Friday, February 07, 2025

"The State has to be a facilitator and not an obstacle": France Should Be Inspired by Trump and Imitate His Bureaucracy-Shedding Initiatives

After returning to Paris from Washington to witness the inauguration of Donald Trump, Nicolas Conquer has been all over the place.

The French-American member of Republicans Overseas France (ROF) has an article in one of France's oldest (and most widely read) newspapers, he held a speech on the MEGA MAGA podcast on Twitter X, and next Tuesday he will be the guest of Jean-François Mourtoux in a Paris suburb for an "exceptional" discussion.

#MEGAMAGA is a new tag on X: the second part acknowledges Trump's well-known mantra, while the first part copies "Europe" into his formula; and, indeed, "Make Europe Great Again" is what Nicolas Conquer's article in Le Figaro is all about.

In Le Figaro, Nicolas writes that "Unlike France, the United States understands that the State has to be a facilitator and not an obstacle":

Donald Trump's fight for administrative simplification should inspire France, which persists in favoring regulation rather than innovation, opines Nicolas Conquer, spokesperson for Republicans Overseas France.

  … While America seeks to restore its ability to be one step ahead, Europe persists in a systematic distrust of risk, success, and initiative. The spirit of innovation runs up against a regulatory wall designed more to control than to stimulate. In France, this inertia is glaring: standards and rules accumulate, administrative constraints weigh heavily on the economy, and entrepreneurs spend more time complying with the rules than innovating. 

  … A question of priorities: progress before bureaucracy! Administrative simplification is indeed an economic imperative. In the United States, Donald Trump has instituted a simple and common-sense, albeit revolutionary, measure: for each new standard implemented, ten others must be eliminated. A radical signal that contrasts with the administrative inflation that is paralyzing Europe and France in particular. 

 … Whereas the United States understands that the State should act as a facilitator and not as an obstacle, France persists in multiplying the levels of unnecessary control, unnecessary agencies, unnecessary authorizations, and unnecessary procedures. This model is not sustainable. … It is not a luxury that is being asked for, it is a question of economic survival.

… The future belongs to nations that innovate, not to those that get bogged down in absurd regulations.

«Contrairement à la France, les États-Unis ont compris que l’État devait être un facilitateur et non un obstacle»

Le combat de Donald Trump en faveur de la simplification administrative devrait inspirer la France, qui persiste à privilégier la réglementation plutôt que l’innovation, affirme Nicolas Conquer, porte-parole du Parti républicain américain en France.

 … Alors que l’Amérique cherche à réhabiliter sa capacité à avoir un coup d’avance, l’Europe persiste dans une défiance systématique vis-à-vis du risque, du succès et de la prise d’initiative. L’esprit d’innovation se heurte à un mur réglementaire conçu davantage pour contrôler que pour stimuler. En France, cette inertie est criante : les normes s’accumulent, les contraintes administratives pèsent lourdement sur l’économie, et les entrepreneurs passent plus de temps à se conformer aux règles qu’à innover. 

 … La France et l’UE débattent d’une énième capsule sur une bouteille, pendant que les États-Unis envoient des capsules spatiales récupérer leurs astronautes. Une question de priorités : le progrès avant la bureaucratie ! La simplification administrative est en effet un impératif économique. Aux États-Unis, Donald Trump a institué une mesure simple et pleine de bon sens, mais révolutionnaire : pour chaque nouvelle norme, dix doivent être supprimées. Un signal radical qui tranche avec l’inflation administrative qui paralyse l’Europe et notamment la France.

 … Là où les États-Unis ont compris que l’État devait être un facilitateur et non un obstacle, la France persiste à multiplier les niveaux de contrôle, les agences, les autorisations et les procédures inutiles. Ce modèle n’est pas soutenable. … Ce n’est pas un luxe, c’est une question de survie économique.

 … L’avenir appartient aux nations qui innovent, pas à celles qui s’enlisent dans des règlements absurdes.

Thursday, February 06, 2025

Radio Courtoisie : “Les 100 Premiers jours de Trump”

Le 5 mai 2025,

Evelyne Joslain, assistée d’Eric, reçoit :
  • Erik Svane, porte-parole des Republican Overseas France
  • Philippe Karsenty, éditeur, homme d’affaires, porte-parole de MAGA France
  • Marc Amblard, avocat international
  • Daniel Clément, médecin

Thème : “Les 100 Premiers jours de Trump

Patron d'émission du Libre journal du Nouveau Monde à Radio Courtoisie, Évelyne Joslain est l'auteur d'une poignée de livres sur les États-Unis et l'Occident. Parmi ceux-ci, son chef d'œuvre est paru il y a quelques mois.

Parmi les revues de livre qui sont parues à ce jour, deux sur No Pasarán et Le Monde Watch, une autre revue sur Les 4 Vérités (sous le titre La Guerre Culturelle : un livre incontournable) et une dernière revue sur Dreuz (sous le titre “La Guerre Culturelle” d’Évelyne Joslain – un livre indispensable sur les dangers qui vous menacent).

