So poisoned by the ‘cabal’ rhetoric, she wanted to play ‘Borking Baroness and the manly warmonger’ with Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld – in effect turning a minor sub-committee meeting into a legal interrogatory.
EU Observer, erm, observes:
«The parliament is mainly focusing on the responsibility of EU governments and their alleged co-operation with American secret agents.Except for the fact that they don’t. They seem perfectly happy with helping to power Islamists who think clitorectomies are just ‘ducky.’ Maybe she can organize a interfaith love-in at a social hall in one of the many Churches in Saudi Arabia.
But the British liberal democrat, Sarah Ludford, as a vice-chairman of the committee, hinted MEPs should also invite senior US figures, such as vice-president Dick Cheney or defence chief Ronald Rumsfeld, to their sessions.
"If we do our job seriously and efficiently, leaving no stone unturned, we will demonstrate our commitment to upholding the core values of human rights which lie at the heart of the union," she noted.»
«"The idea of Dick Cheney or Donald Rumsfeld coming to testify is breathtakingly naive," commented British conservative Charles Tannock.It makes one think that she should stick to the usual dyspeptic local political methods more appropriate to a certain class of issues – seemingly small ones that involve inhibiting human progress among her fellow subjects:
He added "America should know that it has some supporters in the European Parliament but ensuring rational and objective debate in this committee is clearly going to take some doing."»