Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Election 2024: Prepare for a November Surprise

While one of his friends echoes the following scenario —  

the FBI, no doubt, has a few patsies eager to be famous and take out Biden, Harris becomes President and declares [martial] law because of the potential for chaos...or some other lame excuse...and suspends the election.

— it isn't an October surprise that Damian Bennett (who warns that the Harris steal is now in earnest) is predicting regarding the Democrat Party, it is a  November surprise, only four or five days before the election.

On Friday November 1, Joe Biden [pick one]:
A. resigns the presidency to spend more time with his family;
B. resigns the presidency due to a medical emergency;
C. is double-couped by the 25A;
D. dies in office after lunching with HRC. 

Any of the above will elevate KA-mala to the presidency days before the national presidential election, checking all the many historic 'first' boxes:
first woman president;
first kinda black woman president;
first POC president for sure;
first president to install tampon dispensers in the WH executive water closet;
first president to task the vice president as bathroom czar, dispensing towels and stocking the tampon dispenser in the executive water closet (please, no tipping)
-- and so many more firsts, firsts beyond counting, superplural firsts.

Shall we discuss [in the comments section]?
My own pessimistic take is simply that a number of Democrats — first and foremost, the vice-president herself (if, per Damian Bennett, the newly-anointed president, she will no longer be among those who still have that power) — simply refuse to certify a GOP victory, as Rep. Jamie Raskin has suggested.

Indeed, Ed Driscoll has more: while asking the question, Will Kamala commit to certifying a Trump win?Stephen L. Miller asserts that

All of [the Democrats'] moves seem to foreshadow several legal and political challenges to a Trump victory — and it will ultimately be up to Harris to rebuff them and carry out her constitutional duty of certifying a Trump victory. These comments from Harris allies, however, and the moves her own campaign is making are casting doubt on that process — and the country deserves a definitive answer before November 5.

Should Trump win the election [and didn't he do so in 2020?], we are sure to see a push from the Democratic Party and its allies in the media not to seat Donald Trump for a second and final term, invoking the insurrection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. This would cause a constitutional crisis the likes of which the country has never seen and would likely involve the Supreme Court, which the media and Democrats have targeted repeatedly in the past. 

If Trump represents the unique threat to democracy the left continues to claim, and if they truly believe he is another Hitler in waiting, a dictator from day one, to what lengths would they go to keep him out of office?

Here is hoping that one of thethings that a Trump justice department will do is to start unearthing secret emails and phone conversations between Democrats for the past ten years or so… 

Related: at The American ThinkerLet's Stop Using the Words "Trump Tried to Overturn the 2020 Election" (It's Unprofessional Journalism)

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