Pour revenir à Radio Courtoisie, cliquez sur le lien pour entendre l'émission d'une heure et demie…

19 Years Is Enough, President Trump: Push Disney and ABC to Re-Broadcast "The Path to 9/11" While Releasing the DVD

Dear President Trump,

as you go, or as the DOGE's Elon Musk goes, through government to find evidence of waste, kickbacks, and corruption within its hallowed walls, and as you indeed find a protection racket related to mainstream media outlets as varied as Politico, CBS, the BBC, and the New York Times, maybe your next step should be to target Disney and ABC — both in general and regarding one specific event.

The event occurred almost 20 years ago and it, or rather its ensuing wake, is described in the Breitbart article, To Protect Clintons, ABC Censored and Buried ‘Path to 9/11’ Miniseries. (Thanks for Instalink, Steve.)

After reminding us of the "length to which ABC, its news division, and its parent company (Disney) have gone to protect and curry favor with the Clintons" — "in 1996, ABC News hired George Stephanopoulos, a former Clinton campaign and White House official" and said "symbol of ABC News has an ongoing relationship (involving large sums of money) with Bill and Hillary Clinton, a relationship that he and ABC News attempted to cover up from viewers" — John Nolte gets to the gist of the matter and reminds us of what befell the mini-series after it was broadcast 19 years ago.

Back in September of 2006, for the fifth anniversary of 9/11, Touchstone Television (a division of ABC) produced a two-part miniseries, The Path to 9/11, that looked, in great detail, at the events that led up to that tragic September morning.

The 240 minute series was meticulously researched by award-winning screenwriter Cyrus Nowrasteh (who has worked on similar historical dramass with the likes of Oliver Stone) and focused, in part, on what the Clinton administration did right and wrong in their attempt to capture or kill 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden.

Nevertheless, once the Clintons got wind that a network miniseries might commit the sin of accurately dramatizing some of their mistakes, all hell broke loose. The Clintons complained publicly and privately to their Disney/ABC pals.

And in an act out of outright McCarthyism, Senate Democrats threatened to revoke ABC’s broadcast license if the miniseries wasn’t censored to benefit the Clintons.

Not only did ABC happily comply, after its initial broadcast, ABC went even further in burying forever its $40 million investment.

Rather than risk upsetting the Clintons, Disney/ABC  instead chose to cave to government threats and lose tens of millions of dollars in the revenue that almost certainly would have come from a “Path to 9/11” home video release and re-broadcasts, not just on ABC, but its other cable networks.

I remember an article that Cyrus Nowrasteh wrote (in none other than, I believe, the Wall Street Journal), in which the screenwriter acknowledged that fairness is a matter of the utmost importance and that ABC should therefore release a DVD which would feature, among its bonuses, a carte blanche reply from the Clinton camp that could contain as much information and ripostes as Bill Clinton desired, and be however long he desired. Obviously, that came to naught.

President Trump: Lean onto Disney as only you know how and have the ABC channel release The Path to 9/11 on DVD (with or without the Clintons' reply) while honoring its initial decision to re-broadcast the two-part miniseries every year in early September, as initially planned.
Update: Let's not forget , who chose Mediate (of all places) to publish his piece about his own documentary about the 9/11 docudrama, which he calls

one of the most damning films ever made about the Clintons. Blocking “The Path to 9/11” told the remarkable and infuriating story of how The Path to 9/11 was somehow transformed from a extraordinary piece of art which tried to educate the public about what led to those terrorist attacks, into a “conservative” political hit piece.

A personal note: I cannot find any mention of the movie on No Pasarán (which is probably because none of the NP bloggers ever had the chance to see it on a European screen). But what I do remember is some of my first forays into Wikipedia, along with my first personal experience of Wikipedia censorship. Most of the section I created, Responses from the right, was deleted, if I remember correctly, down to a single paragraph or so. And back in those days, Wikipedia had not yet (or had barely) started its numbered References section; instead there would be a section (sometimes sparse, sometimes long) towards the very end called Further Reading. All this would consist of was a list of hyperlinked article titles regarding the subject, plus perhaps the author and the media of origin. 

Noticing that every one of the Wikipedia page's two dozen or so articles were leftist and critical, I added some 7 or 8 conservative articles to balance out the point of view. Pretty soon (perhaps within a day or so), I noticed they had been deleted. I protested in the Talk section but was met with a rebuttal that my sources weren't serious enough for Wikipedia. Note: one of these articles that was not serious enough for Wikipedia's readers was one regarding the controversy authored by … the screenwriter himself, Cyrus Nowrasteh — surely of some interest in the debate. As noted above, the source that it came from that was not serious enough for Wikipedia (contrary to, say, the… Colbert Report) was the… Wall Street Journal.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

You Cannot Understand Trump's Greenland-Panama-Canada Declarations Unless You Recognize the Extent of the China Threat

You cannot understand Donald Trump's foreign policy decisions — notably his pronouncements on Greenland, Panama, and Canada — unless you recognize the danger that China's government represents, as much to the rest of the world as to America.

