Monday, October 14, 2024

Desmistificando Narrativas — One of this blog's pivotal posts (on Trump's alleged "baseless claims" about the 2020 election) appears in Portuguese: A Verdadeira História da Eleição de 2020

It is easier for the world to accept
a simple lie than a complex truth

— Alexis de Tocqueville

Over the past 10 months, I have been translating, or having translated, one of this blog's most important posts of the past 4 years, into some of the languages I know — indeed of the past 20 years, since the post addresses one of the biggest scams of the 21st century.

Namely, Let's Stop Using the Words "Trump Tried to Overturn the 2020 Election" (It's Unprofessional Journalism), which appeared on American Thinker on the second day of 2024, just in time for the January 6th anniversary (obrigado for the Instapundit link)… 

The post (or a shortened version thereof) is now in Portuguese, thanks to a handful of Brazilians I met at the CPAC event in February, among them Kitty Tavares de Melo, who serves as Publisher and Editora-Chefe of The Florida Review (“A Voz Brasileira nos EUA desde 1985”), where she was nice enough to write that "Sua abordagem nas análises políticas é marcada por uma mescla de rigor intelectual e acessibilidade." 

Why Brazilian/Portuguese periodicals in the USA (nos EUA)? There is a huge Brazilian diaspora in North America, mainly in the Sunshine State, and, indeed, that has led Kitty de Melo to starting a second periodical… Among the top articles in issue 6 of The Voz Insight (The Voice Insight) is

the blog Swimming Against the Red Tide

Não passara! Without further ado, here is a shortened version of my January 2 post in Portuguese:

Desmistificando Narrativas: A Verdadeira História da Eleição de 2020

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