Sunday, March 09, 2025

Beijing's Road & Belt: China is not only trying to junk the Monroe Doctrine, it wants to establish itself as the head of the OAS

China is "trying to junk the Monroe Doctrine," reports Dick Morris, and "establish itself as the head of the Organization of American States" (OAS).

Attempting to influence the upcoming election of the secretary general of the OAS tomorrow Monday (March 10), a victory for the Surinam candidate would signify a Chinese implantation of the Western hemisphere.

: You Cannot Understand Trump's Greenland-Panama-Canada Declarations Unless You Recognize the Extent of the China Threat 

 … Beijing approaches a country with country with limited resources — mainly, but not uniquely, in Asia and Africa — and offers them very good deals with regards to investments. When the country cannot pay its bills, the offer turns out to be a Trojan Horse with Beijing taking over all or part of a city's infrastructure.

 … The Economist's Telegram reports that

Chinese ambitions to develop a port near Antarctica were “appalling” to America, [Carlos Ruckauf, a former Argentine vice-president and foreign minister] says. China’s space-peering radar station is a “very hard” problem because it is governed by a bilateral treaty.

 … [Already, Beijing is responsible for] Chancay, a Chinese-built and controlled port in Peru, which will be the largest and deepest on South America’s Pacific coast.

It is nothing less than incredible that Beijing managed to build a new Chinese Megaport — the largest on Latin America's Pacific Coast, referred to as China’s gateway to South America — only three or four months ago without it being reported in the West, even by conservative news sites.

 … in his article about waging Diplomatic War in the Central and South Pacific, Austin Bay writes that

Chinese military aircraft and navy warships need forward bases beyond the First Island Chain (Japan, Taiwan and the Philippines).

The new bases also provide the People's Liberation Army with missile launch sites. The closer missile launchers are to U.S. bases such as Pearl Harbor, San Diego and Puget Sound, the better, from Beijing's perspective. All the better for cowing the U.S. Navy.

 … the hearts and minds of people living in these [places] matter. In these small nations, (and that's the current political configuration, nations and confederations) they are vulnerable to the suite of tricks that serves Beijing well in Europe and Washington. The wallets of agents of influence -- diplomatic slang for politicians and media operatives accepting bribes -- are a classic means of first obtaining a weather station, then fishing rights, then naval anchorage rights, then a navy base. After the navy base: a missile launch site.

Saturday, March 08, 2025

The Folks Who Hid Anne Frank Were Breaking the Law; While The People Who Killed Anne Frank Were Following the Law

Eighty years ago, in March 1945 or as early as February, Anne Frank suffered so much at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp that the teenager passed away at only 15 years of age, a day after her older sister Margot.

Could it be that the most important that can be said about Anne Frank can reduced be to a meme?

The people who denounced Anne Frank and her family's hiding place were following (indeed, were respecting) the law — as were those who later killed her; while the people who tried to hide the Frank family members were breaking the law. 

So: No, the law is not a moral compass.

Meanwhile, in Belgium, incidentally, RTBF TV has been offering a series of documentaries on the Holocaust.

Anne Frank, journal d'une adolescente (Un journal intime vendu à 30M d’exemplaires) 

Il y a 80 ans, en mars 1945, Anne Frank mourait dans le camp de Bergen-Belsen, après s'être cachée avec sa famille pendant 761 jours dans "l'Annexe secrète" des bureaux de son père à Amsterdam. Au moyen d'extraits de son célèbre Journal dont le Anne Frank Fonds nous a donné un accès exclusif, ainsi que de photographies inédites et d'archives historiques colorisées, nous allons plonger dans le quotidien, les joies, les espoirs et les angoisses d'une jeune adolescente de 13 ans, juive, clandestine, cachée sous l'Occupation nazie. Depuis sa parution en 1947, Le Journal d'Anne Frank a été publié dans 192 pays, traduit dans 78 langues et vendu à plus de 30 millions d'exemplaires à travers le monde. Une extraordinaire leçon de vie pour comprendre comment grandir, comment vivre, alors que la barbarie envahit le monde. Un témoignage direct, sensible et poignant sur l'adolescence, qui reste aujourd'hui plus que jamais nécessaire. Pour créer un pont naturel avec les jeunes générations, nous avons donné un visage à Kitty, l'amie imaginaire à qui Anne Frank écrivait : cinq adolescentes, plurielles, issues de la diversité. Ces jeunes filles sont aujourd'hui les dépositaires de la mémoire d'Anne. Nous les avons filmées dans leur quotidien, dans des séquences de vie en écho avec le récit du Journal. Anne Frank, l'histoire d'une adolescente, l'histoire d'une jeune fille qui devient une femme malgré la guerre et la terreur et qui, 80 ans après sa mort, reste un symbole universel de résistance et d'espérance. Réalisation : Alexandre Moix - Production : KM production & Bleu Kobalt

