Saturday, June 17, 2006

A people that deserve everything they get

I sympathize with Domenic de Villepin, morally at-sea as he is, I really pity the guy who has to deal with people like this:

POISSY, France, June 8 (Reuters) - French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, under fire after a stalled effort to cut youth unemployment, took more flak on Thursday from angry auto workers who lambasted his plans to keep older people in work.

"You don't learn anything!" one of a group of demonstrators from the CGT union called out as Villepin visited automaker Peugeot's plant in Poissy near Paris to promote his initiative to cut joblessness among older workers.

"There are 500 young people who've just been laid off while the older ones have been broken down by their working conditions and ask only to be allowed to leave in dignity!" one protester said.
They should simply change protocol and start officially referring to the Prime Minister and the President as “Mommy” and “Daddy” from now on.
Last time I checked, a government can’t create private sector jobs. They can, at best, smother it with taxes and regulation and “make employment history”, but can a government force a plant magically create work for these clowns if they shoot down any initiative to bring them into the 21st century by incrementally getting them out of the 19th century?

Protesting the existence of entry-level
employment wherever it can be found

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