In that perspective, there has been a threat that has not been recognized enough, whether by Western media outlets or by the countries that have signed various agreements with Beijing.

The subject that has been covered, rather fully, has been the Chinese communist threat to its immediate neighbors, as well as the People's Army (or the People's Navy, rather) building military bases, indeed entire islands, in the China Sea.

As China threatens Taiwan and Japan, while redrawing geographical maps (notably with regards to India and Russia) and while writing the era of Britain's colony of Hong Kong out of Chinese history books, the country of Hua Mulan has been engaged in entering into agreements with countries all over the world that turn out to be a Trojan Horse for penetrating a country's economy.

With regards to Greenland and Panama, we get to a much less known aspect of Beijing's policies and diplomacy. Here, we turn to Trump's Call to Denmark's Prime Minister Left Her Like a James Bond Martini, in which streiff gives more details about

China's "elite capture" strategy

aka the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The Action Plan on the Belt and Road Initiative published by the State Council of the People Republic of China

Beijing approaches a country with very — mainly, but not uniquely, in Asia and Africa — and offers them very good deals with regards to . When the country cannot pay its bills, the offer turns out to be a Trojan Horse with Beijing taking over all or part of a city's infrastructure.

It's not only cities and port terminals. Here, streiff mentions other "benefits" in the "concerted Chinese effort to establish control (such as Vitkor [sic] Orban's Hungary allow[ing] uniformed Chinese police in Budapest" while The Economist's Telegram mentions "Peru, which … has allowed Chinese state companies to acquire a monopoly on the electricity supply to the capital, Lima." 

But mainly, it's about achieving control in urban centers and especially city harbors, such as the Chinese warships [docked] at a Cambodia military base. Or China's recent foray into Sri Lanka, which is Beijing's first harbor in the Indian Ocean, in addition to managing to pull off international shaming tactics to push the UK to hand over to Mauritius the Chagos Archipelago further West, with the USA's Diego Garcia airbase.

With regards to Europe, Xi Jinping is also present in such European ports as Genoa and Trieste (among other Italian coast cities). As for the management of the Panama Canal, it is by a Hong Kong firm at the core of China’s Geostrategic Approach to Europe (by Francesca Ghiretti):

Geographically, Chinese companies have made acquisitions of terminals all over Europe, covering 15 ports and seven EU member states. Chinese companies are present in the ports of Greece (port of Piraeus and of Thessaloniki), Malta (Malta Freeport Terminal), Italy (Vado Reefer Terminal), Spain (CSP Bilbao Terminal and CSP Valencia Terminal), France (Terminal de France and Terminal Nord, Terminal du Grand Ouest and Terminal de Méditerranée), Belgium (Terminal des Flandres, CSP Zeebrigge Terminal, Antwerp Gateway), the Netherlands (Euromax Terminal and Rotterdam World Gateway), and Germany (Tollerort Terminal in Hamburg).

Check out the CFR for Tracking China’s Control of Overseas Ports

The China Overseas Ports interactive visualizes degrees of China’s overseas port ownership by types of investment across regions and time. It also evaluates the dual-use (commercial and military) potential of ports owned, constructed, or operated by Chinese entities. The database supporting this interactive includes 129 port projects of which Chinese entities have acquired varied equity ownership or operational stakes.

In From Greenland to Panama and Mexico, leaders are in shock due to the Trump decisions, The Economist reports that

The canal is part of a bigger piece of real estate that Mr Trump is eyeing. He wants to influence territory and infrastructure close to the United States. He views Mexico as a source of unwanted migration, drugs and Chinese goods, Canada as a liberal dystopia and Greenland as a weak link.

More specifically to Denmark, the Chinese Communist Party has certainly attempted to access Greenland and the Faeroe Islands, as well as perhaps other Danish harbors in the Scandinavian country proper. The Economist writes that China and Russia have chilling plans for the Arctic:

China’s Arctic silk-road project, unveiled in 2017 [or the] “silk road on ice” (as China calls its polar transportation plan in Chinese) would become a “new platform” for the Belt and Road Initiative, it said, referring to the country’s spree of port, railway, road and other infrastructure-building around the world.

The weekly's Telegram adds that

Chinese ambitions to develop a port near Antarctica were “appalling” to America, he says. China’s space-peering radar station is a “very hard” problem because it is governed by a bilateral treaty.

 … [Already, Beijing is responsible for] Chancay, a Chinese-built and controlled port in Peru, which will be the largest and deepest on South America’s Pacific coast.

It is a new Chinese Megaport referred to as China’s gateway to South America. Moreover, adds The Economist

Peru, which, besides Chancay port, has allowed Chinese state companies to acquire a monopoly on the electricity supply to the capital, Lima. 

Regarding Greenland, the London weekly points out that

Mr Trump’s allies point to China’s “Polar Silk Road”, a spree of infrastructure-building in the Arctic, as a threat … It is undeniable that Greenland is important to America’s national security. The shortest route for Russian nuclear missiles to reach America’s east coast goes right over the island: Pituffik Space Base in the territory’s north-west hosts part of America’s missile-early-warning system. The so-called Greenland-Iceland-United Kingdom gap plays a central role in the high-stakes submarine contest between NATO members and Russia. … An independent Greenland could be vulnerable to coercion and be an unreliable ally.
Let a military specialist have the last word.