Casting et équipe


Moix Alexandre

Friday, March 07, 2025

A Worse Danger for the West than the President of Russia, Warns Philippe Karsenty, Is the Emir of Qatar

"The real danger is not with Putin!" insisted Philippe Karsenty as he appeared on La Matinale de Frontières Media. "We must listen again to JD Vance's speech. It is a wake-up call to Europeans to defend freedoms in the face of mass immigration. Qatar is Islamicizing our country." 

During his Interview Frontale (40:15-1:08:40), indeed, the spokesman of le Comité Trump France warned that a more dangerous aggressor than the Russian president is the Emir of Qatar, who is trying to Islamicize the entire West. After all, the knife attacks on random Western citizens, or the driving of cars or trucks into city crowds, rarely involves Russian citizens. Also, a number of members in the government of François Bayrou are, or certainly have been reci[ients of Qatari aid, the emir of whose country — unlike Russia's president — is in no way persona non grata among Western capitals.

Philippe Karsenty also mentioned Nicolas Conquer's upcoming book, "Qui sera le Trump français?" (Who Will Be France's Trump?)

Dans notre matinale du 4 mars 2025, nous accueillons Stanislas Rigault président de Génération Z ainsi que Marc Baudriller directeur adjoint de la rédaction de Boulevard Voltaire. Nous échangeons sur les conventions citoyennes décentralisées sur l'identité française, souhaitées par François Bayrou. Nous nous demandons ainsi ce que signifie être français. Lors de notre Interview Frontale, nous recevons Philippe Karsenty porte-parole du comité Trump France. Nous analysons la posture de Donald Trump en ce qui concerne le dossier ukrainien. Sommaire : 00:00 : Intro 01:24 : Le Flash 04:48 : Le Réveil des Idées avec Stanislas Rigault président de Génération Z ainsi que Marc Baudriller directeur adjoint de la rédaction de Boulevard Voltaire. Nous échangeons sur les conventions citoyennes décentralisées sur l'identité française, souhaitées par François Bayrou. Nous nous demandons ainsi ce que signifie être français. 37:46 : La chronique de Solène 40:19 : L'Interview Frontale, nous recevons Philippe Karsenty porte-parole du comité Trump France. Nous analysons la posture de Donald Trump en ce qui concerne le dossier ukrainien. 1:08:57 : Le Grand Échiquier Bon visionnage ! Procurez-vous notre premier hors-série : Invasion migratoire : Les coupables 📍Disponible dès maintenant kiosque. Commande : 🗞️ Retrouvez nos enquêtes, magazines, vidéos et podcasts sur :

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Macron's Visit to the Trump White House Is Discussed on French Radio

The French radio channel Sud Radio asked Philippe Karsenty to discuss with Alexis Poulin the subject of Emmanuel Macron's visit to the White House and his meeting with Donald Trump regarding the Ukraine war (20:39-43:00). 

Previously, Alexis Poulin chuckled as he mentioned the Candace Owens book about Macron's wife Brigitte (who she claims in Becoming Brigitte to be a male), with the book Devenir Brigitte disappearing from all French sales outlets, online and other, from one day to the next (18:05).

