Thanks to Corbusier, we get insight from an individual's idea of proper thoughts which has been tempered over the years by the press (to use the term generally) and by a slow to adapt culture. On the other hand, there is a breadth to the press worldwide that many aren't aware of. It's probably why the term "MSM" is used to form a distinction.
This week, in the U.S. news-roundup magazine “The Week” the matter of social division in France emerges. The center-left magazine usually makes a silent circle to avoid sharp criticism of leftist ideas and attitudes, but I couldn’t help but notice this one:
Can France Learn From the U.S.?
The French are in denial, said Greg Sheridan in Sydney’s Sunday Telegraph.This one really caught my eye:
Rónán Mullen in Dublin’s Irish Examiner: During the 1992 Rodney King riots in Los Angeles, the French indulged in plenty of smug self-congratulation.
The Americans do more than just police, said Prague’s Lidove Noviny in an editorial. After the civil-rights protests of the 1960s, the “American solution” was thorough social reform.
American policies would be neither feasible nor desirable for France, said Pierre-Yves Dugua in Paris’ Le Figaro . It’s true that the U.S.’s purely capitalistic economy has created more jobs for immigrants, and that the big cities have some racial integration. But at what cost? Because the American system “places such a high value on protecting private property,” U.S. cities have a shockingly large and visible police presence, with minority neighborhoods looking like an occupied nation. In France, where civil liberties are seen as more valuable than mere property, the sight of uniformed police patrolling the streets would be likely to provoke, rather than prevent, violence. Worse, the Americans incarcerate hundreds of thousands of blacks. Even people who commit crimes as minors, and “could be rehabilitated,” are locked away for many years or decades.I hate doing it to Le Figaro, but shall we parse?
A lack of Policing has made the suburban slums require more than a Police presence, wanting something more like a military presence. If you see a neighborhood that looks like that, it’s due to the pleas of the decent people who have to live among these, how shall we put it, “socially revolutionary” gang-bangers anyway.
This very protection of people IS a issue of Civil Liberty, namely that of keeping a little bit of ones’ PERSONAL liberty – namely the right to go unmolested by hoodlums.
Once again, this “nuanced” view from l’hexagon displays a despairing ignorance about the human condition, seeing only race, and talking in ellipses to avoid the simple matter of right and wrong. 30 year olds are not “youths”, even when they riot, and rehabilitation starts with an awareness of the lowest common denominator of ethis and morality: the law. In particular, abiding by the laws which permit one to be protected from hoodlums who by their injurious and vandalous behavior try to assert that might wins for no reason other than itself.
At least when Les Poulets have to use force, they have an actual purpose.
So while Dugua (who might be the world’s most improbable business writer,) thinks that being black makes one less of a criminal to palliate his congenital hatred, I wonder if he would rethink his magical race-based morality if he was mugged by a white dude.
Capitalism, isn’t the cause, it would be the cure to this kind of social ill. There wouldn’t be a need to demand a photograph with a CV if your garden variety José, Souheil, and GéeGée didn’t think that there was enough work to go around for “his own type”. In short, there would be no NEED to be defensive for WHATEVER reason over property, income, or rights, because you can afford to "have your own" - in effect live on your own terms, and not feel any need to be a left-wing strike-line zombie who tows a political line to pad his pocket at the expense of people who are worse off.
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