es rentré? On t'a pas vu sortir |
Arafat snuffs it.
| Arafat vient de clamser.
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Breakfast at Tiffany's | Déjeuner chez Maxim's |
For the well off, yuppified, Parisian panty-waists calling for civil war and/or revolution in the US.
| Pour tous les pédaloïdes parisiens, bobos et aisés, qui appelent à la guerre civile et/ou la révolution aux Etats-unis.
It's official: |
C'est confirmé: |
Where did the Florida Democrats' votes go?
| Mais où sont passés les votes démocrates de Floride?
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
But Aren't Those Other Countries Supposed to Be Allies of No Value?
On Tuesday, George W Bush received a congratulatory phone call from Jacques Chirac. He also spoke with the leaders of Indonesia, Georgia, Romania, Thailand, Egypt, Denmark, and Slovakia.
The question is, what is France doing in the company of those countries? Aren't they supposed to be allies of little or no value? Whereas France... Wait a minute!...
The question is, what is France doing in the company of those countries? Aren't they supposed to be allies of little or no value? Whereas France... Wait a minute!...
(Thanks to Gregory Schreiber)
Outstanding |
Sarcelles a sanctuary? From the Belmont Club: Whether South Waziristan, Pankasi Gorge, the Bekaa Valley, Fallujah or the banlieus of Paris, terrorism apparently needs some locus in order to exert a material force.
Bad vibes | Mauvaises ondes |
Overheard on a talk radio show on RMC-Info:
Caller: What do you call a population that elects a monster? Show host: What? Caller: Monsters! Americans, you are hated here. More than ever. Keep cancelling those trips to France. | Entendu à RMC-Info lors d'une émission où les auditeurs passent à l'antenne:
Auditeur: Qu'est-ce qu'on appelle un peuple qui vote pour un monstre? Présentateur: Quoi donc? Auditeur: Des monstres! Les américains, vous êtes détestés ici, plus que jamais. Continuez à annuler vos voyages vers la France. |
The French have a proud history of hate literature | La littérature de la haine est une specialité fwançaise |
Three Paris newsstand managers tell me the same thing. '50 Good Reasons to Hate Americans' (again, repeating for the spittle shooting clown faced shitheads among us: no mention of Bush here, simply all Americans) is sold out and they are waiting for a new batch of copies. Here's a pic taken at a newsstand that still has a few on sale. Americans, you are hated here. More than ever. Keep cancelling those trips to France.
| Trois gérants de kiosques à journaux sur Paris me disent tous la même chose. '50 bonnes raisons de détester les américains' (encore une fois pour les postillonnants bouseux aux bouilles à bozo: il ne s'agit pas d'un livre sur Bush, mais un livre sur tous les américains) est en rupture de stock et ils en attendent une nouvelle fournée. Voici une photo prise à un kiosque qui en a encore quelques exemplaires. Les américains, vous êtes détestés ici, plus que jamais. Continuez à annuler vos voyages vers la France.
Monday, November 08, 2004
Bestseller in Paris | En haut du palmarès des meilleures ventes à Paris |
Since this morning the Paris newspaper stands are stocked full of the book '50 Good Reasons to Hate Americans' which is selling like hotcakes (sometimes you have to repeat things for the clown faced shitheads among us: no mention of Bush here, simply all Americans). The book summarizes French across-the-board hatred of Americans. Straightforward raw anti-Americanism.
| Depuis ce matin les kiosques à journaux parisiens s'écroulent sous les exemplaires de '50 bonnes raisons de détester les américains' qui se vendent comme de petits pains (il faut parfois répéter pour les connards aux bouilles à bozo parmi nous: aucune mention de Bush ici, simplement de tous les américains). Le livre exprime à merveille la haine vouée par les franchouilles aux américains. De l'anti-américanisme universel ouvert et direct.
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs
| Y'a bon Banania
Oh, the holier-than-thou, condescending, moralising scum (often enough doing their moralising with their clown like mugs). French peacekeepers kill civilians in Ivory Coast.
| Ô, les raclures de chiottes hautaines, condescendantes, et moralisatrices (assez souvent en train de sermonner avec leurs bouilles à bozo). Les militaires franchouilles tuent des civils en Côte d'Ivoire.
French parochialism | Esprit de clocher |
Someone must explain to Plantu that Bush is not Catholic.
| Faudrait expliquer à Plantu que Bush n'est pas un KTO.
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