Friday, August 09, 2024

The "Gayest Olympics Ever": Twenty minutes into the future 2009 & 2024

 Damien Bennett can hardly be described as being impressed by the Olympic Games in Paris:

Twenty minutes into the future 2009:
We Are All Socialists Now [Newsweek] February 6, 2009

Twenty minutes into the future 2024:
Hat tip to DH who clued me to #Paris2024.

Oh, and then there is this:
Apparent Drag ‘Parody Of Last Supper’ At Paris 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony Sparks Controversy July 26, 2024
The Olympics said the performance was an “interpretation of the Greek God [of wine and festivity] Dionysus” to make “us aware of the absurdity of violence between human beings.”
These stupid f*cks -- a key feature of a Dionysian bacchanal was sparagmos:

"In Dionysian rite as represented in myth and literature, a living animal, or sometimes even a human being, is sacrificed by being dismembered. Sparagmos was frequently followed by omophagia (the eating of the raw flesh of the one dismembered)."
These stupid f*cks know nothing, absolutely nothing. Not a one with a passing acquaintance of Euripides:

Pentheus Torn Apart By His Mother Agave And Auntie Ino

Academia has given us generations of cos-play know-nothings preening around the edges of make-believe telling the rest of us what's what. Generations of morons, who, thankfully, haven't it in them to procreate. There is no fixing this. There's only 'wait them out to die out'.

Ladies and gents, something to paste in your God-Take-Me-Now photo album, courtesy of #Paris2024 -- future Jesus:

Twenty minutes behind and closing:


Bigus Macus said...

The Olympic committee has done the same thing as the Noble Prize committee did. They have made their awards mean less due their leftist politics.

카지노사이트 said...

I am happy to find your distinguished way of writing the post.

안전놀이터 said...

It’s very interesting. And it’s fun. This is a timeless article.

바카라사이트 said...

There is something special about them.