Thursday, February 22, 2007

Russian Thugs? Well, Now That’s Okay!

...The Americans are making us build an anti-missile defense!...

True only if you call a plain threat by Putin to attack an ABM site an anti-missile system. The notion of siting an ABM defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic (similar to the one that proudly and famously defended Moscou), is to defend Europe, and defend the US from Iranian, Pakistani, Russian, or n'importe qui rope-a-dope and double whammy.

The two-fer in this case is to blackmail North America by threatening Europe. A Europe not slavishly defended by the US gives in. Alliance ended, and n'importe qui exacts their economic and political terms over a thin-skinned western Europe. To boot, Polonia and Czechia are on the flight-path to the East Coast. No brainer then, eh? Nope. Not to Pancho who has no problem taking sides, and has no difficulty giving EUtopia over to a threat if he can have feel Euphoric about the prospect of New York, Toronto, or n'importe qui being vaporized.

Were the system only intended to defent the US, it would only be deployed in Maine and Alaska, in which care Pancho would point out some theory about an insular, but selfish America which as always is "damed if it do, and damned if it don't."

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