It's a shame. An American disgrace. But thankfully Barack Obama's administration is intervening to set things right:
America’s air traffic control towers suffer from a stunning lack of diversity
Benny Huang
—that’s the official position of the Obama Administration’s FAA, which
quietly moved to abolish merit-based testing for air traffic controllers
two years ago in an attempt to boost the number of women and minorities
in the career field. Blacks and Hispanics apparently don’t score as
high on the Air Traffic Selection and Training (AT-SAT) exam, the test
the FAA once used to judge an applicant’s job knowledge. That’s not
really a shocker, considering the fact that blacks and Hispanics score
lower on every standardized test known to man, including the bar exam,
English proficiency tests, the SAT, the ACT and the IQ test. All of the
aforementioned tests are racist, you see, because if they weren’t racist
all races would achieve identical average scores.
I must say, this new decision makes me feel a lot better about
flying. My plane might crash but at least the guys and gals
deconflicting airspace will hail from diverse backgrounds. As an
occasional airline passenger, I have to say that diversity in the tower
is really, really important to me. I mean, really. I lose sleep over it.
Correct! Myself,
Benny, and all other airline passengers — white, black, 'n' yellow, male and female alike — will all feel safer, now that the people manning (if you will forgive the sexist verb) America's control towers include more blacks, more Hispanics, and more females.
… what the FAA [is] looking for [these days is] compelling life stories.
One recent applicant, Ryan Meryhew, who earned his air traffic
controller’s degree and scored a 99.5 on his AT-SAT, would have been a
shoo-in under the old system but under the new system he was just
another applicant. “It didn’t ask me anything about my college
experience, my grades, my scores, (and) my ability for the actual job.
It asked me what sports I played in high school. What was my least
favorite subject in high school. Nothing related to aviation,” said
For once I want someone to really explain to me what the point of
diversity is. Not that I haven’t heard the sales pitch a thousand
times—diversity brings different perspectives, diversity makes us
well-rounded—but that just isn’t cutting it anymore. I want answers not
One argument usually made in support of diversity is that it’s a
quantity we desperately need in our air traffic control towers—and in
our military, police forces, fire departments, boards of directors,
etc.—so that they can serve a diverse public. That one might actually
have some truth to it though only because certain demographic groups
resent white people and don’t want them policing their streets, teaching
in their classrooms, etc. Those people are known as black racists, or
sometimes brown or yellow racists …
… But let’s not be afraid to look deeper into the argument that we need
a diverse workforce to serve a diverse population. In this formulation,
diversity is both the problem and the solution. We need more
diversity because diversity. If we weren’t so fabulously diverse, race
wouldn’t matter—but because we are, it does.
… Even the military worries that it doesn’t have enough diversity,
especially in the most glamorous jobs. Contrary to Hollywood myth, elite
military units aren’t filled with tough black dudes from the streets
but rather with ordinary-looking white guys like Rob O’Neill and Marcus
Luttrell who happen to be mentally tough.
In 2012 journalist Mark Thompson tackled the “problem” of too many
white Navy SEALS in Time Magazine … But really, who cares what color they are? Thompson attempted to answer
that question, trying his best to find a deficiency that only more
minority SEALs could meet. “U.S. special operators have long
acknowledged they face challenges mixing in with foreign populations
because they look so American,” wrote Thompson. This is truly a novel
argument for diversity—the SEALs need to get some more color for the
sake of camouflage!
… So there’s your mission, SEALs—look like America but try not to look too American.
The Air Force has similar diversity concerns, especially among its
pilots, according to Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James. She
has proposed “diversity and inclusion requirements” that sound
suspiciously like illegal race and gender quotas.
… Diversity isn’t really a compelling need in most sectors of society.
Liberals just tell us that because they hate merit-based hiring. And
they’re compulsive liars. Simply hiring the best man (or woman) for the
job is anathema to who they are and how they think. It’s time we stopped
taking their silly justifications at face value. We need to start
asking “why?” What’s the tangible benefit here? It will take courage of
course, because to even question diversity hints at bigotry. I, for one,
just don’t care anymore.
If you don't care anymore,
Benny, then the leftists win. Because they don't take being fed up as criticism or even a slap; au contraire: that is
exactly the outcome they are looking for.
Perhaps the most terrifying trend in today’s military is the diminution of the warrior spirit