Regarding the killing of Jewish schoolchildren in Toulouse,
Michel Garroté wonders whether Iran isn't involved and whether the Mullahs régime isn't targeting France for being in the forefront of the EU's SWIFT sanctions against Tehran.
Like the United States, France is now confronted with a domestic terrorist acting on orders from abroad; let us not entertain
any doubts that other crazies are in hiding, waiting only for orders to act, as are foreign sleeper cells (Hezbollah and Syrian, financed and trained by Iran's Pasdarans), as we already know them.
Tout comme les Etats-Unis, la France est maintenant confrontée à un terroriste domestique commandité par l’extérieur, ne doutons pas qu’il existe d’autres déneuronnés prêts à passer à l’action sur ordre ainsi que des cellules dormantes étrangères (hezbollani et syriens financés et entrainés par les Pasdarans iraniens) telles que nous les connaissons déjà.
As for France's mainstream media, and its left-leaning political correctness, it is attempting to put the blame for the killings on the far right (similar to what happened in America after the Arizona shooting of Gabby Giffords).
Michel Garroté gives us the details:
Last night on the Canal + news program, a leader of SOS Racisme implied that the killings in Toulouse would somehow be the result of years of discourse by the National Front party. In addition, the mass murderer would, turn out to be a neo-Nazi. So much for the ambiance.
[Meanwhile, Catherine Ashton proves her anti-Israel bias, say Israelis, with the the EU foreign affairs head's declaration: "When we think about what happened today in Toulouse … and we see what is happening in Gaza and other places — we remember young people and children who lose their lives."]
SOS Racisme's incredible negationism is roundly condemned by Ivan Rioufol: In a statement, SOS Racisme suggests "discussions regarding the collapse in this country of political, intellectual, and media debate in response to hate speech and in favor of making us all live together." This organization, made to serve the defense of ethnic minorities, might as well ponder its own responsibility in the staging of victimhood competitions along with its blindness to the communal abuses encouraged by its differentialist ideology. In 2000, the professional anti-racists turned a blind eye to the rise of anti-Jewish sentiment in the slums. And rushing to lecture today has an air of indecency.
Indeed, the Jewish blood that has flowed since the Second World War has not done so at the hands of the extreme right. Regarding the Toulouse killings, the lawyer Gilles-William Goldnadel told Atlantico: At this stage, it is urgent to wait before starting to speculate. I, unfortunately, have too long an experience of anti-Semitic attacks over
the last thirty years to know that the initial leads are rarely the right ones and to be wary of sweeping statements from politicians — or, even more so, from anti-racist associations. But I do not know if the tragedy is related to what has already happened. One thing is certain: from the Rue Copernic bombing, through the the Rue des Rosiers shooting, to the sad Halimi affair, it is clear that the Jewish blood that has flowed since the Second World War has not been at the hands of the extreme right but more at those of the New-Age anti-Semitism linked to Islam or the Middle East conflict. This is an absolute certainty. The historical background is undeniable.
… In the days ahead, we must expect the worst, for I would not be surprised to hear some argue that if Jewish children are being slaughtered in France, it would allegedly be "because of the policies pursued by the State of Israel"…
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