Why do small Pacific islands matter? 

asks Austin Bay in his article about waging Diplomatic War in the Central and South Pacific. 

Chinese military aircraft and navy warships need forward bases beyond the First Island Chain (Japan, Taiwan and the Philippines).

The new bases also provide the People's Liberation Army with missile launch sites. The closer missile launchers are to U.S. bases such as Pearl Harbor, San Diego and Puget Sound, the better, from Beijing's perspective. All the better for cowing the U.S. Navy.

Saipan, Palau, Truk Atoll. They were valuable islands in 1942. Many American citizens, victims of bad schools and leftist teachers, have never heard of these World War II battlegrounds. But controlling them or denying Japan use of these and other islands led to Japan's defeat. For the record, Japan used Saipan as a base for attacking Guam.

In 2023, the hearts and minds of people living in these islands matter. In these small nations, (and that's the current political configuration, nations and confederations) they are vulnerable to the suite of tricks that serves Beijing well in Europe and Washington. The wallets of agents of influence -- diplomatic slang for politicians and media operatives accepting bribes -- are a classic means of first obtaining a weather station, then fishing rights, then naval anchorage rights, then a navy base. After the navy base: a missile launch site.

The process I describe isn't theory. In spring 2022, a leaked document indicated that China had reached an agreement with the Solomon Islands that would give it the right to make naval ship visits and send soldiers or police to train and (according to one source) "maintain order."

Maintain Order: that's Beijing-speak for taking control when the moment is ripe.

Related: • The Systematic Destruction of Denmark's Military Over 30 Years: "Ships that cannot sail; Planes that cannot fly; And cannons that cannot fire — Everything is missing"

• Avoiding the NATO Burden: "Denmark has made the skill of tricking the US into an art" Writes Danish Editor; "Denmark Deserves No Respect from America"


Nicolas Conquer Travels Overseas to Attend Trump's DC Inauguration, Witnesses Musk's "Nazi Salute"

In his article for the Causeur monthly, Ce que j’ai vu à Washington (What I Saw in Washington), Nicolas Conquer recounts, as the title indicates, his week in the DC area after traveling from France across the Atlantic Ocean to witness the inauguration of Donald Trump.

A French-American member of Republicans Overseas France (ROF) with a great last name, Nicolas Conquer had adventures aplenty, visiting Mount Vernon (as George and Martha's home prepares for the nation's 250th anniversary), paying his respects at Arlington, and exercising his « god-given rights » by shooting guns with a son of Nicolas Sarkozy.

But Nicolas Conquer was also present at Capitol One to watch the Village People and to witness (cough) Musk's Nazi Salute:

J’attends trois heures dans la file d’attente aux côtés d’un juif ultra-orthodoxe, de sa femme et leur nouveau-né. On regarde ensemble la prestation de Musk, et son geste décrit comme un simulacre de salut nazi. Au moment où il tend son bras vers la foule pour lui offrir « tout son cœur », il n’y a pourtant aucune réaction dans la foule. Pas davantage chez mon interlocuteur qui aurait pu se sentir blessé. Un calme précaire toutefois : je connais le monde médiatique, je sais comment ce geste sera interprété. L’indignation ne tarde jamais.

"I spend three hours waiting in line alongside an ultra-Orthodox Jew, his wife, and their newborn baby. We watch Musk’s performance together, along with his gesture described as a recreation of the Nazi salute. When he extends his arm to the crowd to offer them “all his heart”, however, there is no reaction in the crowd. Certainly not from my neighbor who could have felt shocked. 'Tis but a precarious calm, however: I know the media world, I know how this gesture will be interpreted. Indignation is never long in coming."

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

As Europeans Ventilate about "a Thug" in the White House, Randy Yaloz Defends Donald Trump's Tariff Policies on LCI

As Europeans look aghast at Donald Trump's decisions on major tariff raises on Canada, Mexico, and China while referring to Donald Trump as "un voyou" (a hoodlum or a thug), Randy Yaloz, head of Republicans Overseas France, spent almost an hour and a half on TF1's LCI channel (video at link, starting at 35:35) to defend the "thug's" foreign and economic policies.

Le 22h Rochebin - Broussouloux du lundi 3 février 2025

Publié aujourd'hui à 0h00

Au sommaire : Budget : le PS épargne Bayrou... malgré le 49.3 ! Trump/taxes : a-t-on les moyens de se rebeller ? Et maintenant Trump veut... des terres ukrainiennes !

Jeffrey Carter on The Tariff Game (Lots of Disinformation): 

I knew Democrats [as well as Europeans] couldn’t grasp economic concepts before, but now they are full-throated in their ignorance. … Everyone was doom-and-gloom. … the goal of the tariffs would be to end tariffs on both sides. … I think that tariffs are dumb. But, I also don’t like being a patsy. … 

 … Trump is getting a lot of stuff done that people in the US have wanted en masse for years. Who hasn’t heard a liberal or a conservative say they want good government? Who hasn’t heard someone say they want to eliminate waste?

