Sunday, June 14, 2009

Husband of His Three Babies' Killer: I "Understand" and "One Must Understand" the Acts of My Wife

The Frenchwoman who killed three of her own newborns as she gave birth to them in secret over a period of four years is receiving support from all over, including her family, her in-laws, and her husband — i.e., the father of the three dead babies, two of whom were stored in their Seoul apartment freezer — who said he "understands" the acts of his wife and that, generally, "one must understand" said acts.

Of the few Le Monde readers who have so far reacted on the Le Monde website, a majority have happily picked up Jean-Louis Courjault's tolerance baton to say to the rare skeptic among them such things as "Thank you for sparing the actors of the drama from your morality lessons" and "Spare us any preemptory judgment" of what ("pregnancy denial") is, in the final analysis, a "phenomenon" not only "mysterious" but (I kid you not) "contagious" (by the members of all the woman's entourage, none of whom seems to have noticed that she was pregnant).

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