Ted Cruz … went to the White House in the company of Sarah Palin to move some barricades aroundwrites Corine Lesnes in Le Monde.
Ted Cruz … est allé remuer quelques barricades près de la Maison Blanche en compagnie de Sarah PalinThat's it. Make it sound as silly and ridiculous as possible.
The fact that the barricades are/were special barricades set up for a specific (and entirely political) purpose is left out; the White House's whole kabuki theater of shutting down (open-air) memorials is omitted; all the veterans and other protesters present are dropped out of the picture (Cruz and Palin seem to be almost alone in Le Monde's one-sentence description of their protest).
That's the mainstream media for ya — in Europe as in America…
Serguei is no better, needless to say, with the Le Monde cartoonist showing the Republican Party's elephant fiercely keeping the American eagle from taking off.

See also: The Shutdown, as Seen from France (1)