All the crying you hear today is from people actually seeing waste get eliminated.


Du lundi au jeudi Darius Rochebin et Emilie Broussouloux animent ensemble le « 22H Rochebin – Broussouloux ». Editorialistes, experts réguliers et invités, notamment politiques, se succèdent pour confronter leurs idées et contribuer au débat de 22h à minuit. Tous les vendredis et samedis soir, place au « 22H Nivat – Cérin » de 22h à minuit, Anne Nivat et Guillaume Cérin exercent leur regard aiguisé sur l’actualité du jour. Et le dimanche, Darius Rochebin ouvre la semaine à venir dans le « 22H Rochebin », avec une tablée d’éditorialistes et d’invités qui reflètent la diversité des opinions et des points de vue, en prise constante sur l’actualité de 22h à minuit. 

Monday, February 03, 2025

Changement Climatique : "On nous a baratiné pendant des années … il est temps d'arrêter"

Sur LinkedIn, QuotaClimat a protesté devant le fait que les paroles remplies de bon sens du porte-parole du Comité France Trump, Philippe Karsenty, n'ont pas été immédiatement refoulées par les présentateurs de BFMTV.

C'est inquiétant : l'américanisation du débat médiatique français se poursuit sans obstacle. Le représentant de Trump en France était invité sur BFMTV, affirmant au sujet du climat "On nous a baratiné pendant des années [...] il est temps d'arrêter". Et le présentateur passe à la suite, sans réagir.

Il est déconcertant que ce relativisme infondé, clairement inspiré de la désinformation climatique véhiculée par Donald Trump, soit reçu avec une telle indifférence dans un plateau télévisé français.

 … Émission Marschall Truchot BFM Story du 21 janvier 2025, séquence à 17h09.

À tous les petits soldats du catastrophisme climatique, qui pour certains doivent en vivre grassement, je vous invite à m'indiquer quelle information est fausse dans mes propos.
Bon courage ! Tout ce que je dis est vrai et vérifiable.

Sunday, February 02, 2025

BFMTV: Randy Yaloz Responds to European Fears About an "Economic World War"

As Europeans — politicians, élites, and media alike — start ventilating about an "economic world war," Randy Yaloz, head of Republicans Overseas France, was on the BFMTV set to give Donald Trump's point of view.

Donald Trump : vers une guerre économique mondiale ? - 01/02

Votre rendez-vous 100% direct, décryptage, débats. Pour tout savoir mais aussi tout comprendre de l’actualité. Aux côtés de François Gapihan : les meilleurs experts et tous les acteurs qui font l’info

  | Durée : 18:25

Saturday, February 01, 2025

Karsenty Joins Hanouna Debate on France's Plan to Ban Its Most Prominent Right-Leaning TV Channel

Deux jours après l'investiture du 47ème président américain, le porte-parole du Comité France Trump, Philippe Karsenty, est retourné parmi les invités de On Marche sur la tête de Cyril Hanouna sur Europe 1.

Le débat dont faisait partie Philippe Karsenty portait sur les menaces de fermeture de C8, chaîne de télévision accusée souvent — avec moult expressions d'outrage et de cris au scandale — d'être d'extrême-droite.

It is very strange to me how leftists are always heard to say, I will not go on this radio show or that TV show, because they are too far right (ce sont des fachos!). Or, let us ban, or at least censor, such-n-such a show or such-n-such a channel. Or, when approached by a right-leaning interviewer during a demonstration, "Don't talk to that guy!" Shouldn't they want to join the debate and have the opportunity to "turn" if not the pundits on the show, at least some of his or her followers? This is why people on the right are usually willing to open any debate, with anybody, anywhere. By contrast, when said rightists start making strong arguments, that is when they are usually interrupted by said leftists.

At a café, once, I talked to a woman who started to rant about American racism. I said, "I'm afraid nobody can deny what you are saying, for instance, did you know that Americans have never elected a black man to the White —" Here, I did a (fake) double take, interrupting myself. "Wait a minute, I think they have elected a black man to the White House." She burst out laughing.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Trump's Wow Moment — The only reason for wanting open borders: you're either stupid or you hate the country

The only things [The Democrats] are good at, really, is cheating

In the top five moments from Donald Trump's interview with Fox's Sean Hannity, at least check out his final argument, from 15:08, or even from 16:58. It's one heck of a wow moment.

This was one of gross miscarriage of common sense, to allow people to come in. … This is not just South America, … these are … countries that you don't even think of. The Congo has emptied their prisons out into the United States! … Prisons from all over the world have been emptied into our country by Biden, allowing it to happen. … Who would want this?! …

I don't understand, why does somebody want open borders? … [The Democrats] cheat so well, they are very good at cheating. The only things they are good at, really, is cheating. Here's the thing I ask: Why would somebody say that open borders are good, where jails and mental institutions from other countries, and gang members right off the streets of the toughest cities of the world, are being brought to the United States of America and emptied out into our country? 

