At the Times of London,
Ben Gurr
has more on
the UK man — nay, the UK men — who are betrayed by the UK system of justice:
This must be brought to a stop. There is only one way to do that, and that involves two common-sense steps.
There must be divulgation of the identity (yes, that's right, shaming) of, lawsuits against, and
trials and punishment (including jail time) for the drama queens involved in the crime of falsely accusing others of a specific crime (in these cases, rape). Don't the potential future lovers or boyfriends of these crybullies deserve to know the identities of those with whom there is danger of hanging around with?!
There must be divulgation of the identity of, lawsuits against, and
trials and punishment (including jail time) for the police officers and government lawyers involved
in assisting (even unintentionally) people (men as well as women) in the crime of falsely accusing others of a crime (whether rape or any other offense).
Needless to say, the above is as much, if not
more, about
setting precedents by dissuading others (other vixens, other police
officers and prosecutors) from the temptation of engaging in similar "mental torture" stories in the
future as it is about
punishing the guilty in this particular case.
Pour encourager les autres.
Many will notice, no doubt with the greatest of astonishments, that this "extreme" solution used to be… the rule before the left swept through society with all their fairy tale takeovers of history, of the culture, and of the law.
I will be pleased if a reform movement will include criminology student Liam Allan.
bias in this alarmed age says that because some teachers have been
abusers, some men have raped, and many victims weren’t believed, it
follows that assuming guilt is the safe bet
… There have to be consequences, because
sexual crime is too serious, lying about it too wicked, to be used as a
weapon of the petulant. In the Allan case we know nothing of the
vulnerabilities or mental problems of the woman who lied, but it will be
dismaying if she is not promptly charged with perverting the course of
justice. Or, at least, wasting police time. Certainly she should lose
anonymity. …
But back to
Ben Gurr of the Times of London:
The case of an innocent student put on trial for rape because police
withheld evidence is just the “tip of the iceberg”, senior barristers
said last night.
Dozens of cases have collapsed in the past three
years because of serious police failings over the way they handle
evidence, according to an inspection report obtained by The Times.
one case, a man accused of robbery spent six months in jail before a
prosecutor found evidence confirming that he had been robbed by the
“victim”, who was a violent drug dealer.
Yesterday The Times revealed
that Liam Allan, 22, spent almost two years on bail and was on trial
for a series of alleged rapes before police handed over text messages
that exonerated him.
Angela Rafferty, QC,
chairwoman of the Criminal Bar Association, said yesterday that without
the intervention of the barristers in court Mr Allan “would have
suffered an appalling miscarriage of justice” because of the failure of
police and the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS).
warned that the failure was “not an isolated incident” and said that
police and the CPS may be “unconsciously bias[ed]” towards people who
report sex offences.
Mr Allan’s acquittal comes as concern grows
over a series of rape cases involving young men that have fallen apart
because of fears about the quality of the evidence.
A report in
July by HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate, seen by this
newspaper, found that police and CPS staff blamed “limited resources and
lack of time” for the poor disclosure of evidence.
inspectors found that the failure to deal with issues early meant that
unauthorised disclosure between lawyers, unnecessary adjournments and
discontinued cases “are common occurrences”. The report said that at
least 56 cases had been scrapped because of failure to disclose evidence
between 2013 and last year.
…/… Critics said Mr Allan’s case showed that lessons
had not been learnt. Ms Rafferty said: “The case should never have been
brought. Public funds were wasted, he spent two years on bail, and no
good has come of it. The authorities do not appear to have learnt
lessons from the joint report by HM Inspectors of the CPS and
Constabulary in July 2017, which highlighted systemic failures and
offered remedies.”
Dapinder Singh, QC, who specialises in complex
frauds and serious crime, said the failure to disclose evidence in Mr
Allan’s case may be “just the tip of the iceberg”. He added: “Disclosure
is the backbone of the criminal justice system and a defence team must
be able to trust the prosecution to properly discharge their disclosure
Among cases to have fallen apart recently are those of
George Owen, a 21-year-old trainee accountant, who was cleared in
September by a jury that took two hours to find that he had not forced
himself on a 19-year-old student as they left a bar in Manchester.
previous week, two young men were cleared of raping girls after nights
out. Bartolomeo Joly de Lotbiniere, 22, a student at York University,
was reported to police when he appeared on University Challenge —
14 months after having sex with his accuser. Joshua Lines, 23, was
accused by a fellow student who had invited him into her bed. Both said
that the sex was consensual and were found not guilty, prompting
questions about why they had ended up in court.
The woman who
accused Mr Allan faces investigation for attempting to pervert the
course of justice. The detective involved will be questioned about the
failure to hand over the vital evidence. The accuser told police that
she hated sex but wrote hundreds of text messages to friends saying she
was devastated when Mr Allan said that they could not meet again and
discussing in detail her enjoyment of sex.
The CPS and Scotland
Yard are reviewing why 40,000 text and WhatsApp messages from her phone
were not handed over until after the trial had begun at Croydon crown
court. Alison Saunders, the director of public prosecutions, has
apologised in a letter to The Times today for the failure to hand over the evidence earlier.
Mr Allan’s case, the phone records were handed over only when a new
prosecutor agreed to a request from the defence barrister to see any
material from the woman’s phone. Judge Peter Gower said on Thursday it
was clear that Mr Allan would not have been charged if the messages had
been seen, and demanded an inquiry into the failure to produce them.
Allan, who is in the final year of a criminology degree at the
University of Greenwich, had been warned that he faced at least ten
years in jail and would be on the sex offenders register for life.
A Crown Prosecution
Service spokeswoman said: “We know how important it is to get disclosure
right and in the light of the recent HM Crown Prosecution Service
Inspectorate report we are reviewing our disclosure policies and
practices with police colleagues as a matter of urgency.”
The ‘victim’s’ messages
woman who accused Liam Allan of rape told police that she hated sex,
but hundreds of messages sent to friends during the preceding months
detailed her obsession with the student and her love of sex.
messages were downloaded by police from the woman’s telephone shortly
after she was interviewed in January 2015. Police then stated there were
no messages of interest to either the prosecution or Mr Allan’s
Edited examples of some of her messages were read out in court. In a
message to a friend after Mr Allan told her he was going to university
she described how she had called him in a panic and begged him to see
her, writing:
“Honestly I was just a mess and I was like I’m asking for
one last chance to show you how much you mean to me.”
Writing to a
friend about having sex with another man:
“After the initial pain of
the train getting into the tunnel it’s not that bad, after a while it’s
alright and it’s fun . . . everyone knows I enjoy it but it still hurts
me to this day but no pain no gain. It’s worth it.
“It’s always
nice to be sexually assaulted without breaking the law. You clearly
don’t love me because you keep revoking my sexual advances, have I got
to drug you.”
In the comments section, writes that
Related: Teach British Women Not to Lie About Rape —
Accused man who went through “mental torture”: "I feel betrayed by the system which I had believed would do the right thing"
Update 2: Police Corruption in the UK —
Manchester force ‘took bribes from organised crime gang’
More interested in chasing people for saying mean things on twitter and facebook than protecting white girls from the muslim rape gangs.
More interested in arresting someone for leaving a rasher of bacon outside a mosque than dealing with FGM.
They should be stripped of their pension rights en-masse and be investigated on a personal level, and made to pay damages on a personal basis to those that they have failed.