Tuesday, November 09, 2010

National Death-Spiral 2.0

1.0 was Marxist-Leninism that DIDN’T require help from Hollywood.

Chavez promised Sunday to crack down on construction and real estate companies that he accused of unjustly boosting prices, which he labeled "housing fraud."
A grasp of supply and demand isn’t his strong point, is it?
In some mostly middle-class residential complexes, groups of neighbors have implemented security measures aimed at keeping squatters out, such as organizing around-the-clock surveillance teams and putting a siren at entrances to be sounded in case of emergency.

Apartment owners from one of the expropriated complexes — El Encantado Humboldt — issued a statement over the weekend criticizing the state takeover and throwing their support behind the company responsible for building the gated community, saying it never stopped construction as government inspectors have alleged.
Besides whatever happened to that Affluenza that humanity was afflicted with?
More than 1 million of Venezuela's estimated 28 million inhabitants do not have adequate housing while millions more live in dangerous, laberinth-like slums ringing the South American nation's cities.
Because a decade of neo-Communist coercion isn’t enough to cure the other 27 million Venezuelans of it.

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