Why would anybody that even likes — you don't even have to love our country, you have to like it — why would anybody that likes our country — the Democrats — allow that to happen? … The only reason it can be is two reasons: you're stupid — and I don't think they're stupid, I think anybody that cheats that much and that well isn't stupid — you're either stupid or you hate the country.  Those are the only two reasons. …

Related: Previewing his latest book on his Fox News show, Mark Levin points out that The Democrat Party Hates America.

"La cause palestinienne, c’est l’aphrodisiaque des régimes arabes qui cherchent à exciter leurs foules"

During a 5- to 6-minute stint on Shalom Radio (Tribune Juive), Philippe Karsenty made a few choice remarks (audio at the link):

"Palestine never existed, the Palestinian people are a fiction created in 1964 by the KGB to destabilize the West and destroy the State of Israel. Donald Trump is going to sweep away this piece of Soviet propaganda that dates back to 1964." 

"The Palestinian cause is the cause of useful idiots and paid intellectuals, it is the aphrodisiac of Arab regimes that seek to turn on their crowds."

Shalom Radio (Tribune Juive) :

Philippe Karsenty, porte-parole du Comité Trump France, réagissait sur Radio Shalom aux propos de Donald Trump qui recommande la relocalisation des palestiniens en Jordanie et en Egypte.

Quelques-uns des propos chocs tenus par Philippe Karsenty sur Radio Shalom :

« Déplacer les Palestiniens en Jordanie : c’est faisable et ce sera fait ». 

« En 1923, 72 % de la Palestine historique a été donné par les Anglais à un état qui s’appelle Jordanie, qu’on appelait avant ‘Transjordanie’ et qui a été donné à un roi qui vient de la Mecque : il n’a donc strictement aucune légitimé sur ce territoire ». 

« La Jordanie est peuplée de palestiniens, la Palestine, c’est la Jordanie ». 

« La Palestine n’a jamais existé, le peuple palestinien est une fiction créée en 1964 par le KGB pour déstabiliser l’occident et détruire l’Etat d’Israël. Donald Trump va mettre un coup de balai sur cette propagande soviétique qui date de 1964 ». 

« La cause palestinienne est la cause des idiots utiles et des intelligents rémunérés, c’est l’aphrodisiaque des régimes arabes qui cherchent à exciter leurs foules ».

« Créer un deuxième état palestinien au cœur d’Israël n’aurait pour but que de détruire l’état d’Israël. Israël va reprendre sa souveraineté. Ce ne sont pas des colonies, ce sont des villes ; ce ne sont pas des colons, ce sont des pionniers ». 

« La vision stratégique mondiale de Trump est claire : l’ONU est totalement discréditée, tout comme les institutions internationales ». 

« l y a une dream team autour de Donald Trump : Marco Rubio aux Affaire étrangères, Pete Hegseth à la Défense, Elise Stefanik à l’ONU ». 

« On vit une période historique ». 

« Les mesures préconisées par Donald Trump ne sont pas seulement favorables à Israël, elles sont favorables à l’histoire, à la géographie, à l’archéologie ».

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Avoiding the NATO Burden: "Denmark has made the skill of tricking the US into an art" Writes Danish Editor; "Denmark Deserves No Respect from America"

In Denmark, one finds a ubiquitous core narrative that the country is one of the United States’ closest allies. “We have always stood by the United States,” claim Danish prime ministers, politicians, and commentators. Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen recently stated that “the United States is Denmark’s most important and strongest ally in NATO.”

Thus reads the opening of André Rossmann's article, With an Ally Like Denmark, the U.S. Doesn't Need Enemies. (Mange tak for the Instalink, Stephen.) The publisher of the 24nyt website (24 News) goes on:

All of this is a lie, because the reality is that Denmark has always pursued a deeply solidarity-lacking policy towards the U.S. Although Uncle Sam is the ultimate guarantor of Denmark’s security, Denmark repeatedly fails the Americans and actively works against US interests worldwide.

While the United States entered World War II on the side of the Allies as early as December 1941, Denmark was Nazi Germany’s second-largest trading partner after Italy and maintained full diplomatic relations with the country until May 5, 1945. Denmark was indeed belligerent, but it was on the German side, not the US side.
In the 1960s, Danish governments distinguished themselves as opponents of the Vietnam War and the American war effort. In 1971, thus, the Social Democratic government gave full diplomatic recognition to North Vietnam. The government also fully supported the international Vietnam Tribunal, which was held at Christiansborg in October 1972 to discuss American war crimes in Vietnam. The American government was highly critical of the Danish statements and threatened to recall their ambassador.

While the United States during the Cold War was engaged in a bitter arms race with the Soviet bloc and guaranteed Denmark's security, Danish governments opposed American interests by pursuing a policy of accommodation towards the Soviet Union and the GDR as well as a solidarity-lacking "footnote policy", with Denmark repeatedly making reservations in NATO for a number of decisions regarding the modernization and expansion of the alliance's nuclear strike force. Denmark also opposed the American desire to modernize radar installations in Greenland. Denmark has thus broken the solidarity in NATO and damaged NATO by expressing independent views that went against the American ones.

