It turns out that that the preferred expression of the Applied Research Center (and its spokeswoman, Mónica Novoa) is no better.
Indeed, "undocumented worker" is worse. It is false and it is misleading.
As I wrote exactly two years ago, it so happens that every illegal alien in America already does have papers.
To use the examples brought up by Professor Jacobson and Bill O'Reilly, every foreigner in America has documents.
Every Asian has papers. (Papers from his respective country in Asia.)
Every Russian has a passport. (It is a Russian passport.)
Every Irishman has documents. (They are Irish documents.)
And to bring the French left's similar use of sans-papiers into the equation, every Algerian has an identity card. (It is an Algerian identity card.)
(Of course, a given individual may have waylaid his papers, or left it home in Chihuahua — deliberately or otherwise — before crossing the Rio Grande, but that in no way invalidates the proposition that he is a person who indeed does have documents and who does indeed have the right to documents.)
The liberals' trick — a deliberate trick or an unconscious one (due to a lack of thought) — is to
Wake-up call: You can call the fact that I am going to tell you
as being as heartless as you want, but it remains that
what I am going to tell you now happens to be an incontrovertible fact:
The Mexican citizen has a perfectly legal status.
That is, back in his home country.
So does the Asian, the Russian, the Algerian, and the Irishman.
Whoever said that a Mexican, an Irishman, an Algerian, a Russian, a Filipino deserve some type of American identity card — solely by virtue of their being in los Estados Unidos?! Any more that an American, a Dane, or a Frenchman would deserve a Mexican, an Irishman, an Algerian, a Russian papers simply by virtue of living in their countries — especially after breaking the law by crossing their borders stealthily and undetected?
Everybody has the right to papers, but everybody does not have the right to American papers!
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