Friday, October 25, 2024

Contrasting retail politicking of Trump with that of Harris: KA-mala is as remote a politicker as she is an unengaged VP

Besides reminding us that the Trump-Rogan Interview [is] Set For Friday, Damian Bennett has this to share:
There is probably no greater contrast between DJT and KA-mala than their retail politicking.
That's it, that's all I have for KA-mala retail politicking. I couldn't find a single story of KA-mala plunging into the hoi-polloi to press the flesh, chat unscripted, autograph H-W camo caps, or kiss babies. If you have one, please share, I'm keen to know. 

KA-mala is as remote a politicker as she is an unengaged VP.


Bigus Macus said...

Thanks, nice comparison between the two. Trump is a high energy machine and KA-mala is an empty vessel.

Damian Bennett said...

I have watched tens of hours of DJT interviews, rallies, pressers, and retail politicking. As one granulates down to the retail politicking DJT reveals himself to be a genuinely nice guy. He has a natural and easy way conversing with voters; an engaged listener he responds directly to their concerns and situations. He has the gift of making people feel they are center stage in this busy man's life.

I have watched all of, which is to say as much as there is to watch, KA-mala presenting herself. In no forum, no venue, no medium does she come off as genuine or engaged. She has that Biden knack of making anything and everything about herself. If your house is burning, she'll get into character and tell you about the nice lawns of her middle-class upbringing in tony CA/CN neighborhoods. She is a phony that cannot be media-groomed into something real.