The more you think about it, the more you realize how brilliant it was for
Donald Trump to state in his first State of the Union address that "
Americans are dreamers, too."
In that short phrase, indeed, the president took on what is the entire worldview of the left in a nutshell.
The world perspective of the Democrats in the Donkey party and their allies in the Democracy-Dies-in-Darkness media can be called the Dichotomy of the D's. (Thanks for the link,
The "basket of deplorables" is not just a Hillary Clinton expression for those "offensive, hateful, mean-spirited" Republicans who are "racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic — you name it."
A Deplorable turns out to be the description of every "normal" bourgeois Westerner (first and foremost Americans).
Dreamers, by contrast, are not just the nickname given to young illegal immigrants who, according to DACA, ought to be allowed to remain in the United States. Anybody and everybody who is opposed to the above-mentioned caste of untouchables turns out to be some type of a Dreamer.
• Related: The Era of the Drama Queens: Every Crisis Is a Triumph
From illegal aliens to foreign leftist dictators, the population of the planet turns out to be formed almost exclusively of admirable and deserving dreamers, all the forward-looking prophets in America and just about all the foreigners in the world.
With one glaring exception: all red-blooded Americans and every one of their allies abroad.

(Update: Almost four months after posting the present post,
a Peter Hasson article on
a Tom Steyer ad comparing Donald Trump to Saddam Hussein appeared in the Daily Caller with a photo of the billionaire wearing a T-shirt saying exactly what this post says about the ubiquity of dreamers. Update 2: By 2020, the British edition of
Evan Osnos's Joe Biden biography was
American Dreamer.)
Think about it:
Isn't it true that, basically, you can take any position of the left these days — the people who could best be described as
drama queens — and apply the D Dichotomy to it: it all turns out to be about the Deserving Dreamers versus the Despicable Deplorables
• Right-wing Conservative journalists, undercover reporters, and/or other
conservative activists are called "despicable" by
such people as the executive editor of the New York Times,
Dean Baquet, who goes on to say that
a real journalist "has to have in
his or her heart a desire to make society better" — in other words,
the real MSM operative has to be some sort of a dreamer.
Thus it is hardly surprising to find a Times op-ed saying that
the ignorant do not have the right to an audience. (The author turns out to be
Bryan W Van Norden, “a professor of philosophy at
Wuhan University”
and therefore, according to Robert Shibley, an employee of the Chinese
Communist government. But hey! Don't communists turn out to be dreamers,
too?! Fear not, we will get back to the subject…)
• Ted Cruz, during
the 2016 debates, echoing Newt Gingrich during those of 2012, summarized the mainstream media's outlook well: explain to us why you Republicans are such cartoon caricatures, while for the Democrats, the questions were: Tell us about your sublime plans (your glorious dreams) to bring our nation, our planet, towards a bright shining future.
Where conservatives are involved, it is, it must be, about the personal, because these deplorable beings are driven by greed or by politics and have nothing but nefarious schemes. They may say the same exact thing as a liberal and have a similar policy to that of a Democrat, but should that happen, it can only be attributed to politicizing and other types of hypocrisy.
Leftists, by contrast, are always, and only, driven by the highest of principles, by their dreams.
Turn back to Barack Obama's Hope 'n' Change. As Ann Althouse points out, this is the dream of destitute people in need. (But conservatives are
not against people in need per se; they are for people being, or bringing themselves, "outside" of need — preferably, if and when possible, through their own efforts.)
Think of the adulation (past and/or present) afforded to such people as Che
Guevara, Hugo Chávez, Mao Zedong, Vladimir Lenin, and Karl Marx, as well as, last but
not least, the author of
Dreams From My Father and
Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream, the president who dreamed (and dreams) of
"fundamentally transforming the United States of America", i.e., the land of the haters, the (fill-in-the-blank)phobes, and… the deplorables.
Homosexuals, women, blacks, transgenders,
illegal aliens, even
children and…
the mentally ill (!): every minority is composed of victimized, and
martyred, dreamers yearning, and deserving, to break free, to tell their story, to give their special brand of wisdom, while every member of the
majority, every Christian, every member of the white race (unless they
turn good and side with the dreaming leftists or at least pipe down) is
an oppressor,
a bad person, a despicable deplorable.
(Why do so many
American, and Western, citizens, go along with this? Because they get to take pride in being part of the small, élite band of good guys,
the club of the virtuous, those wise beings who see how
terrible their neighbors in the general population are…)
Here are some more illustrations:

