Saturday, August 30, 2008
Like No-one Could Guess What You Were Thinking
France's problem with anti-Semitism
No sooner was Siné booted out of the editorial team over at Charlie Hebdo for blurting out some outrageous anti-Semitic remarks (something about Sarkozy's son getting married and converting to Judaism to get some money and career advancement), the guy has started a web-based magazine where he can continue to spew his anti-Semitic hatred under the guise of satire.
Céline on Wheels
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The Democrats' Nurmeburg Rally Begins
And it will feature strategically placed "real people", specially trained and scripted.
The AP story which ended up getting picked up far and wide was purged of any reference to them being flown in, trained to speak publicly in a "real" sounding way, and given tactically structured and timed scripts.Pickler reports that the Obama campaign “formally invited these people” (um, “people?”) to Denver, “providing airfare, lodging and great seats to watch Obama accept the nomination from a circular stage on the 50-yard line at Invesco Field.”
“Great seats” to the (sold-out) Obama Show, Pickler says! (Why let “the GOP” have all the fun with “characterizations of [Obama] as an out-of-touch celebrity?”)
Lest you think the “real people” will be keeping it real (“real?”), Pickler writes that “professional speechwriters are helping prepare their remarks…And just like any senator or other VIP speaker, an assigned staff member will oversee their schedules and logistical movements, including media interviews, speech coaching and on-stage rehearsals.”
As usual, their tack is an attempt at impersonating actual Americans. All I can see by way of the coverage is that the press simply doesn't question anything about the left. As awkward and implausible as it all looks, they play along. Michele Obama is suddenly transformed into someone who has never harbored a negativity for America, people with Kennedy signs suddenly appear from somewhere - "spontaneously". Suddenly we are a nation of people who may pity ourselves because we proudly and meekly suffer working 9 jobs, etc., etc., etc.
Like the last however-many Democrat candidates have come up with of course, Barack Obama, a confused pacifist, is implausibly compared to John F. Kennedy, a war veteran who stared the Soviets down, and lowered taxes. No questions are asked, in spite of an otherwise inexplicable 240 point drop in the Dow.
Monday, August 25, 2008
There MUST be a Connection
But alas, I can't seem to find it, although it must be somewhere. There must be a wat that Bu$hChimpyHitlerBurton and the United States of AmeriKKKa must have created, funded, blah-blah-blahed, these darling revised examples of the innocent, idyllic pastoral, "noble savage" of the leftist mind.
Nguema flattened the cocoa plantations, outlawed fishing in an island nation, and destroyed all the industry. He had 10 of his original 12 cabinet ministers killed, banned Western medicine, and let cholera run amok in regions whose political support he doubted. He declared that "intellectuals are the greatest problem facing Africa today" and then forbade use of the word "intellectual." He established links with the Soviet Union and kidnapped foreigners for ransom. He referred to himself as "God's Unique Miracle," shut down nearly all the country's schools and churches-in the overwhelmingly Christian country-and once, according to the Financial Times, "unskillfully hanged" 150 people in a soccer stadium "to the strains of Mary Hopkin singing 'Those Were the Days' over the loudspeaker system." A bit showy, you think? Perhaps, but it was Christmas.The evil genius-idiot must have had a way to control these people's arms and legs, surely.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
McCullough's Next Book Is About What America Owes France
A 75 ans, McCullough a "au moins vingt-sept idées de sujets" pour ses prochains livres. Comme pour boucler la boucle des années Bush, il a entrepris un livre qui entend montrer aux Américains ce qu'ils doivent aux Français. Parution prévue en 2010. Le livre débute avec les médecins qui sont venus étudier à la Sorbonne en 1830 et court jusqu'en 1939 lorsque la guerre commence et que les artistes émigrent à New York. On y croisera, dit-il, Edith Wharton, Langston Hughes, Hemingway. David McCullough veut faire l'inventaire littéraire, artistique, musical de tout ce qui a été créé, inventé, découvert à Paris mais dont les Américains ignorent de fait les origines.
"Il est essentiel de comprendre à quel point nous devons à la France ou aux Français, beaucoup de choses que nous croyons purement américaines", dit-il. "L'histoire américaine s'est plus déroulée en France que dans n'importe quel autre pays, Etats-Unis exceptés. Si je demande aux gens combien de soldats ont été envoyés en France, ils n'en ont aucune idée. La réponse est : deux millions et demi !"
Avec Rosalee, son épouse, David McCullough a prévu de passer une partie de l'automne à Paris, pour humer l'air du temps et prendre quelques croquis des lieux. "Comprendre les Français est pour les Américains une manière de se comprendre eux-mêmes", dit-il. Si vous croisez un monsieur enthousiaste, qui chante un air de jazz, peut-être s'agit-il de David McCullough. Il est sur les traces de Gene Kelly, un Américain à Paris, de Pittsburgh, comme lui...