Javier Solana, the EU’s rotating minister of everything in every transnational organization, criticized US policy as it related to the US-Mexico border, saying:
A wall that separates one country from another is not something that I like or that the European Union members like.Apparently there must be some other European union out there he must be talking about, because the one we have to pretend is a real and mature entity seems in an panicked state to send naval vessels to islands to keep Africans out of the south, permits all but the smuggling of women for prostitution at its’ border to the east, and dispairs at having no structured borders at the north.
But other than that, they can’t see why another nation which spent half a century protecting Europe’s borders, would have the temerity to demark its’ own.
Mr. Solana did, after all, have a Mexican audience to pander to. What use this has to him, one can only speculate.