Barack Obama’s put-down of his rival, Mitt Romney, during the final US presidential television debate "was a piece of condescension, and it came not from a columnist but from the Commander-in-Chief" writes
Charles Moore (thanks to
Instapundit) in the Telegraph.
One reason, over the past four years, that Mr Obama has lost his heroic status
is that people now see beyond the simple, wonderful fact that a black man
can be elected president. Martin Luther King famously had a dream about the
time when his own children would be judged not “by the colour of their skin,
but by the content of their character”. In the case of President Obama, this
time has come.
And it turns out that his character is not that of a man who has emerged from
nowhere to challenge the powerful few on behalf of the wretched of the
earth. It is that of a media-savvy professor of an Ivy League university –
comfortable with irony, more than comfortable with the sound of his own
voice, confident that he knows a great deal more than most of us. One of the
striking features of the lives of such professors is their terms of
employment. They have what is called “tenure”: no one can get them out.
Mr Obama went into the contest that ends on Tuesday believing that he, too,
had tenure. The White House was his. The election, like those bogus
selection processes for top public sector jobs when the winner has been
pre-decided, was little more than a tiresome formality.
In the first debate, when Mr Romney attacked him and proposed himself as a man
with interesting answers, Mr Obama looked shocked at the challenger’s
effrontery. Ever since then, he has had to wake up and fight back. He has
certainly performed much better. But he still speaks as if he thinks his
main qualification for the job is that he has it already. In this time of
immense economic difficulty, incumbency should have few rights. You have to
listen very carefully to get any idea at all of what the president proposes
to do with the four more years to which he feels so strongly entitled.
In Britain and, even more, in continental Europe, the people who bring their
fellow citizens the news do not really see this. To them, Mr Obama’s
combination of historically persecuted ethnicity and posh seminar tone is
just perfect. It satisfies their mildly Left-wing consciences and fits in
with their cultural assumptions. The chief of these is that the excesses of
the West, especially of America, are the biggest problem in the world. Mr
Obama comes as near to saying this as anyone trying to win American votes
ever could. His “apology tour” to the Middle East early in his presidency
remains, for the European elites, the best thing he has ever done. He is the
anti-Americans’ American.
… whenever Mr Romney has made what the media call his “gaffes”, I have
noticed that almost all of them contain kernels of truth. Whether he is
talking about the 47 per cent (his figure) of Americans who are suppliants
of the state or about the threat from Russia, he is raising real problems,
very much the sort of questions that Mr Obama would rather not discuss.