Sunday, February 20, 2005

Lebanon: events in motion

From The Telegraph:

Hariri's killers 'recruited from Syrian-linked group in Iraq'

"Rachid Mezher, the senior investigator for the Lebanese military tribunal, said that the organisers had been recruited from Islamist groups linked to Syria and operating against the US-led coalition in Iraq."

"Although no firm ties with the Syrian regime have been established, his comments suggest strong circumstantial evidence of a connection."

A previously unknown group calling itself
Victory and Jihad in Bilad As-Sham claimed responsibility for Hariri assassination. Bilad As-Sham refers to what we call “the Levant”, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine. It’s hard to believe that this group occurs in a vacuum. The only militia that was not disarmed following the settlement of the Civil war in Lebanon was Hizballah, which had Syria as it’s patron. Their stated raison d’etre was the expulsion of the Israelis from Southern Lebanon, after which they said the would no longer act as a militia. That was years ago. Well… here we are. We also find them backing the Syrian position of it’s own innocence AND opposing the parliamentary majority that backed Hariri. Coincidence?

Debka-file is an intelligent but suspicious source of information, they do however let us in on
THIS matter: the Syrians military is arming their proponents in Lebanon (who are in the minority) in the event that there is a democratic plurality that calls for their removal. New prime target Walid Jumblatt has hinted at this happening as well.

Anyone who believes that the strange brew of Jihadists and Desposts in the Arab world is something that Arab peoples want for themselves should (once and for all) dispose of that thought. Those facing the tip of the sword have already
identifed the evils of all of this, and that they can’t spend the rest of their lives blaming the Israelis for every ache and pain in their lives.

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