I think that it is important for Europe to understand that even though I'm now President and George Bush is no longer President, al Qaeda is still a threat
Good thing to know, Mr. President (thanks for the info)…

Prior to
his visit to
Prague and to
Ankara, the
Apologizer-in-Chief had passed through
Strasbourg, where his handlers (does he actually have any?!) couldn't even get the translation of "good afternoon" right (if
Bon après-midi ever existed, it went out of fashion, oh, about a couple of centuries ago) and where — uh, oh, America — he said that he was
jealous about [government-funded] high-speed rail and the nice trains here.
Devant les étudiants de Strasbourg, il a parlé d'Abou Ghraib, l'ancienne prison américaine en Irak, un nom qui ne revient pas souvent dans le discours public américain, en essayant de les convaincre qu'ils peuvent désormais se joindre aux Etats-Unis sans avoir peur de "se regarder dans la glace".

Thanks to
Barack Obama, says…
Barack Obama (in
Strasbourg, as recounted by
Corine Lesnes and in other
Le Monde articles), foreigners such as Europeans need no longer be afraid to… look at themselves in the mirror.
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