And of course these critics (i.e., the greater part of the French people) can only be right, because they have the proof of Bush's foul-ups (and of the Iraq war's indefensibility and, in general, of America's sins) from French television and other media outlets. And there are so many of pieces of evidence!
The only problem with that, of course, is that if Bush comes across as a total nincompoop, it may have something to do with how the editing job is carried out.
In that respect, Arrêt sur Images shows how a White House press conference was (heavily) cut (by Canal +) in order to make Dubya look like a total nincompoop (merci à Gilbert).
Who makes America's presidents tremble? A woman … An old woman who is close to 78 [Helen Thomas] … The American president can't answer a question as simple as why he went to war in Iraq. I think he is overawed … What is he, he is like a young student who is up for his first public speech! Yeah, that's BHL's theory. [Bush] is infantilized [transformed into a child] by that old woman.
Thank goodness the French have a responsible public service, thank goodness they can trust their leaders, and praise the Lord they are not subject to anything like Fox News!
Update: The YouTube version
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