Or nearly did, in any case. By now, you've heard of the doings of another creepy old socialist perv. I have a few predictions: a handful to DSK's right and center will come to his defense to "protect France from frog-bashing". Expect the usual morally bereft obfuscation that have nothing to do with the charges, and in this case, a rehashing of the Clinton "definition of IS" defense that asks of a blowjob isn't just something banal to do, like playing chess or something.
Fellation, viol ? Je suis un peu dubitatif, parce que forcée de faire une fellation une fille a toujours une possibilité de se défendre : couic ! Et si le couic est suffisament fort, le mec est hors circuit ad vitam etaernam.It will include, as it did with his last foreign public indiscretion, the idea that the head of some transi alphabet soup racket's personal matters don't impact the transi alphabet soup racket. It will come with a lecture about who French society is mature enough to not need the kind of transparency the rest of the world does, and that these comrades require their privacy.
Je pense qu'il s'agit d'un coup monté par Sarko et Cie, mais cela n'excuse en rien DSK. Un type incapable de résister à ses pulsions basiques, alors qu'il sait les autres à l'affut et que ces autres n'ont strictement peur de rien pour conserver leurs prébendes, n'a rien à faire à la tête de la France.
The extremists that the French like to call "the left of the left" will throw DSK under the bus, in the hopes of getting a real Stalin or Trotsky closer to the top of the party, and if not that, a trans-sexual ecologist with some kind of broad appeal to women between 29 and 54.
Of course a lot of the domestic criticism and abuse of Strauss-Kahn from the traditional French right comes quite predictably in the form of anti-semitic rants Frankly, he has a better chance of seeking asylum in Morocco where DSK maintains a second nationality.
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