Avec Arnaud Benedetti, rédacteur en chef de la Revue politique et parlementaire / Philippe Karsenty, porte parole du comité Trump France / Alain Juillet, ancien directeur du renseignement au sein de la direction générale de la Sécurité extérieure (DGSE) Retrouvez Alexis Poulin sans réserve tous les vendredis de 12h à 13h sur #SudRadio.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

French TV Channel Beclowns Itself While Trying to Defend Leftist VIPs Raising Arms in the Nazi Salute

In the wake of the "scandal" of Elon Musk — and now, at CPAC, Steve Bannon — accused of using a Nazi salute, numerous people have gone online and found (and shared) examples of leftists, politicians and VIPs alike — and even offhand non-political citizens, like the Pope, Paul McCartney, and a Village People singer — making gestures with an arm that could easily be interpreted as them about to shout "Heil Hitler." (Read notably the Times of India article, Everybody is a Nazi — Defending Elon Musk, social media users show Taylor Swift, Obama and Superman giving 'Nazi Salute'.)

Which brings us to an incredible France24 report in which salt-smelling fact-checkers (sic) seek to debunk the fact that Democrat politicians (alone, unlike rightist politicians) are doing anything of the kind (merci à Sylvain).

In France24's Truth Or Fake segment, one Sharon and Vedika Bahl go on to report about "a host of Democratic politicans [who] are being falsely accused online of doing Nazi salutes." 

48,350 views Jan 27, 2025 #barackobama #elonmusk #fakenews
A photomontage of four Democratic politicians – Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris – has racked up over 150 million views on X, claiming to show them making what has been likened to a "Nazi salute", similar to the arm gesture Elon Musk was criticised for at Donald Trump’s inauguration. These images are stripped of their context and are all taken as screenshots from wider speeches, with no deliberate gestures. Vedika Bahl debunks clip by clip in this episode of Truth or Fake. #elonmusk #barackobama #fakenews

Snopes joins the scuffle with a strange title that is a statement already providing a judgment: No, These Politicians Did Not Make the Same Gesture as Elon Musk. Traditionally, a Snopes title is an objectively-sounding question that it proceeds to (try to) answer in the text ("Did So-and-So Really Do/Say Such-and-Such?", the very best example in this case being… Did Musk Give 'Nazi Salute' at Trump's 2025 Inauguration Rally? [before weaseling out of giving a negative, or any kind of, answer]). Here, Snopes not only defends the Democrats, it goes beyond that, it makes a point to point out that These Politicians Did Not Make the Same Gesture as Elon Musk (!), suggesting the latter's gesture, by contrast — whether fascist or other, they conveniently refrain from saying — was indeed shameful and that he was indeed guilty.

However, the images being shared present each politician in a misleading manner — they were waving their hands and speaking on different issues that had nothing to do with Nazism.

Guess what, Snopes. Guess what, France24. Yuuuuuge spoiler:  That is precisely what we are saying about Elon Musk (not to mention the War Room's Bannon).

Well, if the mainstream media can report on "the spread of this misinformation" about leftists, why is Elon Musk's gesture still "controversial"? Can't France24 add right-leaning individuals to Vedika Bahl's Truth Or Fake report, such as, I dunno, Elon Musk and Steve Bannon?!

Here, let me do it for you:   

few fascists ever, few Nazis ever gave the fascist/Nazi salute from the heart, as Elon Musk did. Whether in Italy, in Spain, in Portugal, or in Germany, the arm went straight up from the side as the individual is standing still. Aye, there is the rub: the salute is traditionally formal, given as a soldier standing still by an "inferior" to a "superior" at the outset of an event or only when asked (when commanded) to do so. 

Thus we see lines of Germans, in uniform or civilian attire, all doing the Führergruß together, mechanically, at exactly the same time, while shouting the same words (Heil Hitler or Sieg Heil) in unison; the fact that nobody in the audience returned, or even recognized, Musk's salute, much less thought of returning it, is also evidence of elevated Drama Queenery. It is not a salute the "superior" gives to his "inferiors" (except as a return), certainly not informally in the middle of a speech, emotional or otherwise, as he (or she) prances about from one side of the stage to the other, like a Mexican jumping bean.

But luckily, when you take a look at France24's YouTube comments, the overwhelming amount of readers are smart enough to notice the double standards: just about every single comment about "Gruppenführer Musk" (LOL) eviscerates the France24 report. (The final comment is the best…)


Saturday, February 22, 2025

First Elon Musk, Now Steve Bannon: "All I Was Doing Was Wave to the Audience"

The latest example of Drama Queenery comes from France via CPAC, where Jordan Bardella pulled out of a scheduled speech because one of the speakers, Steve Bannon, allegedly made a "gesture referring to Nazi ideology". 

