The draft directive was adopted by Parliament under the co-decision procedure by 369 votes to 197, with 106 abstentions.2007: Spain nags America on a visit to Mexico, indicating that legalities in immigration are wrong, and that “everyone is entitled to a better life.”
2009: With unemployment spiraling Spain, and indeed all of
The compromise reached between Parliament negotiators and the Council on the directive on the return of illegal immigrants was approved at first reading by the full Parliament on Wednesday. This legislation, which is a step towards a European immigration policy, will encourage the voluntary return of illegal immigrants but otherwise lay down minimum standards for their treatment.Like the freiwillige hilfern der SS, it quickly resorts to old-fashioned European compulsion and displacement of populations en masse.
Then, if the deportee does not leave, a removal order will be issued. If the removal order is issued by a judicial authority which believes the individual in question might abscond, the person can be placed in custody. At present detainees can be held indefinitely in some Member States, including the UK (Ireland has a maximum of 8 weeks), but the directive lays down a maximum period of custody of six months, which can be extended by a further 12 months in certain cases.Which is sort of a ‘last resort kind of measure, but don’t worry about accusations of Gitmo-hood, that’s reserved for the oh-so-cruel Yanqui satan. But now that they’ve reached that last resort of detention and expulsion, don’t worry about any previous thoughts you might have had about that sort of thing being wrong due to the human rights consequences of disposing of your working-age flunkies, Papito, this last resort is necessary for the preservation of the welfare state. Funny how that ‘human rights’ stuff stopped being important when you couldn’t badger people about it:
Emergency situationsLast call for Alcohol! Last Call for human rights! Strangely enough, in Spain, Simians are still doing better than the people doing the donkey work of dealing with the Spanish population’s death spiral. One can only wonder about Padron’s reasoning here, but you have to give them credit for finally being able to differentiate between illegal immigrants and apes, but the notion of choosing one over the other hints at some kind of zoophilic lobbying at work.
An article inserted by the Council provides for greater flexibility for the authorities in "emergency situations". If an "exceptionally large number" of third-country nationals places "an unforeseen heavy burden" on the administrative or judicial capacity of a Member State, that state may decide to allow longer periods for judicial review as well as less favourable conditions of detention.
Children and families to be detained only as a last resortSoren Kern has more. As for the brutal, cretinous Anglophones, those peddlers of inhumanity and such:
UK and Ireland have not opted-in
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