Saturday, October 19, 2024

FAFO + WWIII = Free Posters for the 2024 Election

In view of the dangers of World War III and its attendant nuclear holocaust, thanks to the Joe Biden administration, our ol' friend Damian Bennett has a few posters to offer (free of charge) to anybody who wants to download them (or for that matter, simply upvote them). In addition to his GOTV (Get Out To Vote) posters, check out his new ones.

With less than a month to the election I waited to post these 'issues' posters at Bēhance so all candidates and all parties had a fair shot to weigh in. Alas, I couldn't tell if Team Harris has taken any policy positions but can wait no longer.  

The three posters skew toward how I see things, but are passably nonpartisan, YMMV -- except to the neocons who are dead set to burn the world down.
I am not an alarmist, but has no one noticed the slow walk into WWIII has gone from nudges to shoves. [Pause to notice.] 
Is the political class gone mad? Global war, which defaults to nuclear war, is not winnable. It solves nothing. It is global self-murder. Even — silence please — even the rich will suffer! The RICH! For pity’s sake. The humanity!

The original full-resolution art files (11"x17"@300dpi) can be downloaded for free here at Bēhance. If inclined, please give the big blue 'thumbs up' button a click. Please share the link with friends and acquaintances to provoke awareness of, research into, and discussion on the issues. While over there, check out the GOTV 2024 poster (also free download) and click through the other galleries, which reduces my invisibility and boosts my near-visibility on Bēhance -- as always, your clickety-clicks are much appreciated.
Reminder: Don't forget Damian Bennett's GOTV (Get Out To Vote) posters…

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