• Why were
fans of Jimmy Fallon upset that Donald Trump appeared on
his show during the 2016 campaign? Because a dreamer, or someone admired by dreamers, managed (almost?) to make a human being out of a deplorable, i.e., a monster.
Jimmy Kimmel's
tears on ABC are clearly
the antics of a dreamer
upset with
the decisions of
the deplorables who no longer want to follow the aspirations of his class.
• Stormy Daniels may be a porn star while Sarah Huckabee is a government spokesperson, but Stormy is a dreamer, or on the side of the dreamers (or certainly not actively
against the dreamers), while Sarah is one of
the deplorables. (Indeed, even adult actors are not in the same class as deplorables, as can be evidenced on Twitter, which likes nothing better to censor the tweets of conservatives such as
Stacy McCain,
Milo Yiannopoulos,
Kevin Williamson,
Glenn Reynolds, Sheriff Clarke,
Mark Dice, and
Breitbart, but for which
the XXX-rated photos and the hard-core videos of professional porn stars (
NSFW) are entirely permissible.)
• As for any leftists,
in Hollywood
or elsewhere, bold enough to suggest that any of these monsters might be
something as innocuous as… "a genuine person" — or that we shouldn't criticize a fellow leftist for being willing to
[cross] the aisle and being open to making precisely such a comment — woe upon those heretics and upon
their careers.
• Why is Roseanne punished for a personal tweet
while Samantha Bee, Kathy Griffin, and Michelle Wolf get little to no blowback for their expletive-sanctioned shows?
Well, because conservative
comics have no excuse for being the despicable deplorables they are, while liberal
comics have
the excuse that y'know,
deep down, they are… deserving
Hollywood dreamers who to boot manage to correctly identify and mercilessly mock the wicked enemy.
• This is
why Hollywood lies about its blatant liberal bias: The
are the dreamers forced to hide, at least partially, their agendas,
i.e., their dreams, because the content thereof is (sigh! how unfortunate!) something the clueless deplorables would never be
able to understand. (Needless to say, this is what, in
the Ghostbusters reboot or in
the Star Wars universe, causes Hollywood (creators and journalists alike), to blame the the fans for not being woke enough.)
• As for the
Southern Poverty Law Center, the SPLC's
hate groups map is basically a message
that anybody who is not a liberal like is a despicable monster belonging
to a vicious hate group.
• Also, when leftists find excuses for the criminal class while blaming society, what they are basically doing is calling the criminals a type of dreamers whose pipe dreams where shattered by the deplorables of the "normal" bourgeoisie and by the disgraceful society that they or their forefathers created.
• Because deplorables are
clueless clods, because Americans are
terrible citizens, because
“arch-conservatives” are “kooks,” “crackpots,” and “crazies”, it is okay — even necessary and recommended and, yes, encouraged, not to mention, as it happens,
rib-tickling — to pull the wool over their eyes. (See the Obamacare
promise and Obama's Iran deal…)
Of course, when leftists deplore
the stupidity of the American voter or call Americans
ignorant hillbillies or opine that
Americans are Either Really Stupid or Incredibly Bigoted… Really, Really Dumb People,
they are not really making a dispassionate comment on the IQ of the
average American, a topic that is open for debate and discussion. Members of
the tribe of the virtuous are outraged that the deplorables do not share,
or do not support, the dreams of the leftist dreamer class.

Why, by the way, do so many "independent" journalists turn out to be
Democratic operatives with bylines? Because, almost of necessity, by the very nature of their work, they must start out as, or become,
drama queens — always in search of a crisis, real or otherwise.
Try taking Jim Treacher's ever-green
definition of modern journalism and substitute a few choice ex pressions for "Democrats":
Modern journalism is all about deciding which facts the public shouldn't know because they might reflect badly on the Dreamers and on the drama queens and on the crisis finders/crisis creators.

Now try doing the same with Iowahawk's
journalism definition:
Journalism is about covering important stories detrimental to Dreamers and to drama queens and to the crisis finders/crisis creators. With a pillow, until they (the important stories) stop moving.

Speaking of which,
an institution created (no matter how many decades or centuries ago), and run, by deplorables is an abomination; headed by dreamers, it is deserving of nothing but the utmost respect…