Denmark has failed the United States by not establishing a credible defense. Since Denmark's defense is in ruins, the United States decided in 2023 to take over the defense of the Danish straits and belts. Denmark's defense agreement with the United States is the final proof that the Danish military is worthless and that the United States does not consider Denmark to be its core ally. Not surprisingly, the defense agreement with the United States became a sleeping pillow for the government. The implementation of the Framework Agreement on Defense has been postponed until a number of partial settlements have been initiated, which have not yet begun. And Danish politicians are happy that Denmark can once again avoid having to carry its share of the NATO burden.

Related: The Systematic Destruction of Denmark's Military Over 30 Years: "Ships that cannot sail; Planes that cannot fly; And cannons that cannot fire — Everything is missing"

In relation to NATO, Denmark has for decades opposed American interests by pursuing a peddling strategy that is about securing security policy guarantees from the United States while at the same time avoiding having to carry its share of the burden in NATO. Denmark has made the skill of cheating the US into an art. In January 2025, Denmark's real contribution to NATO is approximately 1.7 percent of GDP excluding donations to Ukraine, directly contrary to the agreement of 2 percent of GDP. The SVM government claims that Denmark spends 2.4 percent of its GDP on defense and security, but the Danish attempt to cheat NATO has been condemned and rejected by several NATO countries and the former Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, as the donations to Ukraine do not contribute to Denmark's or NATO's defense capabilities.

Both NATO and the US are of course aware that Denmark talks a lot about solidarity in its speeches, but does not want to help shoulder the burden. In the US, the Danes are perceived as disloyal parasites who have been and continue to freewheel at NATO's expense and let the US foot the bill. This view is, of course, prevalent throughout the security establishment in the United States, both the Democratic and Republican.

In the UN, Denmark works against American interests by voting against America's friend, Israel. Denmark consistently supports anti-Semitic forces in the UN, and in all the Muslim-dominated UN bodies where Israel is condemned, Denmark votes with the rest of the EU countries to condemn Israel. Each year, Denmark typically votes for 15 out of 20 condemnatory resolutions against Israel. In other words, official Denmark supports the forces that want Israel removed from the world map.

Denmark works against American interests by refusing to support the United States in its confrontation with China. In 2008, Denmark entered into a strategic partnership with China, and the following year it sent the controversial "verbal note" to state that Denmark is against Tibetan independence. Before the corona crisis, Danish politicians, business people, and media people portrayed the Chinese dictatorship as an enviable democracy and a reliable superpower that is a champion of globalization, free trade, and the environment. Journalist Rasmus Tantholdt went so far as to say on TV2 News that “we have more in common with China than with the USA”. It is also thought-provoking that 46 percent of Danes, according to a Kantor Gallup poll, agree or mostly agree that the United States, the sole guarantor of Danish security, is a threat to Denmark.

Denmark opposes American interests in relation to Iran. To this day, Denmark boycotts US sanctions against Iran – a cruel regime that oppresses its own population, supports terror and warfare in its neighboring countries and sends regular death squads to Europe, including Denmark. Most recently, Denmark joined INSTEX, a European trade initiative aimed at circumventing American sanctions against Iran.

Denmark has outwitted the United States by revealing the top-secret intelligence cooperation between Denmark and the United States, where the American NSA was allowed to tap the cables of telecommunications companies on Danish soil in order to intercept Russian and Chinese telecommunications traffic. Instead of handling the matter in deep confidentiality, the Danish government chose to fire the head of FE, Lars Findsen, and exempt four other employees from duty, thereby revealing the intelligence cooperation with the United States to the world.

In Greenland, too, Denmark is working against the United States' security policy interests. National tunnel vision, navel-gazing, and sheer stupidity prevent Danish politicians from understanding that the United States and Denmark have a common strategic interest in putting an end to China's and Russia's military buildup in the Arctic, that Denmark does not have the opportunity to develop the island's resources and defend Greenland militarily on its own, and that it is actually the United States, and not the Danish defense, that guarantees Greenland's connection to Denmark. During his first presidential term in 2019, Donald Trump, as is well known, expressed a desire to buy Greenland. At the time, this was rejected as absurd by "Nasty" Mette Frederiksen. No wonder Trump has now decided to take off the velvet gloves, put Denmark thoroughly in its place and take over control of Greenland.

Ever since Donald Trump became US president in 2016, Denmark’s opinion-forming elite has shamed, demonized, mocked, and character-assassinated him as if he were the de facto enemy and not Denmark’s strongest ally. And this continues to this day. Instead of apologizing for Denmark’s repeated failures and acknowledging America’s willingness to take on the obligation that the Danes have not lived up to, the Danes write and speak about Trump as if he were the epitome of absolute evil.

