Five thousand munitions containing
nerve and blister agent were uncovered between 2004 and 2011. The
revelation made headlines for a day or two before vanishing again.

As it turns out, the Bush administration knew about these weapons
and, counter-intuitively, chose to keep them secret. Conjecture abounds
as to why Team Bush would choose to withhold vindicating evidence. Some
have suggested that no one wanted to look backwards at yesterday’s
… “The discoveries of these chemical weapons did not support the
government’s invasion rationale,” write Pulitzer Prize winner CJ
I can’t decide whether Chivers is deceitful or just another lazy journalist. Actually, those were
exactly the weapons we were looking for. In November of 2002,
Bush asked the UN for, and received, Resolution 1441, which found Iraq
in material breach of Resolution 667, the 1991 ceasefire agreement that
ended the Gulf War. Resolution 667 demanded that Saddam destroy all of
his chemical weapons and document the process to the satisfaction of UN
weapons inspectors. He failed to do this.
… The diplomatic push of 2002 was the
world’s final warning to the dictator that he had to forfeit those
weapons known to be in his possession in 1991. The resolution is crystal
clear. Over and over again it refers to Saddam’s failure to discard his
pre-Gulf War weaponry. CJ Chivers is not just moving the goalposts,
he’s rewriting history.
The idea that Saddam didn’t have any WMD was a little wacky, and yet
it was those of us who insisted that he did who were portrayed as
conspiracy theorists grasping at straws. He used those weapons against
Iranians and Kurds. We know that they existed in 1991. Did they simple