Head over to
Jonah Goldberg's
Liberal Fascism, and see if the deplorable/dreamer dichotomy doesn't make sense in the following sentence:
That is how the liberal Gleichschaltung
works; contrary [i.e., deplorable] voices are regulated, barred, banned when possible,
mocked and marginalized when not. Progressive [i.e., dreamer] voices are encouraged,
lionized, amplified — in the name of "diversity," or "liberation," or
"unity," and, most of all, "progress."
First Amendment rights must be curbed because it enhances the deplorables' free speech to the detriment of the aspirations of the dreamers. As
Ben Shapiro writes,
Free speech is just another element of a corrupt republic that must be
torn down brick by brick in favor of a better world. When you see Donald
Trump as the final iteration of a hierarchical system built to prevent
the world from achieving utopia, that system must be dismantled — starting with the freedoms that
allowed Donald Trump to become president. It’s that simple for the
With several examples of how
dangerous and insane liberals have become,
Matt Tapscott asks, along with
Craig Shirley and Scott Mauer, why liberals are always so violent.
Easy. Because they are
drama queens. Drama queens who split the world into two — Deserving Dreamers Vs. Despicable Deplorables.
This is why leftists, aka dreamers, cannot
maintain peaceful and reasonable discourse, and why
protests turn vicious, dangerous, and personal.
Men, inches from her face, screaming at [Florida attorney general Pam Bondi] and blocking her path
In their
immigration furor, the
spitting mad dreamers can barely tolerate
moderate Republicans.
All of these haters must be as bad as
fascists. All of them must be as bad as
Saddam Hussein, as bad as
Adolf Hitler.
Because deplorables are such horrid people — can those monsters even be termed human beings?! — they must, in one way or another, be made to
shut up.
It is always okay to believe the worst of these "untouchables" and to go about punishing them in any which way possible, from
Facebook bans and
doxxing to
licking their doorknobs and
spitting in their food. Not to mention (cough)
blacklisting, and
assassination, along with
family strife, mainly dreamer parents not letting deplorable grandparents see their grand kids.
• Related: The Divine Right of Democrats: Kevin Williamson on the liberation of the Donkey party by the practical elimination of the Republican party (America is "suffering
from a kind of infection in the form of the Republican party, which
inhibits the normal and healthy — meaning Democrat-dominated — political
life of the United States")
You get the picture.
This article has lasted long enough.
Let's end it with a view on foreign affairs…
Why did the media ignore Barack Obama's faux pas and half-truths, fawning over his every move, while lashing out at every Trump White House?
As we have seen, because Obama was, and is,
an admirable dreamer while Trump is, and was, a despicable deplorable.
What gave secretary of state Hillary Clinton the right to aim for a reset button with Moscow and Barack Obama license to whisper to the Russian president that he would be more flexible after the coming election?
Wouldn't you know it? The deplorables' foes are in fact no foes
at all, only dreamers in their own right, and it is only the puerile bigotry of the despicable
deplorables that makes them foes in the first place.
The Russians are (somehow) dreamers — that is, unless and until they are said to allegedly side with a Republican (of which, more 8 or 9 sentences down). In the Obama White House, as in the Carter administration, the
Iranian ayatollahs are/were dreamers as well.
Go back further to the mid-1970s. Jimmy Carter tries to convince Americans to be more understanding and accepting of communism, while using human rights sanctions on such allies as the Shah of Iran. Why?
allies, being allies of the despicable deplorables, become despicable
deplorables themselves — they run the gamut from Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and Chile's General Pinochet to Miami's Cubans and the Florida family members of Elián Gonzales — while the foes of the despicable deplorables (American or foreign)
turn out to be no more than misunderstood dreamers.
In this respect, the basic message of the 1960s peace movement and all its Hanoi Janes amounts to America's deplorables trying to prevent dreamers in North Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh's Viet Kong allies (all of whom were even called the equivalents of America's founding fathers) from realizing their aspirations.
Meanwhile, Americans are bitter and frustrated deplorables clinging "to guns and religion" who have no understanding of foreigners' aspirations and dreams.
All foreigners, all Europeans, in this grass-is-greener simplification, are dreamers — setting up roadblocks to hate speech, implementing gun control, guaranteeing universal healthcare…
To quote Tucker Carlson's recap of an Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez interview, "people who show up here and ignore our laws are
more American than you are."
Why, in the 1980s, would Ted Kennedy secretly contact Moscow to get the Soviets' help in defeating Ronald Reagan in the presidential election?
Because the leader of the Kremlin was, somehow, a dreamer in his own right while the Gipper was a war-mad deplorable.
Incidentally, as we have seen, Vladimir Putin was a dreamer with whom the deplorables could do business, if only they knew how to expand their vision and, like Barack Obama and the Clintons, be tolerant of and open to his personal dreams.
That is, until the Russian president was accused of having helped a despicable deplorable win the 2016 election, in which case the ally of such a monster instantly became a despicable deplorable himself.
What is it that, for a century now, has given the communists an excuse for the millions upon millions upon millions of citizens they butchered?
You know the line:
"They had good intentions." What does this mean?
They had constructive dreams. Yes, the communists, they were/are dreamers.
Joseph McCarthy was among the ultimate deplorables deserving of nothing but contempt and condemnation. Why so much paranoia about communists who were basically harmless?! Well, okay okay; sure there was that minor matter that they killed millions and millions and millions of Russians, and millions and millions and millions of Chinese, and millions and millions and millions of Cambodians, etc, etc, etc, but (!) c'mon — remember the communists were (or are) dreamers, and they had (or have) good intentions (good dreams)…
The Era of the Drama Queens: Every Crisis Is a Triumph
Andrew Klavan on
PJ Media:
Every television show you
watch, every movie, every woman's magazine, every comedian, and, yes,
every news program tells you you suck. Your country sucks. Your culture
sucks. Your religion and your morals suck. And you personally are one of
those dumb-ass racists who clings to his Bible and talks funny.
If you believe your country should
vet its immigrants, you're racist. If you
voted for Donald Trump, you're racist. If you make a
about Barack Obama on Facebook, you're racist twice. If you think
motherhood is a woman's highest calling, you're sexist. If you take it
ill when
blow you up in the name of their nasty little god, you're Islamophobic.
If you know that a man is a man even if he says he's a woman, you're
transphobic. If you think it's fair to debate whether homosexual actions
are moral or not, you're homophobic.
Every day. From every outlet. All the time.