Well, Leftists, which is it?
EITHER the January 6 protests were so wicked that the fiendish scoundrels who participated — all of them (not least the ringleaders) — should be persecuted to the full extent of the law.
OR ELSE, insofar as we accept that one of the protesters — and a ringleader, at that — is no more than a "poor schmuck" who should be left alone (as the man most visible in urging the masses to march on the capitol was described by one irate Democrat member of the Jan. 6 Committee), then all (or at least the majority) of the other protesters should be left off the hook, exactly like Ray Epps, no more and no less.
As usual, we are presented with the drama queens' usual double standards.
But you cannot have it both ways. (We know that you would like to, and we know that the MSM is covering for you here, but the fact remains that you cannot have it both ways…)
• In that perspective, be sure to read The January 6 Protest Summarized in One Single Sentence
The Patriots Beacon points to the central absurd inconsistency of the January 6 committee (emphasis theirs):
As the so-called investigation moves forward each day, more and more pieces of evidence prove that the riot at the Capitol was plotted but they are doing their best to blame the whole thing on Trump and his supporters.
The most iconic rat is Ray Epps whom the agency keeps on protecting from claims that he is a Federal informant, his removal from the most wanted lists, and claiming that this guy is a law-abiding citizen. Really?
But shreds of evidence cannot tamper especially when it’s posted online.
The January 6 Committee’s entire purpose is to argue that Trump and his allies “incited” a riot with their rhetoric. Yet, with one man who seemed to have actually helped incite the riot with his words, the entire committee comes out to defend him as a law-abiding citizen.
— Scott Greer 6’2” IQ 187 (@ScottMGreer) January 12, 2022
And Tucker Carlson calling out Adam Kinzinger as a liar is just a complete fact.
Tucker Carlson Calls Out @AdamKinzinger For His Bizarre Statements On Ray Epps And Challenges Kinzinger To Come On His Show
“Adam Kinzinger is lying.”
“Kinzinger is withholding critical information from the public.”pic.twitter.com/BFbgEo2hS7
— The Columbia Bugle (@ColumbiaBugle) January 13, 2022
Indeed, one seething Democrat on the Jan.6 Committee interrupted a GOP colleague and shamed him, claiming that Ray Epps is nothing more than a "poor schmuck" "just trying to survive and he's on your side." Maryland's Jamie Raskin chided the Republicans to: "Leave that guy alone, whoever he is."
To repeat: Look, no matter what you think about the January 6 protest (or about a participant like Ray Epps, for that matter), one thing should be perfectly clear:
EITHER the January 6 protests were so despicable and destructive of "(our) democracy" that anybody and everybody who participated in them should be thrown into jail and prosecuted (persecuted?) to the full extent of the law.
OR ELSE the average protester is no more than a "poor schmuck" — as, again, the man most visible in urging the masses to march on the capitol was described by one irate Democrat member of the Jan. 6 Committee — and then all (or at least the majority) of the protesters should be left alone, off the hook, exactly like Ray Epps, no more and no less. (Thanks for the Instalink, Ed…)
Update: Twitchy's Brett T reports (thanks to Instapundit) that with the final report of the January 6 select committee having "zero mentions of one-time Oath Keeper Ray Epps", this means that “The one person on film telling people to go into the Capitol (multiple times) disappears from FBI list and is not even mentioned in the 845-page final report”. This leads Catturd to tweet the obvious: If they can’t explain Ray Epps, ‘They were in on it.’ with Detective51 saying Right, and adding thatIf they can’t explain Ray Epps - they were in on it.
— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) December 29, 2022
"if they weren’t they would have made him the poster boy of the whole thing and demanded his head."
Update: On his Substack, lists the "top 12 strange, stand-out moments" of the January 6th Committee's interview with Ray Epps (you’ll never see Kinzinger be so nice to a supposed Trump supporter as he is throughout this interview)…

Speaking of (more or less related) scams, Dick Morris writes:
Don’t Let The Media Con You — The GOP Did Not Lose The MidtermsRelated: • Déjà Vu All Over Again in the Banana Republic of Biden: No, the Democrats did not run better campaigns; they cheated, as usualOne of the biggest media hoaxes is that the Republicans lost the midterm elections…and that it was a sign voters are tiring of Donald Trump.
The Republican candidates for the House got 52,690,787 votes while Democrats only got 48,096,016 votes — almost a 5 million-vote Republican majority.
… The only defeat we suffered was at the hands of our own expectations.
And none of it was Trump’s fault.
… The main tactical reason for the Senate defeats was the Democrats’ advantage in early voting combined with their control of Election Day machinery.
In Pennsylvania, for example, Democrats had banked a 300,000-vote advantage in the Senate race before the polls even opened. Such a handicap was almost impossible to overcome, especially with the Democratic secretary of state gladly tolerating machine breakdowns that lengthened lines around the block on Election Day.
… Our victory in the House has been obscured, likely deliberately, by the absurd delay in vote counting. But 2022 was one of the best years for Republican House candidates ever, so don’t let the media con you into believing it was a defeat.
• Isn’t it strange that in Florida, with all those strict rules against cheating, the GOP red tsunami happened as predicted? The Democrats have again fixed, rigged, and stolen an election
• Let’s dispense with the myth that liberals are really against voter fraud; Voter fraud is actually an essential part of their election strategy
• If the Democrats learned anything from their 2016 debacle it’s that they didn’t cheat nearly enough
• Democrats don't support voter fraud; they just worry about disenfranchising the deceased
• Voter ID: Apparently not allowing minorities to cheat is a form of racial oppression
• Of the 47 countries in Europe today — the nations and the continent that the Democrats are always telling us to emulate — 46 of them currently require government-issued photo IDs to vote
• Joe Biden, Why Are You Calling Denmark a White Supremacist Country? And You, Barack Obama: Why Are You Calling Africa a Racist Continent?
• Our élites constantly lecture everyone about "disinformation," about "big lies", etc; They're the biggest liars of all, with zero accountability
• Isn't America Being Governed by a Mafia Family Dynasty, setting things up so that there will always be Democrats in power?
• Inside of a month, Democrats have redefined riots and election challenges from the highest form of patriotism to an attack on democracy — And by “democracy”, they mean the Democrat Party
• Voter Fraud: A Note to Leftists Who Claim that "Not a shred of hard evidence has been produced"
• Dennis Prager: The Numerous (and Sweeping) Anomalies Regarding the 2020 Election That Cannot Be Ignored
This is more than two sentences.
Well, the article itself is more than two sentences, but the "either-or" section is just two. Granted, they are longish, compound sentences, but still just two, and they neatly summarize the Ray Epps conundrum.
By the way, as sentences go, they are far shorter than you will find in the letters of St. Paul.
His name is spelled Epps
Thanks. Corrected.
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