The government reserves special hatred for the family, because it gives the individual a locus of attention besides the state, and therefore, must be crushed
On Instapundit,
Joseph White writes that
The long-term goal of the government's social policies are to flatten
society out into one atomized mass. There will be only the state and the
individual, and the individual will have no protection, no mediating
institutions, between itself and the state.
Antipathy towards a wide
variety of actors--the Catholic Church, the Boy Scouts, "special
interests" of all types, political parties, private universities--can
all be understood in light of this fact.
The government reserves special
hatred for the family, because the family is older than the state and,
unless steps are taken, will outlast it. It gives the individual a locus
of attention besides the state, and therefore, must be crushed. The
ongoing destruction of the concepts of both marriage and family by the
left is intended to remove permanently the transcendent family from the
political sphere, leaving only mere biological relationships, which are
not enough to inspire resistance to the state.