The BBC's Brandon Drenon:

"If he cancelled [the speech] over what the mainstream media said about the speech, he didn't listen to the speech. If that's true, he's unworthy to lead France. He's a boy, not a man," Bannon told the French news magazine Le Point. 

At the Reagan Dinner Friday night, the head of the War Room again said: "All I did was wave to the audience."

As I wrote when the Elon Musk scandal erupted,  

few fascists ever, few Nazis ever gave the fascist/Nazi salute from the heart, as Elon Musk did. Whether in Italy, in Spain, in Portugal, or in Germany, the arm went straight up from the side as the individual is standing still. Aye, there is the rub: the salute is traditionally formal, given as a soldier standing still by an "inferior" to a "superior" at the outset of an event or only when asked (when commanded) to do so. 

Thus we see lines of Nazis, in uniform or civilian attire, all doing the Führergruß together, mechanically, at exactly the same time, while shouting the same words (Heil Hitler or Sieg Heil) in unison…

Back in Paris, as a guest on Sud Radio, ROF's Vanessa Biard-Schaeffer gave her take on the allegations… 

Update: French TV Channel Beclowns Itself While Trying to Defend Leftist VIPs Raising Arms in the Nazi Salute

8,805 views Feb 22, 2025 #C_EST_DANS_L_ACTU_3
Avec Vanessa Biard-Schaeffer, Vice-président des Republicans Overseas

Thursday, February 20, 2025

CPAC Opens As the Trump Bulldozer Does What All Conservatives Have Been Begging For for the Past Half-Century

With Stacy McCain at the Belvedere

On the day before CPAC's opening day, who did I run into at the lobby bar, aka The Belvedere, but ol' pal and fellow blogger Stacy McCain? Thanks to his blog, The Other McCain (a reference to John McCain — no relation of his, I am told — back in the days when the Arizona senator was seeking the presidency during the first decade of the 21st century), he has an excellent description of the day at the Gaylord Hotel in National Harbor (check out paragraph two, between the hotel photo and the Donut Operator photo). As Stacy wrote, we spent our cocktail hour discussing the early days of blogging — remember Blogger Row?! — and trying to figure out what had happened to all our soulmates in the past two decades.

We first met at CPAC in either 2006 or 2007, during the G.W. Bush presidency, when the Global War on Terror was still the big thing for conservatives, and doesn’t that seem like a million years ago? 

[Erik Svane] and I talked about the old times, when “blogging” was still the New Thing, before social media, TikTok, YouTube and other such developments had revolutionized the information landscape. It was at CPAC 2007 (then held at the Omni Shoreham hotel in D.C.) that I first met Andrew Breitbart, and it’s stunning to think that it’s been nearly 13 years since Andrew died suddenly of a heart attack.

Back in the day, Stacy was clean-shaven; don't tell him this, but now, behind his back, I call him General Robert E Lee…
Mike Lindell, author of "From Crack Addict to CEO"

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Soviet Document Calling Oppenheimer a Member of the CP was sent to Stalin's NKVD Capo, Beria

As a group of historians and a top biographer square off, proponents of a middle path see a tangled life in which the superstar of science was, and was not, a true Communist at the same time.

Revisiting Oppenheimer's Communist Ties: A year after Nolan's movie on Oppenheimer, revisits An Old Clash [Which] Heats Up Over Oppenheimer’s Red Ties in the New York Times.

J. Robert Oppenheimer teemed with contradictions. …

 … In a universe of contradictions, the physicist himself grew famous as an American hero and infamous as a red sympathizer. The question of his true loyalties rang alarms 80 years ago as the Federal Bureau of Investigation probed Oppenheimer’s Communist past — and is now — surprisingly — gaining new attention.

This fall, months after Christopher Nolan’s “Oppenheimer” won seven Oscars, the Journal of Cold War Studies, a quarterly publication of Harvard University, is revisiting the Oppenheimer case.

