Fresh off the presses this week is a book that liberals already hate
Benny Huang, as it emerges that the gay movement's martyr was not killed in a hate crime, for the simple reasons that 1) the Matthew Shepard slaying concerned drug dealing (as conservatives have long been claiming) and (this one's the revelation) that 2) the supposed ' “homophobic” rednecks ' were as gay as Matthew Shepard himself was (having shared his bed).
Jimenez’s The Book of Matt: Hidden Truths About the Murder of Matthew
Shepard reexamines the 1998 murder of a homosexual college student in
Laramie, Wyoming, and concludes that the media narrative simply doesn’t
square with reality.
Shepard was indeed the victim of a very brutal murder but it was
never about gay-bashing. It was about crystal meth. The killer and his
accomplice were not strangers to Shepard,
as had been previously
reported. They had known each other prior to that night, done drugs
together, and one of them had even had sexual relations with Shepard.
As expected, the thesis isn’t going over well with the pink triangle
crowd. They will not however, be able to silence Jimenez with
accusations of “homophobia.” He is an openly homosexual journalist.
Jimenez’s journey began in the year 2000 when he travelled to Wyoming
intending to write a screenplay about the murder. The picture he
planned to paint matched the threadbare media narrative exactly because
it was all he knew. He soon discovered that most of what he believed
about case was a fiction.
is nearly impossible to overestimate the importance of Matthew
Shepard’s martyrdom to the homosexual movement. If he hadn’t existed,
they would have had to have invented him. They did invent him, in
a manner of speaking. The story of his life and death bares no
resemblance to what actually happened. The really nice gay kid who was
slain by “homophobic” rednecks for no other reason than his sexual
orientation is a myth. He shares a name with the real Shepard—a troubled
drug-dealer who ran with the wrong crowd—but little else.
The Shepard murder marked the beginning of the end of rational
discussion about homosexuality in this country. Prior to his murder,
people could still voice their objections without losing their jobs and
being publicly shamed. His murder blurred the lines between ideas and
murderous deeds.
Homophobia killed Matthew Shepard. That was the moral to the
Shepard story. Holding the wrong beliefs about homosexuality was akin to
killing another human being. Belief equals violence.
Time Magazine ran a cover story about the murder depicting the
fenceline upon which Matthew’s tortured body was found. The headline
said it all: “The War Over Gays.” All wars have at least two sides.
Whose side are you on? The side of the redneck cowboy murderers or the
seemingly nice young man whose corpse was found on that fence?
… A mother’s mind can become warped by the trauma of burying her
21-year old son. She has spent the last fifteen years believing a lie.
But in what alternate universe does a person have to live to believe
that a dyed-in-the-wool “homophobe” like me is more guilty of her son’s
murder than Henderson and McKinney?
If Mrs. Shepard wanted some good to come of this she could expend her
energy educating people on the danger of drugs. She has chosen to
defame innocent people instead. “homophobic” rednecks patrols the open
range of America in search of the thought criminals who supposedly
killed her son. She won’t rest until she’s rounded them all up. The
badge she wears is that of a mother’s “absolute moral authority.”
Readers should recall that handy term from the summer of 2005 when
syndicated columnist Maureen Dowd declared that Cindy Sheehan’s antics
were legitimate because she had lost her son in Iraq. Absolute moral
authority means that the rest of us aren’t allowed to argue with her
because her grievance makes her right.
… the mythical version is a sham. Aaron McKinney wasn’t a
“homophobe” but a homosexual. More importantly, he was a methamphetamine
addict who hadn’t slept in days. He killed Judy Shepard’s son so he
could keep his binge going. He then took the victim’s wallet, coat,
shoes, and the key to his apartment so he could burglarize that too.
That’s the true story of Matthew Shepard.
How terrifying the truth must be to people who have believed a lie
for so long. Why must they cling to this fiction like a life raft in the
middle of the wide ocean? The answer is that so much “good” has come
out of his death. Matthew’s murder propelled the movement forward.
Same-sex marriage was just a dream in 1998; today it’s a reality in
eleven states and the District of Columbia. A hate crimes bill that
bears his name is now the law of the land. Schools from coast to coast
now have anti-bullying codes that ban speech homosexuals don’t want to
hear. The Supreme Court has discovered a right to sodomy in the