The opinion-forming elite believes that Trump’s tough stance towards Denmark in connection with Greenland is an expression of the failure of a close ally as well as a lack of respect for Denmark. However, it is Denmark that repeatedly fails the US and works against the country’s interests. And therefore Denmark deserves no respect from the US.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Pour Philippe Karsenty, il est ahurissant qu’un président américain doive publier un décret pour rappeler que l’humanité est composée d’hommes et de femmes

Le porte-parole du Comité Trump France, Philippe Karsenty était l'invité, ou plutôt le «grand témoin», de Radio Notre Dame, où il tente de remettre les pendules à l'heure et d'expliquer les idées et les projets du nouveau président aux Français :

Philippe KARSENTY, homme d’affaires, ancien maire adjoint de Neuilly-sur-Seine (Hauts-de-Seine), porte-parole du comité Trump France. 

Qui eût imaginé qu’après l’assaut du Capitole, il y serait de nouveau investi quatre ans plus tard ? Trump revient et il n’est pas content. Il entend se défaire de tout ce qui affaiblit l’Amérique, y compris en s’attaquant aux idéologies agressant l’identité des individus, quand il déclare qu’ « à partir d’aujourd’hui, la politique officielle du gouvernement américain sera de dire qu’il y a deux genres : masculin et féminin ». Pour Philippe Karsenty, si un vent de liberté se met souffler sur le monde, il est ahurissant qu’un président américain doive publier un décret pour rappeler que l’humanité est composée d’hommes et de femmes.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

EDT: As Trump's "America First" Rocks the USA, 2 Paris-Based Conservatives Suggest a Similar Growth Plan for France

Two conservatives working in Paris, an entrepreneur and a lawyer, have suggested a new growth plan based on Donald Trump's revolution in the United States for the over-taxed nation of France: Sébastien Laye and Randy Yaloz, both of whom belong to Republicans Overseas France, call it the EDT model, for Energy, Data, and Taxes.

Pour une croissance économique souveraine : le modèle EDT !

Pour renouer avec la croissance, l'avocat [Randy Yaloz (avocat franco-américain, président de Republicans Overseas Action)] et l'entrepreneur [Sébastien Laye (Economiste franco américain, Economic Policy Advisor de Republicans Overseas)] proposent trois piliers : de l'énergie peu chère, des infrastructures adaptées à la révolution numérique, et une fiscalité clémente sur cette énergie et les data centers. 

« La souveraineté, la dignité d'une grande nation, doivent être intangibles », a dit un jour Charles de Gaulle à Franklin Roosevelt. A l'heure du retour triomphal de la politique d'America First, que font les nations européennes pour émuler un modèle plébiscité par les opinions publiques et qui surtout, faisant fi des préjugés, s'avère efficace économiquement ? Nous leur proposons un modèle de croissance moderne, adaptée à la révolution de l'IA, que nous appelons modèle EDT, pour Energy, Data, et Taxes. …

"Les gens de gauche n'acceptent pas la contradiction … ils ne savent que faire taire, parce qu'ils n'ont pas d'arguments ; ils ne savent vivre que dans un monde clos, où ils sont totalement protégés"

Philippe Karsenty was one of four guests (entr'autres, 24:42) on GPTV discussing the plans of Donald Trump.

Donald Trump reprend le contrôle des États-Unis et redéfinit les règles du jeu mondial. Avec une investiture soigneusement orchestrée, il envoie un message sans ambiguïté : l’Amérique revient en force, guidée par une vision souverainiste et pragmatique. La présence de leaders conservateurs internationaux renforce son projet d’un axe mondial unifié autour de la souveraineté nationale, rompant avec les élites globalistes qui dominaient jusqu’alors la scène internationale. 

L’absence d’Emmanuel Macron à cet événement symbolique n’est pas anodine. Trump écarte volontairement les figures européennes jugées inefficaces et complices d’un système bureaucratique dépassé. Ce geste renforce une fracture déjà bien visible entre Washington et Paris. Trump privilégie désormais des alliances bilatérales solides avec des leaders qui partagent sa vision, au détriment des institutions supranationales comme l’Union européenne. Les relations transatlantiques s’enfoncent dans une méfiance mutuelle, laissant présager des tensions accrues. 

Dès les premières heures de son mandat, Trump a agi avec une détermination implacable. En signant des décrets majeurs, il rétablit des politiques migratoires strictes, impose des taxes douanières pour protéger les industries américaines et relance les projets énergétiques fossiles. Ces mesures ne sont pas des coups de communication : elles affirment une stratégie claire, axée sur la défense des intérêts américains face aux critiques internationales. Trump rétablit un ordre mondial où l’Amérique dicte les règles. 

 En France, les médias attaquent Trump avec virulence. Ils dénoncent son style brut et ses politiques jugées « archaïques ». Pourtant, l’opinion publique est plus divisée. Tandis qu’une majorité critique son approche, une minorité croissante admire son leadership fort et sans compromis. Même au sein du Rassemblement National, les avis sont partagés entre fascination et prudence. Trump polarise, mais il s’impose. 

Nicolas Conquer, Philippe Karsenty, Serge Federbusch, Roland Hureaux et Mike Borowski vous dévoileront les vérités que les médias traditionnels préfèrent ignorer, en direct sur Géopolitique Profonde.