Four historians argue that the physicist was not just a Communist ally but a full-blown member of a secret Berkeley unit who ultimately perjured himself in a federal hearing that had dug into his past. As evidence, they cite a substantial body of letters, memoirs and espionage files, some postdating the movie’s source material.

“Historians have to go where the evidence takes them,” said Gregg Herken, who leads the reassessment and is emeritus professor of history at the University of California.

In sharp disagreement is Kai Bird, co-author of “American Prometheus,” the 2005 biography of Oppenheimer on which Mr. Nolan based his film. The biographer denied that, in the 18 years since his book’s publication, any evidence has come to light confirming that the superstar of American science was in fact a true Communist.

“The only reason these folks are revisiting this issue is because of the Nolan film,” Mr. Bird said. “They’re pushing their own little crusade.”

The trouble with Kai Bird, of course, is that he and Martin J. Sherwin, i.e., The Authors of the Book Behind Nolan's "Oppenheimer" Were Both Editors and Writers at "The Nation" (something the mainstream media members, even in this article, have gone out of their way to downplay).

A middle path also exists. Some scholars, not unlike the quantum physicists, see both claims about Oppenheimer as possibly true — that he was and wasn’t a dedicated Communist. Potential clues, they say, can be found in his tangled life.

“He may have wavered,” said Thomas L. Sakmyster, an expert on underground Communist units. He said that flexible rules let members see their red ties as blurry.

Oppenheimer and others, Dr. Sakmyster said, “may have thought of themselves as fellow travelers” — that is, sympathetic to Communism but not formal party members. “Probably quite a few vacillated in this in-between state.” In the idiom of the day, they were pink individuals in red groups. …/…

 … Amid the social upheavals of the Great Depression, [Julius Robert Oppenheimer], like many 1930s liberals, belonged to leftist groups that denounced fascism abroad and sought economic justice at home. Even so, the elite physicist had little in common with the “card carrying, dues paying” Communists of his day. The workers joined picket lines, went to rallies and sold newspapers that reliably echoed Moscow’s line.

The ranks of the party soon expanded, however. In the 1930s, it began to court doctors, lawyers, professors, filmmakers and other members of the middle and upper classes. Many were leery of party affiliation. In response, the American party encouraged them to join underground units where members could study Marx, adopt pseudonyms and work in secret to aid the party. They carried no cards, unlike their worker comrades.

“It was risky and thrilling,” said Dr. Sakmyster, a emeritus professor of history at the University of Cincinnati. The secret members, he added, tended to be “very idealistic, very romantic.”

This was the moment in which Oppenheimer embraced Communism. His wife, his former fiancée, his brother, his sister-in-law and some of his best friends were party members. He called himself “a fellow traveler.” He subscribed to People’s World, a Communist newspaper, and each year gave the party up to roughly $1,000 — today the equivalent of more than $20,000.

That might have raised eyebrows in some circles, but it was not illegal. And Moscow would soon be Washington’s ally in World War II. After the war, however, Moscow got the bomb and quickly built a threatening arsenal. In 1954, at the height of the McCarthy era’s anti-Communism, Oppenheimer faced a secret hearing to determine if he were a security risk.

Under oath, repeatedly, the scientific head of Los Alamos denied ever belonging to a secret Communist unit or having any kind of formal Communist affiliation.

Dr. Herken, who wrote a 2002 book on Oppenheimer, said the trail of contrary evidence starts with two unpublished memoirs.

The first, by Haakon Chevalier, the physicist’s best friend at Berkeley, told of the two men joining the secret unit. The other, by Gordon Griffiths, a graduate student who became a University of Washington historian, said that he had been the Communist liaison to the group and that Oppenheimer was a member.

“American Prometheus,” which won the 2006 Pulitzer Prize in Biography, dismissed such evidence as insubstantial. “Quite bluntly,” Mr. Bird and his co-author Martin J. Sherwin declared, “any attempt to label Robert Oppenheimer a Party member is a futile exercise.”

New clues, however, kept coming to light. In 2009, John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr, historians of American Communism and Soviet espionage, cited old Soviet intelligence reports they saw as clearly indicating that “Oppenheimer had lied” to American officials about his party affiliation.

