Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"On 9/11, the presidency of George W Bush and the Iraq War took a singular place in the cinema of early 21st century"

What do we learn from the Maison de la musique of Nanterre — Une ville toujours mieux populaire (a town always better popular?!) — which is to show une Soirée Cinéma-Débat on images de guerre/guerre d’images with three post-911 films followed by (sigh) debate?
  • The word "terrorism" is never mentioned (la chute des tours jumelles du World Trade center), nor — of course — is the number of victims thereof;
  • History and successive events as well as cause/effect seem to occupy an entirely surreal and bizarre corner in the minds of the organizers (Le 11 septembre, la présidence de George W. Bush et la guerre d’Irak ont pris une place singulière dans le cinéma du début du XXIe siècle);
  • The Maison de la musique will be filled with debating leftists…
Game: Who can find the best (i.e., the most ridiculous) approximation — any historical period will do — of "On 9/11, the presidency of George W Bush and the Iraq War took a singular place in the cinema of early 21st century"?

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