To win in the political realm in the future, it is not only finding new candidates that count; We must also change the culture
If we can turn away from the elections for a moment, and
the future of the Republican Party, a more fundamental problem exists.
It is nothing less than the nature of the American culture. By the term
“culture,” I am not referring to the social issues that usually come up
when one talks about culture wars; i.e., abortion, gay rights, religion,
etc. Rather, I am talking about the perception and outlook that stand
beneath the way our American public
define the very nature of civic life in our democratic capitalist society.
Thus writes
Ron Radosh.
we have to “wage a war of position on the cultural front and to do
all possible to challenge the ascension of a failed intellectual liberal
ideology, whether it is in the form of Progressivism, liberalism or
socialism.” I’m referring to the kind of work Fred Siegel carries out in
a new book he has just finished writing, and which I had the pleasure
of reading in manuscript form, on the nature of American liberalism.
When it is eventually published, I believe it can have the kind of
impact that great works of history like Richard Hofstadter’s books had
in the 1940s and ’50s.
Siegel shows that from its very inception, liberalism was a flawed
ideology whose adherents substituted its would-be virtues as a way of
distancing themselves from most Americans and their workaday lives; an
ideology based on a view whose believers saw themselves as superior to
most Americans, including those who were merchants, workers, or regular
folk, who could not be counted on to comprehend the backwardness of
their beliefs.
… If we want a different kind of social polity than the one we have now —
based on catering to the power of competing interest groups that compose
the core strength of the Democratic party — we have to address first
the essential question of the kind of social order that liberalism has
… If you doubt that this intellectual work is necessary, you might ponder
the question of why college-educated Americans are overwhelmingly
liberal Democrats or among those even much further to the political
Left. An answer appears in this article by Richard Vedder, which appears
today in Minding the Campus.
Vedder shows that the majority of professors who teach our young people
in the humanities are primarily on the Left, as he writes, “62.7
percent of faculty said that they were either ‘far left’ or ‘liberal,’
while only 11.9 percent said they were ‘far right’or ‘conservative.’ The
notion that universities are hot beds for left-wing politics has a
solid basis in fact. Moreover, the left-right imbalance is growing — a
lot. The proportion of those on the left is rising, on the right
declining.” The latest research reveals that there are 5.7 professors on
the left for each one on the right!
… in Minding the Campus[, Richard Vedder states that]
Promoting “diversity” in higher education means
supporting relatively trivial variations in physical attributes of
humans (such as skin color or gender differences), not the far more
important differences of the mind manifested in verbal and written
Another realm of mis-education is that of the popular media. This week, I have written about this in an article published in The Weekly Standard,
which fortunately the editors have not put behind their firewall. It is
titled “A Story Told Before: Oliver Stone’s recycled leftist history of
the United States.”
Stone’s TV weekly series premiers Nov.12th
on the CBS-owned network Showtime, and will eventually be used by
leftist professors in their own history courses on our campuses. It is, I
show, nothing less than a rehash of old Communist propaganda from the
1950s offered up as both something new and as the true hidden history of
our country’s past.
Imagine how many television viewers, many of whom know virtually nothing
about how we got to where we are, will learn from this expertly edited
documentary how and why the United States is basically an evil nation,
on the wrong course, and supported the wrong side in all foreign policy
crises throughout its modern history. We cannot disregard the effect
this kind of miseducation has on the knowledge of our fellow citizens.
Do you wonder why the polls show that most Americans think Barack
Obama’s foreign policy the past four years was successful? It is because
they are a generation educated from “historians” like the late Howard
Zinn, political theorists like the linguist Noam Chomsky, and now from
filmmaker Stone and his historian co-author, Peter Kuznick.
… To win in the political realm four year from now and in the future,
it is not only finding new candidates that count. We must also change
the culture.