Lectures by Europeans, particularly from French people about the flying of the American flag, excessive that it is in the US to the point that they feel offended, is eclipsed by the hackneyed over-use of the American flag in fashion and marketing by non-Americans.

Old Europe, unchanged in centuries: fashionably amusing themselves by abusing others.
In a fashion statement only the French would make, a Parisian designer is selling a $1,395 tank top made to look like a tattered American flag marred by cigarette-burn holes and held together by safety pins. And it’s turning into one of spring’s hottest sellers.So fantasies of trashing America to shreds yields to playing dress-up about it. If you can’t understand what all the fuss is about, it’s on par with Tricolor toilet paper. We all know that Europeans are incapable of hypersensitivity. After all, only after a decade have they stopped acting like a spurned boudin over the single, mere uttering of the term “freedom fires,” and “axis of weasels”.
Their feelings, it seems, are special, and more important than anyone elses’
Forever 21 and Topshop designed knockoffs of the protest-chic tank, which model Gisele Bundchen wore in a Chinese Vogue spread. But neither tear up Old Glory as much as Balmain’s original, designed by Christophe DeCarnin, who recently left the fashion house after reportedly checking into a mental hospital for exhaustion and depression

Burn your own damned money.
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