… this seems like a terrible fatewrote Ben Stein on the eve of the 2012 defeat.
But our party has faced far worse. We were pronounced dead after JFK stole the 1960 election in the cellars of the Chicago City Hall. We were in the morgue after the Goldwater defeat.I can hardly believe that Ben wrote this the morning after…We were dead and buried after Watergate and the 1974 Congressional elections, when the GOP was just a nub in Congress. We always come back because our principles are better suited to human dignity and human happiness than the other side's. We will come back stronger than ever this time, too. We are not afraid and we shall overcome. Our best days as a party and a movement lie ahead. We will rest, regroup, and fight for our beliefs, and next time, it will be different and better. Truth crushed to earth will rise again, as the saying goes -- as the truth goes.
And then there's this, from Newsmax:
Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, the outgoing RGA chairman, says there already is one area concerning minorities where the GOP is ahead – the number of governors.
“They have I think two women and minorities. We have seven,” he said. Republicans lead Democrats in the “score that matters,” holding 30 governor positions, compared to 19 for Democrats, McDonnell said. “The point is the people that are coming in and are now the leaders of our party reflect a much more diverse group than the Democratic governors today.”