Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Only about 1% of the January 6 protesters actually entered the Capitol (often at the invitation of the Speaker's Capitol Police); In fact, it was the 99% who stayed out of the Capitol who heeded Trump's words

"Why then has the issue of Motive on January 6 been swept off the stage of public discourse?" asks George Shuster in The Real Motive for Jan. 6 (thanks to Evelyne Joslain):

If we examine the true Motive for ourselves, we soon discover that the repeated cries of "insurrection" have tried to stifle analysis of the actual January 6 Motive in favor of accepted "fact.” Despite that relentless attempt, or rather because of it, we should ask ourselves: just who actually had the Motive to disrupt the congressional deliberations taking place in the Capitol Building?

… because the Left has been so relentless to deflect consideration of actual Motive, it is useful to point out that there is an abundance of corroborating evidence. Here is a partial list:

1) Before January 6, it was the Democrat mayor of D.C. and the Democrat speaker who turned down Trump's offer of troops to protect the proceedings in the Capitol, thereby making the path for disruption more open.

2) After January 6, both the mayor and speaker turned D.C. into an armed military zone, with thousands of troops, heavy military equipment, barricades, and barbed wire. The disruption had already succeeded, and now it was useful to make vivid the false "insurrection" narrative. (It never came, and finally the pretense and waste of taxpayer dollars became too embarrassing to continue).

3) It was Democrats in the joint session who tried to truncate the proceedings.

4) When Trump talked to his supporters before they went over to the Capitol, he told them to do so "peacefully and patriotically” -- not the advice one would give if one wanted the proceedings disrupted.

5) Only about one percent of the protesters in D.C. actually entered the Capitol. If Trump's Motive was to disrupt the process, then he must be accounted one of the most ineffective "insurrectionists" of all time. In fact, it was the 99 percent who stayed out of the Capitol that followed his request.

6) Even among that one percent, video the Democrats tried to hide shows that many who entered the Capitol did so at the invitation of the Speaker's Capitol Police, who opened the doors for them and waved them in.

7) The Left not only tried to hide the fact Trump told his supporters beforehand to be peaceful, but also tried to suggest that Trump did nothing to discourage the disruption. A quick review of the timeline demonstrates the opposite. The first protester entered the Capitol at 2:12 P.M. Then:

     a) Just 26 minutes later, Trump tweeted: "Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay Peaceful.”

     b) At 3:13 Trump tweeted again "to remain peaceful.”

     c) At 4:17 Trump released a video in which he said: " ...you have to go home now. We have to have peace."

     d) At 6:01 Trump tweeted: "Go home with love & in peace."

These tweets were removed by the social media censors. Why did they do so, if not to delete evidence that it was Trump who did not want the proceedings disrupted?

8) On the next day, shortly after Twitter temporarily unlocked his account, Trump released a video condemning the Capitol building disruption. He said he was "outraged," hardly the sentiments of a man who wanted the proceedings interrupted.

9) After the Capitol was cleared and the joint session reconvened, the statutory proceedings were truncated. The Democrats had achieved their disruption Motive.

10) It was the Democrats who later led the rewrite of the Electoral Count Act to remove the procedures that were interrupted on January 6.

11) Both before and after January 6, the Democrats have attempted in multiple channels to quash any claims of 2020 election irregularities, i.e. have pursued the same Motive as disrupting the January 6 joint session.

12) Disruption of government business they do not like is a consistent Democrat strategy, which they not only pursue but praise. Examples include the coordinated "absenteeism" of Democrat State legislators in Texas, disruption of legislative work in the Tennessee State House, disrupting meetings of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, praising Antifa and BLM attacks on Federal buildings, and pulling a fire alarm to prevent an unwanted vote in Congress.

In summary, corroborating evidence confirms just who had, and who had not, the Motive to disrupt the January 6 proceedings. The American People should not be deflected from exercising their own independent judgment on this question. They should realize that Trump was concerned about the 2020 election irregularities and wanted them aired on January 6, and still wants that evidence to be heard. It is the Democrats who resisted then, and still do.

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