Sunday, December 11, 2005

Every problem of a European power vis-à-vis the United States becomes a European question, a European problem, a European matter of interest

In conjunction with the two-century-old history of Americanism presented by Kathy Krajco, John Rosenthal offers us this quote (which, after all, is hardly extravagant and should not be taken as anti-Americanism by "our American friends"):
The Americans: a vital question for the future of Europe and the world…. It takes precedence over all other questions and leaves all merely European disagreements in the shadows. Their meddling in European affairs is closer than one generally thinks. The idea of a European [customs union] will become indispensable. The sooner the better. Every question or problem of a European power vis-à-vis the United States becomes a European question, a European problem, a European matter of interest. Thus, it will be necessary that the attitude of England becomes clear and explicit. England will have to choose sides…
Who would say something like that? Chirac? Schröder? Hmmm… We wonder

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