I just watched this video and it really made my day
writes a French expat in Texas about a Youtube video with a
World War II veteran called
Impossible Shots with Ted Gundy and Gibbs 1903A4 sniper rifle.
It may seem more like a Veteran's Day thing than Thanks Giving, but bear
with me.
I wish you could see this through my foreigners eyes. This is stuff like
that happens only in America that makes this country great. I can't
think of any other place on earth where you can get such a tear jerking
and ass kicking mix of solemnity, emotion, respect for vets, and flat
out amazement at what this old man can still do; involving guns, of
course ;-) All of that like it's the most natural thing... Well I guess
it is over here, but it certainly ain't for me.
So yeah, tis the day where you say out loud what you're greatful for. … I
have to repeat that I'm really glad [my French wife] and I made it to this great
country, and we'll stand by it when push comes to shove. [She's] got
the pen, I got the sword, let's roll! ...