Barton J. Bernstein, an emeritus professor of history at Stanford University who has studied the Oppenheimer case for decades, said he was skeptical at first of the physicist’s formal Communist ties but now sees the evidence as “overwhelming.”

Think about it: isn't it somewhat disconcerting — to say the least — that in the 2020s, a major motion picture, one that is highly praised and that has won the highest awards, has as its central tenet a tendency to downplay the malignancy of Stalin while accentuating the (alleged) guilt of America and the free world?

A discussion was arranged in the Fall of 2024, featuring Dr. Herken, Dr. Bernstein, Dr. Haynes and Dr. Klehr. 

Dr. Kramer said that Mr. Bird, the biographer, had declined an invitation to address their comments and that Mr. Nolan did not respond.

Monday, February 17, 2025

European TV Worries Whether America Is Becoming Europe's Adversary

After JD Vance's speech in Munich, European and European televisions are starting to worry whether the United States is becoming the EU's adversary. BFMTV invited Philippe Karsenty of the Comité Trump France to join the debate under NewsBox's François Gapihan (video at the BFMTV link, between 1:16:11 and 1:30:48).

Emission du samedi 15 février

Votre rendez-vous 100% direct, décryptage, débats. Pour tout savoir mais aussi tout comprendre de l’actualité. Aux côtés de François Gapihan : les meilleurs experts et tous les acteurs qui font l’info
1h38min|2025|Diffusée le 15 février 2025 à 18h00 sur BFM TV
Encore disponible 26 jours

Sunday, February 16, 2025

How strange it is to try to fight anti-Semitism in France's temple of Woke propaganda — the Maison de la Radio — which spreads hatred of Israel on its airwaves from dawn to dusk

Following a major government meeting in Paris's Maison de la Radio on the subject of fighting anti-semitism in French schools, Philippe Karsenty penned a scathing critique on Causeur.

Fighting anti-Semitism through education is a good thing, needless to say, but isn’t there an essential element missing in this combat?

Is it the shortcomings of France's education system that are fueling anti-Semitism in 2025 or is it the lies spread by a number of media outlets against Israel that are making anti-Semitism reach the high heavens?

How strange it is to try to fight anti-Semitism in the temple of Woke propaganda — la Maison de la Radio — which spreads hatred of Israel on its airwaves from morning to night. Just like AFP and France 5, France Inter and France Info falsify information about the Middle East on a daily basis to demonize Israel, and consequently endanger the Jews of France who are linked to the country.

… How about, in order to fight against anti-Semitism, the government started by cleaning up the media space, domestic outlets as well as foreign ones, accessible on French territory?

… During these meetings, one topic was never addressed or even mentioned in passing: Islam, Islamism, jihadism. Yet it was on everyone’s minds.

Lutter contre l’antisémitisme par l’éducation, c’est bien mais ne manque-t-il pas un élément essentiel dans ce combat ?

Sont-ce les lacunes de l’Education nationale qui nourrissent l’antisémitisme en 2025 ou sont-ce les mensonges déversés par certains médias contre Israël qui le font exploser ?

Comme c’est étrange de chercher à lutter contre l’antisémitisme dans le temple de la propagande wokiste – la Maison de la Radio – qui propage la haine d’Israël sur ses ondes du matin au soir. Tout comme l’AFP et France 5, France Inter et France Info falsifient quotidiennement l’information concernant le Proche-Orient pour accabler Israël, et par voie de conséquence mettre en danger les juifs de France qui y sont assimilés.

 … Et si pour lutter contre l’antisémitisme, le gouvernement commençait par assainir l’espace médiatique, étatique mais aussi étranger accessible sur le territoire français ?

 … Lors de ces assises, un thème n’a jamais été abordé ni même prononcé : l’islam, l’islamisme, le djihadisme. Il était pourtant dans toutes les têtes.

Update: On Friday evening, after Causeur published Philippe Karsenty's article, a member of the cabinet called the author to inform him that they had understood his message and that their advertising campaign had been cancelled.

"The United States Does Not Want to Be the Butt of the Globalist Joke Anymore"

In an interview with the weekly Valeurs Actuelles, Sébastien Laye defends Donald Trump's tariffs, saying to Éric Revel that under the new president, "The United States no longer wants to be the Butt of the Globalist Joke."